How conservatives lost their moral compass

How conservatives lost their moral compass


American history can be read as a series of episodes in which we reached what could be called a “tipping point” of shame — when our behavior became so egregious that we, as a people, decided to desist from our worst excesses, whether it was slavery or antipathy to immigrants.

Take civil rights. The majority of Americans, even outside the South, might originally have had little real enthusiasm for the civil rights movement. Most urged patience. It was only after the public saw the beatings during the Freedom Rides, the firehoses and police dogs at Selma and the church bombing in Birmingham that Americans were shamed into accepting the claims of African-Americans to equal justice under the law. Shame was the moralizing force.

Shame also defeated the hatred of Father Charles Coughlin, the famous “radio priest” who laid the Great Depression at the feet of Jewish international bankers, and Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who recklessly accused his critics of communist treachery. Both had reached that tipping point at which ordinary Americans felt these provocateurs had gone too far. Americans felt shamed.

There is a reason we have never previously had a hatemonger like Rush Limbaugh enjoy popularity for as long as he has. The reason was shame. You couldn’t find enough people, let alone a broadcaster, who wanted to be identified with that sort of viciousness. The initial enthusiasm for it eventually waned.

But that was then. Surely when a group can publicly cheer a man’s death for not having health insurance, the sense of shame is gone. It faded not only because liberals had subverted it by casting it as a conservative scheme to corset society, but because conservatives managed to delegitimize it. They attacked it as yet another elitist scheme, contrived to neuter strong conservatism.

Conservatives portray shame as a way of making people feel bad about the lesser angels of their nature. Which is exactly what shame should be.
Their bigger trick, though, has not been to delegitimize shame so much as to convert shamelessness into a valid political position. It can be attacked only at the peril of seeming to take sides in our political wars — which the mainstream media steadfastly refuse to do.


My type of conservative doesn't embrace a man called Tiller who could in all his coldness love and adore dragging a baby out of a womb and killing it.

That's a lib.

You are a democrat that loves a man who could do this.

You are disgusting.
Seems like liberals think they have a moral compass and that's the only one that counts. It's moral to kill babies. It's moral to normalize same sex relationships. It's moral to rob someone who works and give the money to someone who doesn't. If that's your moral compass, no wonder you are going in the wrong direction.

There are also some that believe it's alright to kill the disabled to harvest their organs. Is killing immoral? Apparently not to some.

and to some its ok to kill because you hold different religious values, or are gay.

We can play this all day..fuckface

lets just have it out then.

why do you support muslims when muslims are anti abortion and kill gays based on their sexuality.

I really want a fucking answer.

All the while condeming Christianity?

Talk about bullshit sister.........
Plasma. I'm not kidding. I'd really would like an answer on this.

I just went thru hell and back on the Shafia trial up here. Lib sisters were trying to make this a domestic violence issue.

Holy fucking mother toledo, it was an honor killing bar none. They killed all these beautiful children for some fucking whacko dads sense of honor.

I had to fight the lib bitches from hell that I used to think were my friends as they tried to portray this mass killing as a "domestic violence" issue.

What the hell is wrong with this picture? I'm just glad we won. Wasn't easy. And we called it for what it was.

I don't think the writer of that opinion piece actually heard the debate in which he claims, "Rep. Ron Paul’s declaration that an uninsured 30-year-old man who needs medical care should be left to die".

He betrays an ignorance of that particular exchange later when he says, "Indeed, even if they harbored those feelings, the nation’s overwhelming sense of Judeo-Christian moral righteousness forced them to at least talk about concern for the underprivileged. No one wanted to seem mean."

If that idiot had actually watched the full debate instead of what he heard about that debate, he would have known that Ron Paul went on at some length about it is the responsibility of the 30-year-old to get health insurance before he gets into an accident which puts him in a coma.

The scenario Ron Paul was given was of a man who could afford insurance, not one who couldn't. But the hysterical liberal spinners always shriek that conservatives cheered the death of a man who could NOT afford insurance.

Ron Paul also went on to say that churches and charitable groups used to take care of such people, and that is what he would prefer.

So this asshole who wrote the opinion piece is quite literally MAKING SHIT UP!!!

I often find that - when one has the intellect to actually question instead of blindly accepting what one is told - the reality is somewhat different to the one presented.
How conservatives lost their moral compass


American history can be read as a series of episodes in which we reached what could be called a “tipping point” of shame — when our behavior became so egregious that we, as a people, decided to desist from our worst excesses, whether it was slavery or antipathy to immigrants.

Take civil rights. The majority of Americans, even outside the South, might originally have had little real enthusiasm for the civil rights movement. Most urged patience. It was only after the public saw the beatings during the Freedom Rides, the firehoses and police dogs at Selma and the church bombing in Birmingham that Americans were shamed into accepting the claims of African-Americans to equal justice under the law. Shame was the moralizing force.

