How a Burnt Lady Gaga CD Helped Leak 250,000 U.S. Embassy Cables to WikiLeaks


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
It was childishly easy, according to the published chatlog of a conversation Manning had with a fellow-hacker. “I would come in with music on a CD-RW labelled with something like ‘Lady Gaga’ … erase the music … then write a compressed split file. No one suspected a thing … listened and lip-synched to Lady Gaga’s Telephone while exfiltrating possibly the largest data spillage in American history.” He said that he “had unprecedented access to classified networks 14 hours a day 7 days a week for 8+ months”.

How a Burnt Lady Gaga CD Helped Leak 250,000 U.S. Embassy Cables to WikiLeaks | Disinformation
That little faggot needs to hang for it... and some heads need to roll for allowing it!

It shows a great deal of weakness on our governments part.

Very sloppy indeed.

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