House Democrats Vote 219 - 212 To Continue Enabling Out-Of Control Deficit Spending Addiction Through Dec 22


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

JUST IN: Democrat-Controlled House

Votes 219-212 to Suspend Debt Ceiling

Through December 2022


All a dog and pony show. The spending bill was never in danger and will pass with extras.
212 Republicans voted to default on our debts

They should be arrested

If they didn't raise the debt ceiling Nancy wouldn't be able to tell us to eat ice cream.


View attachment 545585

If they didn't raise the debt ceiling Nancy wouldn't be able to tell us to eat ice cream.



“Let them eat cake” is the most famous quote attributed to Marie-Antoinette, the queen of France during the French Revolution. As the story goes, it was the queen’s response upon being told that her starving peasant subjects had no bread. Because cake is more expensive than bread, the anecdote has been cited as an example of Marie-Antoinette’s obliviousness to the conditions and daily lives of ordinary people. But did she ever actually utter those words? Probably not.
For one thing, the original French phrase that Marie-Antoinette is supposed to have said—“Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”—doesn’t exactly translate as “Let them eat cake.” It translates as, well, “Let them eat brioche.” Of course, since brioche is a rich bread made with eggs and butter, almost as luxurious as cake, it doesn’t really change the point of the story. But the queen wouldn’t have been referring to the sort of dessert that English speakers often imagine.

Despicable vote by Republicans showing how much they hate America

JUST IN: Democrat-Controlled House

Votes 219-212 to Suspend Debt Ceiling

Through December 2022




Please stop violating USMB TOS by trying to hijack the thread.

Biden is President, the Democrats have assumed commanded of Congress and are back to their usual attempts to ram self/party-serving pork-infested Trillion-Dollar Deficit Spending bills through to Congress.

Joe, Pelosi, and Schumer have already added approximately $2 trillion Deficit Dollars in COVID-19 relief spending, ramming a second bill through before they had even spent half the money from the 1st bill. Democrats then began allowing states to use the money on OTHER issues, proving the money (debt) they already added was not REALLY needed for 'CPOVID Relief.

Democrats then attempted to redefine the definitions of words to justify their spending BILLIONS for things like Education programs to teach (indoctrinate) people into using 'appropriate' LGBQRSTUV.... pronouns and the like, claiming insane radical Marxist ideology and agendas like this are now 'infrastructure'.

The United States is NOT 'bankrupt' / 'broke'. The United States would have to PAY OFF over $28 TRILLION in debt to be 'bankrupt' / 'broke'. It is as if the Democrats do not comprehend that reality, that fact. To them there is no limit to wow deeply in debt we can go, there is not enough debt we can accumulate, & FOR THEM THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCES FOR THEM for engaging in CRIMINAL, FISCAL, NATIONAL SECURITY ENDANGERING IRRESPONSIBILITY.

The Democrats are driving the United States to the edge of the economic abyss, the drop-off where the United States currency is replaced by, most probably, the CCP's currency. At that point the US dollar's worth is reduced to that f TOILET PAPER. Literally wheel barrows full of cash required t buy a loaf of essence, the US s turned into

In 2011 with the Democrats engaging in massive deficit spending the S&P asked Obama to show some intent to rein in Deficit Spending by cutting some costs in the pending Budget and warned if he did not do so the US Credit Rating would be lowered for the 1st time in History. Obama ignored them, refused to cut spending, and Barak Obama became the 1st President to oversee the downgrade of the US Credit Rating. (Afterwards, Barry used all the power of the US govt at his command to go after and punish the S&P.)

We are seeing Barak Obama 2.o, his 3rd term - the similarities between Barry's time in offie with Biden's is remarkable.
- Obama swore to the American people - LIED his ass off - telling them that his Obamacare bill would be the 1st program in the history of the world to COST NOTHING, TO PAY FOR ITSELF.....and idiots, f* sheep, believed him.
- It worked one time, why not try it again?! Speaker Nancy Pelosi is claiming now that their $3.5 TRILLION dollar Democrat pork-filled deficit bomb (that the CBO and experts say will cost closer to $5.5 Trillion) will 'NOT COST A THING - IT WILL PAY FOR ITSELF'!. GEE, WHERE HAVE WE HEARD THAT BULLSHIT BEFORE? AGAIN, if this bill does what it advertises it would be the 1st in history, the 1st $5+ TRILLION DOLLAR Price Tag bill that will 'cost nothing'.

