How can you vote for Obama when he supports anti-American platforms....?

Obama agrees with Communist and Socialist party platforms...

•Obama believes every person has a “right” to health care. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s part of their platforms.

•Obama believes labor unions should be allowed to organize workers without approval being subject to secret ballots. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s part of their platforms.

•Obama believes there is an inherent “right” to housing. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s part of their platforms.

•Obama has promoted an open-borders agenda. The Communist Party and Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s in their platforms.

•Obama has radically reduced the size and power of the U.S. military. The Communist Party and Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s in their platforms.

•Obama has steadfastly promoted a “steeply graduated” income tax. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s in their platforms.

I could go on and on. In fact, it would be much easier to find the very few, if any, areas of disagreement between Obama and the radical socialist parties of the U.S. or Europe or Latin America.

Why I turned down spot on ‘The Daily Show’

Who is to say what is American?
Obama agrees with Communist and Socialist party platforms...

•Obama believes every person has a “right” to health care. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s part of their platforms.

•Obama believes labor unions should be allowed to organize workers without approval being subject to secret ballots. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s part of their platforms.

•Obama believes there is an inherent “right” to housing. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s part of their platforms.

•Obama has promoted an open-borders agenda. The Communist Party and Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s in their platforms.

•Obama has radically reduced the size and power of the U.S. military. The Communist Party and Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s in their platforms.

•Obama has steadfastly promoted a “steeply graduated” income tax. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s in their platforms.

I could go on and on. In fact, it would be much easier to find the very few, if any, areas of disagreement between Obama and the radical socialist parties of the U.S. or Europe or Latin America.

Why I turned down spot on ‘The Daily Show’

Who is to say what is American?

the U.S. Constitution...
What does that have to do with Obama Care?

the goal of "Obamacare" is eventually socialized medicine.....communists and socialists as well as Obama believe in the "right" to health care which is stated in their platforms (and which is nowhere in our Constitution). they believe government must provide and control it.... did Lenin....see my sig line re Lenin quote....
you can "believe" what you want to in this country....hence the freedom of commies and nazis...

however putting those beliefs into force can certainly be considered anti-American...

...needless to say only idiots cannot tell the difference...

You shouldnt call yourself names then.

fucking retarded thread by a fucking retard.

nothing retarded about this thread.....except for those who still support in the anti-American Democrat/Communist/Socialist platform.....

shut up
What does that have to do with Obama Care?

the goal of "Obamacare" is eventually socialized medicine.....communists and socialists as well as Obama believe in the "right" to health care which is stated in their platforms (and which is nowhere in our Constitution). they believe government must provide and control it.... did Lenin....see my sig line re Lenin quote....

If an American thinks that a Socialist policy is good for America, then it is American to them. YOU have only your opinion on what is American.
Obama agrees with Communist and Socialist party platforms...
If you consider not voting for Willard as a vote for Obama... Yes... I can absolutely vote for Obama.

that's a cop out......Willard may be far from the best candidate but he's what we got and he at least represents a fundamental turnaround from the direction BO is taking us...
My oh my! Those Ron Paul supporters really do not like Mitt. Has Dr. Paul suggested that he is not going to cast his vote or Mitt?
Yes... Pretty much.

Um... Not that I think it matters to most Ron supporters. Even if Ron did say vote for Mitt, I don't think most of them would... Maybe... 30%...
The ANTI AMERICAN label is a fear tactic. Like if you dont worship this country then you are anti american or something. My god and my family come long long long before my country.
Obama agrees with Communist and Socialist party platforms...
If you consider not voting for Willard as a vote for Obama... Yes... I can absolutely vote for Obama.

that's a cop out......Willard may be far from the best candidate but he's what we got and he at least represents a fundamental turnaround from the direction BO is taking us...
Feel free to think it's a cop out... I don't mind. I am not voting for Willard... Unless:
What does that have to do with Obama Care?

the goal of "Obamacare" is eventually socialized medicine.....communists and socialists as well as Obama believe in the "right" to health care which is stated in their platforms (and which is nowhere in our Constitution). they believe government must provide and control it.... did Lenin....see my sig line re Lenin quote....

If an American thinks that a Socialist policy is good for America, then it is American to them. YOU have only your opinion on what is American.

Most Americans don't like Obamacare....but we have it. So Obamacare isn't American to most in this country. :confused:

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