Shame also defeated the hatred of Father Charles Coughlin, the famous “radio priest” who laid the Great Depression at the feet of Jewish international bankers, and Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who recklessly accused his critics of communist treachery. Both had reached that tipping point at which ordinary Americans felt these provocateurs had gone too far. Americans felt shamed.

There is a reason we have never previously had a hatemonger like Rush Limbaugh enjoy popularity for as long as he has. The reason was shame. You couldn’t find enough people, let alone a broadcaster, who wanted to be identified with that sort of viciousness. The initial enthusiasm for it eventually waned.

But that was then. Surely when a group can publicly cheer a man’s death for not having health insurance, the sense of shame is gone. It faded not only because liberals had subverted it by casting it as a conservative scheme to corset society, but because conservatives managed to delegitimize it. They attacked it as yet another elitist scheme, contrived to neuter strong conservatism.

Conservatives portray shame as a way of making people feel bad about the lesser angels of their nature. Which is exactly what shame should be.
Their bigger trick, though, has not been to delegitimize shame so much as to convert shamelessness into a valid political position. It can be attacked only at the peril of seeming to take sides in our political wars — which the mainstream media steadfastly refuse to do.


What utter bullshit... you're fucking deranged.
I don't know if they've lost their compass or not, but because of all the dark hatred for Obama, which morphed into hatred for each other during the GOP candidate selection, I'd be willing to say that the glass of their compass is a mite bit cloudy from all the dirt they've been slinging.
I don't know if they've lost their compass or not, but because of all the dark hatred for Obama, which morphed into hatred for each other during the GOP candidate selection, I'd be willing to say that the glass of their compass is a mite bit cloudy from all the dirt they've been slinging.

Well, I must admit, we don't have the love fest for Obama that you had for Bush.
I don't know if they've lost their compass or not, but because of all the dark hatred for Obama, which morphed into hatred for each other during the GOP candidate selection, I'd be willing to say that the glass of their compass is a mite bit cloudy from all the dirt they've been slinging.

Well, I must admit, we don't have the love fest for Obama that you had for Bush.

Apparently, based on the current GOP race, you don't even have much love for each other.

Way to fracture yourselves!
I don't know if they've lost their compass or not, but because of all the dark hatred for Obama, which morphed into hatred for each other during the GOP candidate selection, I'd be willing to say that the glass of their compass is a mite bit cloudy from all the dirt they've been slinging.

Well, I must admit, we don't have the love fest for Obama that you had for Bush.

Apparently, based on the current GOP race, you don't even have much love for each other.

Way to fracture yourselves!

Oh please....

lol, they want people to forget all those love in's the left exposed the rest of us to during the Bush years..

now it's DARK hatred for the poor Obama..dear me...:lol:
I don't know if they've lost their compass or not, but because of all the dark hatred for Obama, which morphed into hatred for each other during the GOP candidate selection, I'd be willing to say that the glass of their compass is a mite bit cloudy from all the dirt they've been slinging.

FYI, Dark hatred is crypto-racist phrase. you have been reported to Fight the Smears and all the other Obama Defense Organizations
After FDR's friends the Soviets tried to start WWIII in Berlin and immediately before FDRs friends the ChiComs started killing American soldiers in Korea, Joe McCarthy warned us that US State and the White House had genuine Communist spies and history vindicates him completely

The problem with McCarthyism is the same problem with all tyrannies. You could be accused of being a Commie even if you weren't.

If the megolamaniac is finding a commie under every bed, that just undermines the whole cause. Which is exactly what the drunken Senator from Wisconsin did.

Too bad that the Communists themselves admitted McCarthy was right, that they did penetrate State and WH.

Too bad my point flew several miles over your head.

And you're a stupid fuck to boot

What are you...nine years old?
How conservatives lost their moral compass


American history can be read as a series of episodes in which we reached what could be called a “tipping point” of shame — when our behavior became so egregious that we, as a people, decided to desist from our worst excesses, whether it was slavery or antipathy to immigrants.

Take civil rights. The majority of Americans, even outside the South, might originally have had little real enthusiasm for the civil rights movement. Most urged patience. It was only after the public saw the beatings during the Freedom Rides, the firehoses and police dogs at Selma and the church bombing in Birmingham that Americans were shamed into accepting the claims of African-Americans to equal justice under the law. Shame was the moralizing force.

Shame also defeated the hatred of Father Charles Coughlin, the famous “radio priest” who laid the Great Depression at the feet of Jewish international bankers, and Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who recklessly accused his critics of communist treachery. Both had reached that tipping point at which ordinary Americans felt these provocateurs had gone too far. Americans felt shamed.

There is a reason we have never previously had a hatemonger like Rush Limbaugh enjoy popularity for as long as he has. The reason was shame. You couldn’t find enough people, let alone a broadcaster, who wanted to be identified with that sort of viciousness. The initial enthusiasm for it eventually waned.

