How are we going to EVER win if everyone keeps losing?


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Have you ever seen a moron try and turn around on a one way street?
Does that remind you of our society and economy?
What are we going to do about it?
What do YOU propose we do?
Everyone isn't losing. That's a myth that is perpetrated by those who need your permission in the form of a vote to allow them to use the powers of government to pick the winners and losers. They need for you to believe the situation is dire and if you don't act, we're all going down the tubes. A lot of us may but a lot of won't. For every loser, someone is winning. While you are watching a moron try to turn around on a one-way street, someone is out there demonstrating the driving skill of the best stunt driver on earth. It's about your perception and what you choose to see... or what you choose not to see.
Everyone isn't losing. That's a myth that is perpetrated by those who need your permission in the form of a vote to allow them to use the powers of government to pick the winners and losers. They need for you to believe the situation is dire and if you don't act, we're all going down the tubes. A lot of us may but a lot of won't. For every loser, someone is winning. While you are watching a moron try to turn around on a one-way street, someone is out there demonstrating the driving skill of the best stunt driver on earth. It's about your perception and what you choose to see... or what you choose not to see.
Yea, bullshit. Not literally everyone. Be real
as long as our Defense Dept. needs serious $$$$, winning and calling it quits isn't an option..

fueling Defense contractors and awarding contracts to Bell, Boeing, GE, etc etc keep us the #1 war machine on the planet.
as long as our Defense Dept. needs serious $$$$, winning and calling it quits isn't an option..

fueling Defense contractors and awarding contracts to Bell, Boeing, GE, etc etc keep us the #1 war machine on the planet.
They don't. Some in the military have evensaid that. Nonetheless, it gets shoved down their/our throats
I've see lots of people turn around on a one way street. Isn't that what you are supposed to do? What mostly lefties forget is that we live in the greatest Country that ever existed in the world. We could squash the jihad pip squeeks in a single bombing run but the administration keeps them around because mostly lefties need their dose of anger and frustration every day.

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