House Jan 6 Committee has subpoenaed Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Boris Epshteyn, Jenna Ellis

read again.

They clearly all worked on reversing outcome of the election, publicly and privately. That is clearly relvant to the ongoing Congressional investigation into events that culminated in Jan 6th attack on Congress.
Your opinion that they tried to reverse the outcome isn't evidence....And even if it were, where's the criminal act?
I'm not exactly sure, but.....but I think the good poster 'Ima' is intimating that if the GOP wins the House in 2023 this Select Committee will end?

OK, let's presume that that is what poster Ima is suggesting.

If so, that brings up a point of curiosity for my poor avatar.
Meaning, if it looks like the Committee doesn't wrap up prior to the results of the election, yet there is belief that the investigation has merit and will produce stuff that American citizens should know.....well, could Joe Biden then appoint a Special Prosecutor to pick up from where the Committee left off and perhaps push the thing through and spear whatever white whales are still afloat?

Just askin'.

That is NOT what I am suggesting at all. If they want to keep it going, find evidence, then every one of the people who broke the law should be punished.

What I AM suggesting though is--------->If this is how your side has been rolling for 5 years now, then the GOP should start doing investigations also. You know, like the laptop, who is the big guy, etc, etc, etc.

Personally........and I think many share my point of view.............that this is all crazy! We all know how crooked many, if not most politicians are. Besides a bartender or 2, almost 85% of them are freaking LAWYERS. Now what could be wrong with that. Quite a few of them have become filthy rich while being in congress. (how does that happen for a public servant?) And when someone runs who is already rich we claim they are out of touch.

All I am suggesting in the end is............what is good for the goose, is good for the gander. Still though, in retrospect, is it good for the country? I don't think so. Term limits are a better solution, but good luck trying to get congress to vote on throwing themselves out of a job; therefore, I guess we are stuck with this crappola!
1. How come they haven't subpoenaed Pelousy, Epps and Sullivan???
2. There are no voter suppression laws anywhere on the books. It is a lie and deliberate misinformation to call voter integrity a voter suppression law.
3. What in the world does Rudy have to do with the Jan 6 incident?
4. If this is how your side has been rolling for 5 years now, then the GOP should start doing investigations also.

I am not at all sure my avatar can adequately address all of the questions...some seem merely rhetorical......but he'll try.

#1..From good poster Claudette. Her question seems the most rhetorical of all. But, if not, and she truly wants to know why those three names have not been subpoened...well, I'm pretty doggone sure poster Claudette, that this is the wrong venue to seek an informed and knowledgeable response on the ongoing investigations of a Select Committee of Congress and/or the FBI.
So, rather than query anonymous posters who use fake names.....maybe try to get an appointment with one or both of your Senators, or your Congressman. Or your local sheriff. Good luck. And, if you would ----report back to us.

#2. Well, conversely, poster DarkWind, I think it is plausible to anticipate pushback that follows this track: " It is a lie and deliberate misinformation to call voter suppression laws a voter integrity law."
If I was your avatar, well, I'd expect that.

#3. Ah, poster Whitetall, Rudy and January 6th? Now that was the hangin' curve of the four. The easy one. To wit: January 6th, at the Ellipse, Mr. Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York City, and disgraced and embarrassing legal representation for Don Trump in the attempt to litigate against an alleged 'stolen election', For example: Witness: Rudy with his hands in his pants lying on a hottie's hotel bed....presumably looking for Hunter's hard-drive. Or something hard. Witness: Rudy's star witness (my fav) Melissa Carone. Witness: Rudy's overdose of Viagra leaking out of his scalp.
More important than all that though, is ----Rudy on the Ellipse for a speech, just before the Eastman guy and Don Trump. The speech where he urges the folks who are lookin' for "it-will-be-wild"....urging them to fight for Don Trump: "And thank you so much for your support. I know how you get ridiculed. I know how they try to take jobs away from you."...."Let’s have trial by combat."
And so.....combat it was.
So, yupper....THAT....Rudy Giuliani. On January 6th.

