Hot hot hot men ... ;)

I'm not someone who puts much store on physical beauty in men, not as an indication of character, or a requirement for a relationship, but every now and then someone just takes my breath away.

It happened today. I was at a Chinese restaurant trying to pay for my meal, and this absolutely drop dead gorgeous kid walked in. I mean he looked like a model, it was ridiculous, my breath whooshed out of me. Not that I let on, I'm old enough to be his mother and have no interest in catching a kid's eye, but he really was special in the looks department. That has happened to me exactly three times in my life....twice with strangers, once with someone (who actually wasn't drop dead gorgeous but for some reason affected me the same way) who I had a long-term relationship with (he was 10 years younger than me).

Anyway, the funny thing was watching the waitress. She was fucking flabbergasted. She was dropping things, forgetting things, trying to act normal but couldn't. And she wasn't young, either. She was probably 10 years younger than me (but looked my age) and she was completely in a dither. The kid was very bashful and sweet about it, I'm sure he gets it all the time.

But anyway, he was one of the beautiful people and along with the other two I've been struck by, I won't ever forget him or the visceral reaction I had (and apparently the waitress had) to him.

I didn't go anywhere near him. I learned my lesson long ago.
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I'm not someone who puts much store on physical beauty in men, not as an indication of character, or a requirement for a relationship, but every now and then someone just takes my breath away.

It happened today. I was at a Chinese restaurant trying to pay for my meal, and this absolutely drop dead gorgeous kid walked in. I mean he looked like a model, it was ridiculous, my breath whooshed out of me. Not that I let on, I'm old enough to be his mother and have no interest in catching a kid's eye, but he really was special in the looks department. That has happened to me exactly three times in my life....twice with strangers, once with someone (who actually wasn't drop dead gorgeous but for some reason affected me the same way) who I had a long-term relationship with (he was 10 years younger than me).

Anyway, the funny thing was watching the waitress. She was fucking flabbergasted. She was dropping things, forgetting things, trying to act normal but couldn't. And she wasn't young, either. She was probably 10 years younger than me (but looked my age) and she was completely in a dither. The kid was very bashful and sweet about it, I'm sure he gets it all the time.

But anyway, he was one of the beautiful people and along with the other two I've been struck by, I won't ever forget him.
I am friends with this kid like that I go to school with, he is like 6' 3'' and looks like he could be a model but he is ten years younger then me. We get a long great but I would never go there. It is fun to look at him though!:razz:
My girlfriends used to get pissed at me because when I was between 29-38 (my bar hopping years) I always ended up with the hottest young thing in the bar. I didn't do it on purpose, it was probably some sick demented thing on the part of the guys who went for me.

It was like a running joke there for a while. I think a lot of it was that though I looked really young (then) I wasn't, and therefore didn't act young. And for some reason, some guys are really attracted to women who pay no attention to them, or alternately, aren't afraid to walk up to them and ask them to dance before any of their girlfriends get the balls to do it. I did both. Some nights, my buds and I would hang out at the door with whoever was taking the cover and talk shit about every person that came through, it was a hoot.

Some nights, my friends would start ogling some guy, and be all startled when he'd ask me to dance, when I wasn't even paying attention except to make fun of my buds for being dopes.

Those were the days. Don't miss them a bit though. Got it out of my system and then some.

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