How do liberals/Obamatrons/progressives plan to get elected?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
This is very fundamental basic observation that I've tried to understand.
How can Democrats/liberals/Obamatrons/progressive be able to hold offices in the future if there are

A) no more voters
B) no more wealthy people to fund their campaigns.
C) No more workers who pay dues that are donated by unions to Democrats.

The reason there would be no more voters is Democrats favor killing people in the following:
1) at least 1.3 million people killed by abortions every year. I mean it is a FACT.. Dems favor abortion.
2) Obamacare will limit services for people reaching older age. It is a fact: Obamacare CUTTING Medicare $716 billion!

The reason no more wealthy people is obvious.. Obama/Democrats want to TAKE all the wealth and.."re-distribute" it.
So who will write the $20,000 checks for dinner with Obama? I mean you can't AFFORD to have a dinner for 20,000 people paying $1 can you?

Finally if there are NO more people working because the businesses are bankrupted by government rules,regulations,taxes i.e. the businesses just can't afford to stay in business (Remember Obama SAID so.. "Cap & trade will bankrupt them"!
so if workers aren't working Unions can't collect dues! So where will Democrats/Obama get their money?

I'm just asking because it appears that the Democrats want to kill babies and old folks.
Democrats want to take all the assets wealthy people have and sell them for taxes.
Democrats want as Obama has SAID:"bankrupt them"... what will make it up?

I'm just asking... have you Democrats/liberals/progressives REALLY thought your agenda through?
I mean how can you get elections if no voters.. if no money.. if no unions???
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At some point democrats should be required to answer the question.

When did yes we can, become it's not my fault?
At some point more and MORE Democrats like Artur Davis a former Alabama DEMOCRAT who was responsible for seconding Obama's nomination in 2008 oh and by the way did I mention as Obama said.."he's black" AND like Obama educated at Harvard University (1990), Harvard Law School who
realize that the Democrat party can't continue following Obama and agenda.

I watched Mr. Davis' speech and was really impressed with his points!

And this is the "hope and change" that more of the people that were FOOLED by Obama will not be fooled again!
It'll be a pretty easy battle once we've thrown all the conservatives into the secret FEMA death camps and used ACORN to rig all the votes of independents in favor of Democrats. But shhhhh, they told me at our weekly meeting not to let that get out.
I suppose that when corporate Republicans gain complete more control of the media and educational system (and election process via the Supreme Court, for that matter), Democrats will cease to be a "problem" for them.
It'll be a pretty easy battle once we've thrown all the conservatives into the secret FEMA death camps and used ACORN to rig all the votes of independents in favor of Democrats. But shhhhh, they told me at our weekly meeting not to let that get out.

I'm just throwing out the idea that if YOU and your ilk are in favor of:
1 ) killing babies and cutting off Medicare $716 billion who will be the voters?
2) THEN of the remaining people where will they work if Obama who I'm quoting him..
"cap and trade will bankrupt them".. and "I am against the 1,400 health insurance companies that employ 400,000 people and pay over $100 billion in taxes because I Obama favor single payer"..
So if he bankrupts companies who will employ the employees that would also be paying taxes and Medicare and social security? You are aware aren't you that HALF of what is totally paid into Social security and Medicare comes from the employer???

So if there are NO employers i.e. Obama bankrupts utilities, forces insurance companies out of business.. who will be paying that other half???
It'll be a pretty easy battle once we've thrown all the conservatives into the secret FEMA death camps and used ACORN to rig all the votes of independents in favor of Democrats. But shhhhh, they told me at our weekly meeting not to let that get out.

I'm just throwing out the idea that if YOU and your ilk are in favor of:
1 ) killing babies and cutting off Medicare $716 billion who will be the voters?
2) THEN of the remaining people where will they work if Obama who I'm quoting him..
"cap and trade will bankrupt them".. and "I am against the 1,400 health insurance companies that employ 400,000 people and pay over $100 billion in taxes because I Obama favor single payer"..
So if he bankrupts companies who will employ the employees that would also be paying taxes and Medicare and social security? You are aware aren't you that HALF of what is totally paid into Social security and Medicare comes from the employer???

So if there are NO employers i.e. Obama bankrupts utilities, forces insurance companies out of business.. who will be paying that other half???

Obama's sneakier than I thought. Who knew that expanding the private sector health insurance base while simultaneously not creating a public option was how he was going to bankrupt the insurance industry? Not I. Thank you for the enlightenment.
Also, dead babies and old people - obviously SUCH a fan. Darling you just know me too well.
It'll be a pretty easy battle once we've thrown all the conservatives into the secret FEMA death camps and used ACORN to rig all the votes of independents in favor of Democrats. But shhhhh, they told me at our weekly meeting not to let that get out.

I'm just throwing out the idea that if YOU and your ilk are in favor of:
1 ) killing babies and cutting off Medicare $716 billion who will be the voters?
2) THEN of the remaining people where will they work if Obama who I'm quoting him..
"cap and trade will bankrupt them".. and "I am against the 1,400 health insurance companies that employ 400,000 people and pay over $100 billion in taxes because I Obama favor single payer"..
So if he bankrupts companies who will employ the employees that would also be paying taxes and Medicare and social security? You are aware aren't you that HALF of what is totally paid into Social security and Medicare comes from the employer???

So if there are NO employers i.e. Obama bankrupts utilities, forces insurance companies out of business.. who will be paying that other half???

Obama's sneakier than I thought. Who knew that expanding the private sector health insurance base while simultaneously not creating a public option was how he was going to bankrupt the insurance industry? Not I. Thank you for the enlightenment.

Where was he expanding the private sector health insurance base?
You think allowing adults to age 26 on parents "expanded" insurance?
You still think there are 50 million "uninsured" when 10 million counted are NOT Americans, 14 million ALREADY covered by Medicaid and 18 million THAT already pay their own health services expense as they are under 34, make over $50k and average less then $1,000/ year in health expenses? THAT was expanding private?
In truth there are 8 million that need and want insurance but idiots like you keep thinking there are 50 million and that was the agenda Obama wanted... your ignorance would eventual develop single payer!

All along, however, America’s Health Insurance Plans — the trade group that represents 1,300 health plans issued warnings about the Affordable Care Act’s

”The ACA also includes major provisions that will raise costs and disrupt the coverage on which millions of people rely today. Many of these harmful provisions go into effect simultaneously on January 1, 2014 – meaning the potential exists for significant destabilization of insurance markets in many states, particularly for those who rely on individual and small group coverage.

America's Health Insurance Plans - Affordable Care Act

Demographics clearly favor the Democrats. So, if they want to stay strong and competitive, they can do one of two things: (1) They can stick to their guns and not pander to specific minority groups, in which case they'll have to do one helluva better job of explaining why they're not pandering, or (2) They need to lighten up on a few issues, including immigration and some social agendas, and do a better job of reaching out to minorities.

Seems to me, anyway.


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