Hooray for Bill Gates!


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Washington (CNN) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates says he will urge President Obama to veto a coming $726 billion defense authorization bill if it contains funding for unwanted projects Gates has been trying to cut for years.

Gates has been vocal about financial reform at the Pentagon, trying to rein in some big-ticket contracts and telling Congress to stop spending money on C-17 transport planes that are not needed and a $485 million alternate engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). The JSF engine program -- already delayed and over budget -- could end up costing taxpayers billions of dollars, according to Gates.

Gates wants veto of defense spending bill if unwanted projects remain - CNN.com
Let's just hope Obama makes the right decision here. It is ridiculous how much we spend on our military.
Let's just hope Obama makes the right decision here. It is ridiculous how much we spend on our military.

Considering that the national defense is the only real task the constitution gave to the federal government I disagree.

I understand your sentiment in light of how the government has grown outside its boundries and the new responsibilities we have let it take as a result...but defense spending is the only thing the federal government does that it is legitimately tasked with under the limits imposed by the constitution.
I not only hope that Gate's doesn't get what he doesn't want, but that is also balanced with him getting what he does indeed ask for.
Let's just hope Obama makes the right decision here. It is ridiculous how much we spend on our military.

Considering that the national defense is the only real task the constitution gave to the federal government I disagree.

I understand your sentiment in light of how the government has grown outside its boundries and the new responsibilities we have let it take as a result...but defense spending is the only thing the federal government does that it is legitimately tasked with under the limits imposed by the constitution.

I have no problem with defense spending. I do haev a problem with spending on programs that will not enhance our capabilities. I cannot judge whether the programs in question will or will not but I can say that anything the Obama Administration does comes with a presumption of politics over responsibility and is therefore suspect.
Let's just hope Obama makes the right decision here. It is ridiculous how much we spend on our military.

Considering that the national defense is the only real task the constitution gave to the federal government I disagree.

I understand your sentiment in light of how the government has grown outside its boundries and the new responsibilities we have let it take as a result...but defense spending is the only thing the federal government does that it is legitimately tasked with under the limits imposed by the constitution.

I have no problem with defense spending. I do haev a problem with spending on programs that will not enhance our capabilities. I cannot judge whether the programs in question will or will not but I can say that anything the Obama Administration does comes with a presumption of politics over responsibility and is therefore suspect.

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Considering that the national defense is the only real task the constitution gave to the federal government I disagree.

I understand your sentiment in light of how the government has grown outside its boundaries and the new responsibilities we have let it take as a result...but defense spending is the only thing the federal government does that it is legitimately tasked with under the limits imposed by the constitution.

I have no problem with defense spending. I do haev a problem with spending on programs that will not enhance our capabilities. I cannot judge whether the programs in question will or will not but I can say that anything the Obama Administration does comes with a presumption of politics over responsibility and is therefore suspect.


So you have nothing to rebut his statement with.....i remember when you used to use intellect.
Give billions to banks? Check
More billions to auto manufacturers? Check
Even more billions to both, when previous billions didn't do anything? Check
Military? Naaahhhhh.....

NOW they're worried about spending??

With the banks and auto manufacturers, we actually stand a chance of getting our money back. And with the military?
Give billions to banks? Check
More billions to auto manufacturers? Check
Even more billions to both, when previous billions didn't do anything? Check
Military? Naaahhhhh.....

NOW they're worried about spending??

The "conservatives" spent like drunken sailors under Bush, AND managed to fund two wars with our grandchildren's money. NOW, they're worried about spending?
And yet you Democrats dont' understand why the American people think you don't support the military?

You are a stunningly ignorant group of people.
And yet you Democrats dont' understand why the American people think you don't support the military?

You are a stunningly ignorant group of people.

So, because someone might want to question the AMOUNT of spending, or whether or not we actually need these new aricraft or whether we can find a fighter plan that doesn't require 18 hours of maintenance for every ONE hour of flight time, that means they don't support the military? And you have the nerve to call them ignorant???

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