#4. From poster 'Ima': "this is how your side has been..." ????
My side? Well, 'my side' is: first, my family. Second, my friends. Third, my community. Fourth, America. Politically I am an avowed Independent who leans right. (or at any rate, the way the 'Right' used to be). In short, poster Ima. I am on the right side.
And, as far this comment: "the GOP should start doing investigations also."
Oh boy, you must be very very young. Or, you've come late to the party. Or you skipped a chapter or two in your history/government/civics classes. Or you are a recent immigrant.
I don't mean to, nor will I,.....embarrass you. But I think if you do a little more due diligence you will find the GOP Congress....House and Senate... ain't been shy in any way about doing "investigations" over a long period of time, over many Congress sessions. Trust me.

And good luck.

I am not at all sure my avatar can adequately address all of the questions...some seem merely rhetorical......but he'll try.

#1..From good poster Claudette. Her question seems the most rhetorical of all. But, if not, and she truly wants to know why those three names have not been subpoened...well, I'm pretty doggone sure poster Claudette, that this is the wrong venue to seek an informed and knowledgeable response on the ongoing investigations of a Select Committee of Congress and/or the FBI.
So, rather than query anonymous posters who use fake names.....maybe try to get an appointment with one or both of your Senators, or your Congressman. Or your local sheriff. Good luck. And, if you would ----report back to us.

#2. Well, conversely, poster DarkWind, I think it is plausible to anticipate pushback that follows this track: " It is a lie and deliberate misinformation to call voter suppression laws a voter integrity law."
If I was your avatar, well, I'd expect that.

#3. Ah, poster Whitetall, Rudy and January 6th? Now that was the hangin' curve of the four. The easy one. To wit: January 6th, at the Ellipse, Mr. Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York City, and disgraced and embarrassing legal representation for Don Trump in the attempt to litigate against an alleged 'stolen election', For example: Witness: Rudy with his hands in his pants lying on a hottie's hotel bed....presumably looking for Hunter's hard-drive. Or something hard. Witness: Rudy's star witness (my fav) Melissa Carone. Witness: Rudy's overdose of Viagra leaking out of his scalp.
More important than all that though, is ----Rudy on the Ellipse for a speech, just before the Eastman guy and Don Trump. The speech where he urges the folks who are lookin' for "it-will-be-wild"....urging them to fight for Don Trump: "And thank you so much for your support. I know how you get ridiculed. I know how they try to take jobs away from you."...."Let’s have trial by combat."
And so.....combat it was.
So, yupper....THAT....Rudy Giuliani. On January 6th.

#4. From poster 'Ima': "this is how your side has been..." ????
My side? Well, 'my side' is: first, my family. Second, my friends. Third, my community. Fourth, America. Politically I am an avowed Independent who leans right. (or at any rate, the way the 'Right' used to be). In short, poster Ima. I am on the right side.
And, as far this comment: "the GOP should start doing investigations also."
Oh boy, you must be very very young. Or, you've come late to the party. Or you skipped a chapter or two in your history/government/civics classes. Or you are a recent immigrant.
I don't mean to, nor will I,.....embarrass you. But I think if you do a little more due diligence you will find the GOP Congress....House and Senate... ain't been shy in any way about doing "investigations" over a long period of time, over many Congress sessions. Trust me.

And good luck.

You aren't upsetting me at all, lol. What you are really doing, is showing why the GOP can no longer be passive. Yes, I remember Whitewater, and a host of other witch hunts the right has put forth.

But, when you try and impeach a President twice, no more rails. If that is how you roll, and are so damn dumb you can NOT even get close to conviction, then you deserve what you get.

For me, I would NEVER try and impeach Biden. He is the gift that keeps on giving. Polls show what people think, although I have stated repeatedly, they are no more than a snapshot in time. 10 months from now, everything could be different.

No matter where you reside on the political spectrum, I wish you all the best also. For me, it is NOT all about the GOP, it is about removing people who are actually SOCIALISTS from government. 99% of them reside on the Democratic side of the aisle, but I still contend, that does not make all Democrats bad. If we work.......gasp......together to remove the SOCIALISTS, the Democrat party will moderate. And I think that is a good thing, don't you!?!?!?!

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