How about this wildly confusing Supreme Court? What's next?



When you look at the last few rulings of this Supreme Court, the question is "what's next"?

Republicans freaked when Obamacare (formerly Romneycare) was found to be constitutional. Remember the vitriol?

Then the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights act. Remember the dozens of felony charges against the GOP? Remember Ohio GOP leaders admitting to targeting blacks? Remember Pennsylvania saying they have sewn up the votes for Mitt by targeting?
Remember even some Republicans saying what their party is going is worse than what goes on in third world countries?

And now the Supreme Court finds the "Defense of Marriage Act" unconstitutional? Remember, Republicans hate gays more than they hate blacks. At least they allow a few blacks into their Party, but gays? I think they would allow Muslims before gays.

And what's next on the docket?

Personhood" laws saying life begins at conception.

Whether federal courts can hear claims by foreign nationals of international law violations. (a biggie. Think of the ramifications to American business)

Electronic monitoring of targeted foreigners suspected of terrorism or spying.

Race-conscious admissions policies to universities. (I wish they would address White People's Affirmative Action - letting Bush and McCain jump over tens of thousands of more qualified simply because daddy pulled strings - C minus and 5th from the bottom out of 899 respectively)

So what's next?

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