How Bill Clinton Sent Manufacturing Jobs to China (A Walk memory lane)

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
On May 28, 1993 Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 12850. This improper EO changed the way the U.S. made trade deals with China and led to the loss of tens of millions of American manufacturing jobs. The story of how this was done not only proves that the Clintons are behind the loss of American jobs, but shows how Bill Clinton established a Democratic strategy for manipulating foreign policy that was copied by both Hillary while she was Secretary of State and Obama while he was president.

At the time, U.S.-China trade relations were conditioned upon China’s humanitarian treatment of its own citizens. Americans had seen protesters in Tiananmen Square crushed by Chinese tanks. The brutality of the Chinese toward unarmed protesters had shocked Americans so much that China was required to treat its citizens in a humanitarian way in order to maintain its MFN (Most Favored Nation) status.

China desperately needed to keep its MFN status for one reason: only with MFN status could it get a huge discount on tariffs it had to pay to the U.S. With MFN Chinese manufacturers only had to pay a 6% tariff. Without it they would have had to pay an unprofitable 40%. So without its MFN status China couldn’t as easily compete with American manufacturers. China’s MFN status was suspended during the Korean War, but conditionally reinstated in 1980 under the Jackson-Vanir freedom of emigration amendment to the Trade Act of 1974.

This is where Bill Clinton stepped in. With his 1993 Executive Order, he unconstitutionally seized control of the MFN conditions, removing it from the involvement of Congress, just as Obama seized treaty control away from the Senate with his Iranian nuke deal.

(Excerpt) Read more at .

Clinton’s Executive Order was issued at a time when the U.S.-China trade deficit was only $18 billion a year. In 2015 the deficit was $367 billion.

That's a LOT of "Cha-Ching"!
Praise the lord this Age/Season will be coming to an end and the criminal Clinton's and their cohorts will be going to that place of reward soon.
A Clinton donor sold the Chinese rocket guidance technology...if Trump allowed that he would have been convicted and imprisoned...but ol Bill the democrat just goes on like nothing happened and gets on the Lolita express and flies off into the sunset....this whole tariff thing would not be necessary today if Clinton and Bush and Obama had done their job yesterday....
Since we are going down memory lane:

As Reagan’s reelection bid approached, the president sought to highlight his desire to improve the diplomatic relationship with Chinese leadership at a time of growing trade between the two nations. Other topics that came up included U.S. help to China to develop commercial nuclear power and China’s displeasure with continuing U.S. support for Taiwan.

Four documents were signed on avoiding double taxation and tax evasion.

Hours after Reagan’s departure on May 1, the official New China News Agency said the visit marked a “significant step forward” in relations between the two countries, although Taiwan "remains a major obstacle.”
President Reagan visits China: April 26, 1984

Friend of China
George H. W. Bush was a one-term president but he played a pivotal role in Washington’s foreign policy towards Beijing for decades and remains one of the best-known American names in China.

A second world war veteran and a foreign policy realist, the 41st American president – like other towering figures such as Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan – recognised the geopolitical importance of communist China.

Bush, who died on Saturday, is best remembered in China for his 14-month stint as America’s de facto ambassador to Beijing in the 1970s and his efforts to steer the relations through the aftermath of the bloody Tiananmen Square crackdown in June 1989.

Despite his mixed reputation in the United States, he is deeply respected in China as “an old friend”.
George H. W. Bush – the foreign policy realist and ‘old friend’ of China

Friend of China
George H. W. Bush was a one-term president but he played a pivotal role in Washington’s foreign policy towards Beijing for decades and remains one of the best-known American names in China.

A second world war veteran and a foreign policy realist, the 41st American president – like other towering figures such as Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan – recognised the geopolitical importance of communist China.

Bush, who died on Saturday, is best remembered in China for his 14-month stint as America’s de facto ambassador to Beijing in the 1970s and his efforts to steer the relations through the aftermath of the bloody Tiananmen Square crackdown in June 1989.

Despite his mixed reputation in the United States, he is deeply respected in China as “an old friend”.
George H. W. Bush – the foreign policy realist and ‘old friend’ of China
We know what they are. Hence Trump was elected. Getting shoved the same globalist RINOS election after election. Sadly after Trump is gone there are very few who will tell it like it is. Everything is what you want to believe. After getting out of the military and being denied half decent jpobs a second time due to the affirmative action and quotas that is when I started to have anattitude. I purchased books on the false government that dealt with economics. It told us what we see today. And the Bush family was part of it. It is just believing it. Reagan was no max right wing conservative. But closer then the Bush family globalist forced on him in 1980. To much evidence of wars and massive financial incompetence by that family with the golly gee attitude like it was Mayberry. They were in the mold of Woody Wilson, FDR, LBJ and other war mongers. Prog Dems in RINO bodies.

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