Hosts on NPR/Public Radio Opine...

Today in the car I heard Neta Uleby reporting on an "anime" meeting in Philadelphia and how they're sympathizing with the Japanese. It was the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard on the radio. It was like stratospheric levels of gayness.

At least we now know that you don't listen to Limbaugh, Hannity, LEVin, or Beck!
You may hate Fox News.

But you are not forced to pay for it.

That depends, you surely buy some of the stiff they advertise, and the infrastructure was built by our taxes. And i'm sure given our tax laws you probably pay their share. ;)

I listen now and then and their foreign reporting of events is usually excellent as the person reporting is not affiliated with some bogus pretend media where if you say the truth you get the ax.

They do have some of the best and occasionally the silliest stuff, but such is life.

NPR: Station Finder
I like their classical music, and occasionally "A Prairie Home Companion" till Keillor gets political, then it goes off.

Since they don't really do news anymore when I seem to listen, only puff 'lifestyle' pieces about the preservation of bluegrass recordings in southern Mississippi, or the history of gay rights activism in Las Cruses, NM, or the latest broadway hit that less than 1% of the population will ever watch or care about....

They don't have much priority in my life. Even their top of the hour news (if it runs) is often filled with such irrelevancies. Hell, I used to LOVE "All Things Considered" till the just became a blob of nattering nincompoopery of the above subjects.

What is most telling of NPR is often what it lacks more than what it says. Hard news, real opposing viewpoints, and that's why I don't listen to it for other than the reasons I first mentioned.

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