Horrible terrorist crime ignored by western community (GRAPHIC)


Nov 14, 2012
With sweets and chips the terrorists lured children to their car bomb and detonated the bomb. The crime that killed 68 children comes in addition to the attack on civilians supposed to reach government held ground by an exchange agreement with the "rebels". 126 civilians died in the attacks. Another 200 civilians were abducted, most of them girls.

This happened while the filth of our western terrorist regimes agitates against President Assad. From Merkel to Trump has nobody a single word of condolence for the dead, abducted and their families and friends, not to mention demands that the "rebels" must go. It is also obvious, who is responsible for the recent chemical attack.






200 Syrian civilians kidnapped by Al-Qaeda faction amid evacuation deal
Death toll from west Aleppo terrorist attack rises to 70
200 Syrian civilians kidnapped by Al-Qaeda faction amid evacuation deal
Its just another event on the 1400 year old SHIITE SHIT VS SUNNI battle
Its just another event on the 1400 year old SHIITE SHIT VS SUNNI battle

That makes it seem like atrocities are not committed by every side of every dispute.

Compared to most war photos, this is pretty tame. Horrible beyond belief but war looks even worse.

I wish real war photos were published but I suppose people would grow callouses to match the degree of horror.
Its just another event on the 1400 year old SHIITE SHIT VS SUNNI battle

That makes it seem like atrocities are not committed by every side of every dispute.

Compared to most war photos, this is pretty tame. Horrible beyond belief but war looks even worse.

I wish real war photos were published but I suppose people would grow callouses to match the degree of horror.

it is not clear who did this one-----but it was a car bomb suicide driver. and
most of the victims were Shiites ---according to the one account I read
Its just another event on the 1400 year old SHIITE SHIT VS SUNNI battle

That makes it seem like atrocities are not committed by every side of every dispute.

Compared to most war photos, this is pretty tame. Horrible beyond belief but war looks even worse.

I wish real war photos were published but I suppose people would grow callouses to match the degree of horror.
I wish that everyone here who hasn't, could experience just one week of front line combat. A whole lot of attitudes would change. I could post some pictures here that would make people puke.
Its just another event on the 1400 year old SHIITE SHIT VS SUNNI battle

That makes it seem like atrocities are not committed by every side of every dispute.

Compared to most war photos, this is pretty tame. Horrible beyond belief but war looks even worse.

I wish real war photos were published but I suppose people would grow callouses to match the degree of horror.

The FSA and all those fighting against Assad commit way more atrocities than the Syrian army and Kurds.
Do not forget the hypocrites and their terrorists staging chemical attacks that the West uses as pretext to bomb Syria.
Its just another event on the 1400 year old SHIITE SHIT VS SUNNI battle

That makes it seem like atrocities are not committed by every side of every dispute.

Compared to most war photos, this is pretty tame. Horrible beyond belief but war looks even worse.

I wish real war photos were published but I suppose people would grow callouses to match the degree of horror.

my post was not meant to "favor" either side in the sunni/Shiite conflict
The Middle East...destined to be a steaming shithole of humanity as long as Islam exists.

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