How did the left become the "party of science"?

Windmill cancer. Make sure you don't get Windmill cancer
Want to talk about who belongs in a Nursing home? Trump bizarrely claimed windmills are driving whales ‘crazy’ in South Carolina speech.

and his poetry

"I never understood wind.
You know, I know
windmills very much.
I have studied it
better than anybody
else. It’s very expensive.
They are made in China
and Germany mostly.
—Very few made here, almost none,
but they are manufactured, tremendous
—if you are into this—
tremendous fumes. Gases are
spewing into the atmosphere. You know
we have a world
So the world
is tiny
compared to the universe.
So tremendous, tremendous
amount of fumes and everything.
You talk about
the carbon footprint
— fumes are spewing into the air.
Right? Spewing.
Whether it’s in China,
Germany, it’s going into the air.
It’s our air
their air
everything — right?
A windmill will kill many bald eagles.
After a certain number
they make you turn the windmill off.
That is true.
—By the way
they make you turn it off.
And yet, if you killed one
they put you in jail.
That is OK.
You want to see a bird graveyard?
You just go.
Take a look.
A bird graveyard.
Go under a windmill someday,
you’ll see
more birds
than you’ve ever seen
in your life."

~ D. Trump


Asheville Poetry Review

note: Arlette 's attackers: martybegan Bob Blaylock Auld Phart 1srelluc progressive hunter
They want gas stove manufacturers to use the latest tech to burn the gas more efficiently. You know about asthma rates right.

No, they want gas stoves banned and replaced with electric stoves. next will come the heaters.

They make the standards impossible for a gas stove to meet without increasing the costs by an order of magnitude, thus leaving electric as the only way to go.

Electric OVENS are better than gas, but gas range tops are better than electric.
Want to talk about who belongs in a Nursing home? Trump bizarrely claimed windmills are driving whales ‘crazy’ in South Carolina speech.

and his poetry

"I never understood wind.
You know, I know
windmills very much.
I have studied it
better than anybody
else. It’s very expensive.
They are made in China
and Germany mostly.
—Very few made here, almost none,
but they are manufactured, tremendous
—if you are into this—
tremendous fumes. Gases are
spewing into the atmosphere. You know
we have a world
So the world
is tiny
compared to the universe.
So tremendous, tremendous
amount of fumes and everything.
You talk about
the carbon footprint
— fumes are spewing into the air.
Right? Spewing.
Whether it’s in China,
Germany, it’s going into the air.
It’s our air
their air
everything — right?
A windmill will kill many bald eagles.
After a certain number
they make you turn the windmill off.
That is true.
—By the way
they make you turn it off.
And yet, if you killed one
they put you in jail.
That is OK.
You want to see a bird graveyard?
You just go.
Take a look.
A bird graveyard.
Go under a windmill someday,
you’ll see
more birds
than you’ve ever seen
in your life."

~ D. Trump


Asheville Poetry Review

note: Arlette 's attackers: martybegan Bob Blaylock Auld Phart 1srelluc progressive hunter
Yeah, that's why so many casino's go bankrupt. Oh wait! Trump's father...

never mind
You're really flailing worse than usual today, Dainty. :auiqs.jpg:

I mean when you come right down to it their track record is not very impressive at all.

In the late 80's-early 90's they were all saying that everyone is going to get cancer from the hole in the ozone. There is still a large chunk of the human race that is cancer free.

In the late 2000's Al Gore told us there would be no polar ice caps by 2013 due to global warming. They're still there.

Greta Thunberg said we would all be dead from climate change by now. And of course, being a teenager with no area of expertise in the field, she should be taken seriously.

They told us at the beginning of covid that masks don't work. Then they did if they were N95. Then a piece of pillow case over your face was sufficient.

They are also the same people that pushed rules such as you must have a mask on in a restaurant when waiting for your food, but can remove them when eating because covid apparently took a break during mealtime.

They said the "vaccine" would prevent covid. It didn't. Then it would stop the transmission of it. It didn't. Then it would be a mild case if vaccinated. Vaccinated people still died and they still do.

They try to force the idea that the number of genders is infinite. Scientifically, there are two.

Sigh, I guess they wormed their way deep into government (people who fund science) and academia....You know the people who research and affirm conclusions that those who fund them want to hear.

As soon as they figured out that they could call anything they want "science" and nobody would question it.


The world wonders..... 😐
The left is not the party of science.

The GOP is the party of science deniers.
Want to talk about who belongs in a Nursing home? Trump bizarrely claimed windmills are driving whales ‘crazy’ in South Carolina speech.

and his poetry

"I never understood wind.
You know, I know
windmills very much.
I have studied it
better than anybody
else. It’s very expensive.
They are made in China
and Germany mostly.
—Very few made here, almost none,
but they are manufactured, tremendous
—if you are into this—
tremendous fumes. Gases are
spewing into the atmosphere. You know
we have a world
So the world
is tiny
compared to the universe.
So tremendous, tremendous
amount of fumes and everything.
You talk about
the carbon footprint
— fumes are spewing into the air.
Right? Spewing.
Whether it’s in China,
Germany, it’s going into the air.
It’s our air
their air
everything — right?
A windmill will kill many bald eagles.
After a certain number
they make you turn the windmill off.
That is true.
—By the way
they make you turn it off.
And yet, if you killed one
they put you in jail.
That is OK.
You want to see a bird graveyard?
You just go.
Take a look.
A bird graveyard.
Go under a windmill someday,
you’ll see
more birds
than you’ve ever seen
in your life."

~ D. Trump


Asheville Poetry Review

note: Arlette 's attackers: martybegan Bob Blaylock Auld Phart 1srelluc progressive hunter
I really don't care what trump says.

IMO, both trump and biden belong in asylums, or, better yet, coffins.
No, they want gas stoves banned and replaced with electric stoves. next will come the heaters.

They make the standards impossible for a gas stove to meet without increasing the costs by an order of magnitude, thus leaving electric as the only way to go.

Electric OVENS are better than gas, but gas range tops are better than electric.

Now you're just hyperbolic. Have you seen the new electric stoves?
Want to talk about who belongs in a Nursing home? Trump bizarrely claimed windmills are driving whales ‘crazy’ in South Carolina speech.

and his poetry

"I never understood wind.
You know, I know
windmills very much.
I have studied it
better than anybody
else. It’s very expensive.
They are made in China
and Germany mostly.
—Very few made here, almost none,
but they are manufactured, tremendous
—if you are into this—
tremendous fumes. Gases are
spewing into the atmosphere. You know
we have a world
So the world
is tiny
compared to the universe.
So tremendous, tremendous
amount of fumes and everything.
You talk about
the carbon footprint
— fumes are spewing into the air.
Right? Spewing.
Whether it’s in China,
Germany, it’s going into the air.
It’s our air
their air
everything — right?
A windmill will kill many bald eagles.
After a certain number
they make you turn the windmill off.
That is true.
—By the way
they make you turn it off.
And yet, if you killed one
they put you in jail.
That is OK.
You want to see a bird graveyard?
You just go.
Take a look.
A bird graveyard.
Go under a windmill someday,
you’ll see
more birds
than you’ve ever seen
in your life."

~ D. Trump


Asheville Poetry Review

note: Arlette 's attackers: martybegan Bob Blaylock Auld Phart 1srelluc progressive hunter

another one far too old to be using that type of slang. Do you go to dance clubs where young people hang out? You know, every club has at least one creepy old guy trying to relive a youth they failed at in real life.
So you've got the living shit beat out of you on the alleged "science", and have nothing else to say.

Your capitulation is accepted.

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