But that was then. Surely when a group can publicly cheer a man’s death for not having health insurance, the sense of shame is gone. It faded not only because liberals had subverted it by casting it as a conservative scheme to corset society, but because conservatives managed to delegitimize it. They attacked it as yet another elitist scheme, contrived to neuter strong conservatism.

Conservatives portray shame as a way of making people feel bad about the lesser angels of their nature. Which is exactly what shame should be.
Their bigger trick, though, has not been to delegitimize shame so much as to convert shamelessness into a valid political position. It can be attacked only at the peril of seeming to take sides in our political wars — which the mainstream media steadfastly refuse to do.


I haven't lost my "morale compass," asswipe.
I still feel two men sticking their dicks into each other's asses, is immoral.
Unlike you.
I don't know if they've lost their compass or not, but because of all the dark hatred for Obama, which morphed into hatred for each other during the GOP candidate selection, I'd be willing to say that the glass of their compass is a mite bit cloudy from all the dirt they've been slinging.

Oh shut the fuck up. Progressives have turned hate-mongering into a hobby.

Remember Bush?

Progressives said some of the most hateful and vile things about him and used policies Obama supports to justify their bullshit.

They labeled the guy a warmonger, not to mention a "Nazi" for the Patriot Act...

Obama got us into war, and contributed to war, Obama extended the Patriot Act three times..

I suppose since the motherfucker is a progressive that makes it ALL FINE AND DANDY.

I suppose it's not about ideas themselves, its about who invents and pushes them.

Oh and just for the record I hate every tyrant.... Republican or Democrat - it makes no difference to me.

Besides, it's pretty pathetic how progressives believe everyone should like and agree with them...

In what universe do your opinions really matter or translate into law??? oh yeah they don't because your opinions are baseless. Your opinions are based on knee-jerk emotions.
How conservatives lost their moral compass


American history can be read as a series of episodes in which we reached what could be called a “tipping point” of shame — when our behavior became so egregious that we, as a people, decided to desist from our worst excesses, whether it was slavery or antipathy to immigrants.

Take civil rights. The majority of Americans, even outside the South, might originally have had little real enthusiasm for the civil rights movement. Most urged patience. It was only after the public saw the beatings during the Freedom Rides, the firehoses and police dogs at Selma and the church bombing in Birmingham that Americans were shamed into accepting the claims of African-Americans to equal justice under the law. Shame was the moralizing force.

Shame also defeated the hatred of Father Charles Coughlin, the famous “radio priest” who laid the Great Depression at the feet of Jewish international bankers, and Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who recklessly accused his critics of communist treachery. Both had reached that tipping point at which ordinary Americans felt these provocateurs had gone too far. Americans felt shamed.

There is a reason we have never previously had a hatemonger like Rush Limbaugh enjoy popularity for as long as he has. The reason was shame. You couldn’t find enough people, let alone a broadcaster, who wanted to be identified with that sort of viciousness. The initial enthusiasm for it eventually waned.

But that was then. Surely when a group can publicly cheer a man’s death for not having health insurance, the sense of shame is gone. It faded not only because liberals had subverted it by casting it as a conservative scheme to corset society, but because conservatives managed to delegitimize it. They attacked it as yet another elitist scheme, contrived to neuter strong conservatism.

Conservatives portray shame as a way of making people feel bad about the lesser angels of their nature. Which is exactly what shame should be.
Their bigger trick, though, has not been to delegitimize shame so much as to convert shamelessness into a valid political position. It can be attacked only at the peril of seeming to take sides in our political wars — which the mainstream media steadfastly refuse to do.


My type of conservative doesn't embrace a man called Tiller who could in all his coldness love and adore dragging a baby out of a womb and killing it.

That's a lib.

You are a democrat that loves a man who could do this.

You are disgusting.

You're the type of "conservative" would force a woman who has been raped by some degenerate crack addict to have his baby and raise it.

You are disgusting and ignorant.
There are also some that believe it's alright to kill the disabled to harvest their organs. Is killing immoral? Apparently not to some.

and to some its ok to kill because you hold different religious values, or are gay.

We can play this all day..fuckface

lets just have it out then.

why do you support muslims when muslims are anti abortion and kill gays based on their sexuality.

I really want a fucking answer.

All the while condeming Christianity?

Talk about bullshit sister.........

"support muslims". What does that mean?

You don't even know, do you?
I don't know if they've lost their compass or not, but because of all the dark hatred for Obama, which morphed into hatred for each other during the GOP candidate selection, I'd be willing to say that the glass of their compass is a mite bit cloudy from all the dirt they've been slinging.
Oh, don't be fooled - they had just as much hate for Clinton. And they have just as much hate for Carter.

The times they lived in didn't permit the blatant display of hate that we see with Obama.

Because even 10 years ago, conservatives had a sense of shame. Now, they will say anything. Anything. Because they have lost their moral compass.

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