Pelosi is partially will cost HER nothing. It will cost this nation, our children, our grandchildren dearly!

That future is one of several out beyond the horizon but one which Democrats are on course to hit.

God bless the Democrats and Republicans who stood against this bitch to save our country.
View attachment 545595

Please stop violating USMB TOS by trying to hijack the thread.

Biden is President, the Democrats have assumed commanded of Congress and are back to their usual attempts to ram self/party-serving pork-infested Trillion-Dollar Deficit Spending bills through to Congress.

Joe, Pelosi, and Schumer have already added approximately $2 trillion Deficit Dollars in COVID-19 relief spending, ramming a second bill through before they had even spent half the money from the 1st bill. Democrats then began allowing states to use the money on OTHER issues, proving the money (debt) they already added was not REALLY needed for 'CPOVID Relief.

Democrats then attempted to redefine the definitions of words to justify their spending BILLIONS for things like Education programs to teach (indoctrinate) people into using 'appropriate' LGBQRSTUV.... pronouns and the like, claiming insane radical Marxist ideology and agendas like this are now 'infrastructure'.

The United States is NOT 'bankrupt' / 'broke'. The United States would have to PAY OFF over $28 TRILLION in debt to be 'bankrupt' / 'broke'. It is as if the Democrats do not comprehend that reality, that fact. To them there is no limit to wow deeply in debt we can go, there is not enough debt we can accumulate, & FOR THEM THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCES FOR THEM for engaging in CRIMINAL, FISCAL, NATIONAL SECURITY ENDANGERING IRRESPONSIBILITY.

The Democrats are driving the United States to the edge of the economic abyss, the drop-off where the United States currency is replaced by, most probably, the CCP's currency. At that point the US dollar's worth is reduced to that f TOILET PAPER. Literally wheel barrows full of cash required t buy a loaf of essence, the US s turned into

In 2011 with the Democrats engaging in massive deficit spending the S&P asked Obama to show some intent to rein in Deficit Spending by cutting some costs in the pending Budget and warned if he did not do so the US Credit Rating would be lowered for the 1st time in History. Obama ignored them, refused to cut spending, and Barak Obama became the 1st President to oversee the downgrade of the US Credit Rating. (Afterwards, Barry used all the power of the US govt at his command to go after and punish the S&P.)

We are seeing Barak Obama 2.o, his 3rd term - the similarities between Barry's time in offie with Biden's is remarkable.
- Obama swore to the American people - LIED his ass off - telling them that his Obamacare bill would be the 1st program in the history of the world to COST NOTHING, TO PAY FOR ITSELF.....and idiots, f* sheep, believed him.
- It worked one time, why not try it again?! Speaker Nancy Pelosi is claiming now that their $3.5 TRILLION dollar Democrat pork-filled deficit bomb (that the CBO and experts say will cost closer to $5.5 Trillion) will 'NOT COST A THING - IT WILL PAY FOR ITSELF'!. GEE, WHERE HAVE WE HEARD THAT BULLSHIT BEFORE? AGAIN, if this bill does what it advertises it would be the 1st in history, the 1st $5+ TRILLION DOLLAR Price Tag bill that will 'cost nothing'.

Pelosi is partially will cost HER nothing. It will cost this nation, our children, our grandchildren dearly!

That future is one of several out beyond the horizon but one which Democrats are on course to hit.

God bless the Democrats and Republicans who stood against this bitch to save our country.
you are concerned about the deficit, troll?

then i am on topic.
you are concerned about the deficit, troll?

then i am on topic.
No, you TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed, irrational hate-driven sheep, you intentionally brought up Trump in a thread about Biden to attack anyone who is concerned about the out-of-control deficit spending Democrats and Biden are engaging in. I would ask you to stop 'playing' stupid, but the sad fact is you aren't.

No, you TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed, irrational hate-driven sheep, you intentionally brought up Trump in a thread about Biden to attack anyone who is concerned about the out-of-control deficit spending Democrats and Biden are engaging in. I would ask you to stop 'playing' stupid, but the sad fact is you aren't.

wow, you get triggered easily. concern about the deficit is, if real and not partisan queefery like yours, not depending on the party of the president.

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