How dare you call our entirely discredited cover story on Benghazi false


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
DWS strikes again:

PIERS MORGAN: The really important horse that should be flogged is the behavior and the statements of those who were in positions of responsibility and, we would assume, knowledge. And it’s pretty un-American, pretty un-American to be putting out completely false statements before you know the facts. Isn’t it?
DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: Piers, it is not, it is not OK for you to be saying that the administration was putting out completely false statements. They put out information that they had at the time based on the intelligence they were given and then as the days wore on and more…
MORGAN: That turned out to be completely wrong.
WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: Well, that doesn’t mean it was false."

DWS to Piers Morgan: How dare you call our entirely discredited cover story on Benghazi false, or something « Hot Air


"false adjective \ˈfȯls\
Definition of FALSE
: not genuine <false documents> <false teeth>

a : intentionally untrue <false testimony>
b : adjusted or made so as to deceive <false scales> <a trunk with a false bottom>
c : intended or tending to mislead <a false promise>

: not true <false concepts>

a : not faithful or loyal : treacherous <a false friend>
b : lacking naturalness or sincerity <false sympathy>

a : not essential or permanent —used of parts of a structure that are temporary or supplemental
b : fitting over a main part to strengthen it, to protect it, or to disguise its appearance <a false ceiling>

: inaccurate in pitch <a false note>

a : based on mistaken ideas <false pride>

b : inconsistent with the facts <a false position> <a false sense of security>

False - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
That's why the panel wants Susan Rice's testimony under oath to tell them who gave her the information that led her to announce it was because of the video. I can't wait to hear her answer.
Yeah, I just watched that clip a little while ago as she claimed that a false report is really not false. WTF? Who is dumb enough to buy that load of crap...oh, never mind, most of the left-wing comes to mind. ~shrug~
Yeah, I just watched that clip a little while ago as she claimed that a false report is really not false. WTF? Who is dumb enough to buy that load of crap...oh, never mind, most of the left-wing comes to mind. ~shrug~

It's WRONG...not FALSE. How dare you imply they are the same thing...

(Quick rush to wiki to change definition of "false" and "wrong")

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