Honduras Infuriates Obama Administration

You've read it? In fact by the most logical interpretation what congress and the supreme court did was institute a counter coup against Zelaya's attempted coup.
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But you've got that Kenyan official insisting that he's got the real bc of Obama.

And if Obama could so easily pull that off, how hard would it be to put more than two terms past.

If he even needs it by that time, at the rate he's going

Honestly Jen. How do you figure they managed the birth announcement in the local paper? Was that a fiendish plot cooked up before he was born? Do you even see how insane this is?

All that took was for his Hawaiian grandparents to call the paper. That part means nothing. The part that matters is the fact that Hawaii which has a Republican Governor and Lt. Governor Has twice now stated he has a legal birth certificate and was born in Hawaii. THAT would have required some slick wheeling and dealing to happen if he were not born there. And it would beg the question, why bother? Obama can settle this with a simple request to Hawaii to release the Long Form. Rather then spend money on lawyers to bury his and his wife's past under tons of court orders and legalize. What happened to the "most open administration ever"?

Sorry butthe Supreme Court and the Honduran version of congress ordering the army to do so certainly gives the army not only the authority to do so but the duty to do so.

As for the birth certificate thing give it a rest, you can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Obama wasn't born here and clamoring about it just makes you look like a damn fool. To say nothing of which given a choice between Joe Biden and Obama, I'll take the half black guy.

Well if ya limit it to between Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee :D
I believe their congress and supreme court acted to remove an elected official for improperly trying to skew referendum results. If congress is an elected body then their reaction, with guidance from the supreme court, is proper.
I believe their congress and supreme court acted to remove an elected official for improperly trying to skew referendum results. If congress is an elected body then their reaction, with guidance from the supreme court, is proper.

And your belief would be wrong, since the referendum had yet to occur.
The birthers are bonkers.

That is the only solution that computes here.
I believe their congress and supreme court acted to remove an elected official for improperly trying to skew referendum results. If congress is an elected body then their reaction, with guidance from the supreme court, is proper.

And your belief would be wrong, since the referendum had yet to occur.
The referendum was deemed unconstitutional, but Zelaya carried on anyways.

Did you forget that Zelaya was replaced by members of his own party? This would be equivalent to replacing Bush with Trent Lott.
I believe their congress and supreme court acted to remove an elected official for improperly trying to skew referendum results. If congress is an elected body then their reaction, with guidance from the supreme court, is proper.

And your belief would be wrong, since the referendum had yet to occur.

The referendum was deemed unconstitutional, but Zelaya carried on anyways.

Did you forget that Zelaya was replaced by members of his own party? This would be equivalent to replacing Bush with Trent Lott.

As a technical point which doesn't get a lot of attention, the referendum wasn't unconstitutional. Honduras's constitution states that term limits can't be repealed by referendum. However, Zelaya's proposed referendum did not remove the term limit. It simply consulted political opinion on the matter in the manner prescribed by Honduran law (Civil Participation Act of 2006 allows officials to call for non-binding referendums to gauge public support for policy actions).

Now, was Zelaya's efforts an attempt to make to push for a new constitution? That's pretty obviously true. Does that excuse the unconstitutional actions taken by the legislature and the military? Not in the least.
I believe their congress and supreme court acted to remove an elected official for improperly trying to skew referendum results. If congress is an elected body then their reaction, with guidance from the supreme court, is proper.

And your belief would be wrong, since the referendum had yet to occur.

You're right.

"The Honduran Congress and Supreme Court rejected Zelaya's proposed referendum as illegal. Then Zelaya confiscated the referendum ballots and tried to proceed with the vote."

So, the question is: Was the supreme court correct when it ruled the referendum illegal? and, was the Presidents action to continue with the referendum legal?
I believe their congress and supreme court acted to remove an elected official for improperly trying to skew referendum results. If congress is an elected body then their reaction, with guidance from the supreme court, is proper.

And your belief would be wrong, since the referendum had yet to occur.

You're right.

"The Honduran Congress and Supreme Court rejected Zelaya's proposed referendum as illegal. Then Zelaya confiscated the referendum ballots and tried to proceed with the vote."

So, the question is: Was the supreme court correct when it ruled the referendum illegal? and, was the Presidents action to continue with the referendum legal?

Both of those questions are irrelevant, unless you're truly willing to argue that one instance of breaking the law (assuming Zelaya did so) would justify another instance.
Sao how do you deal with an official who is atempting to over throw the currently constituted government in Honduras?
I suppose it all comes down to the lawful way to remove a President, who may have broken a law, in Honduras.
But you've got that Kenyan official insisting that he's got the real bc of Obama.

And if Obama could so easily pull that off, how hard would it be to put more than two terms past.

If he even needs it by that time, at the rate he's going

Honestly Jen. How do you figure they managed the birth announcement in the local paper? Was that a fiendish plot cooked up before he was born? Do you even see how insane this is?

All that took was for his Hawaiian grandparents to call the paper. That part means nothing. The part that matters is the fact that Hawaii which has a Republican Governor and Lt. Governor Has twice now stated he has a legal birth certificate and was born in Hawaii. THAT would have required some slick wheeling and dealing to happen if he were not born there. And it would beg the question, why bother? Obama can settle this with a simple request to Hawaii to release the Long Form. Rather then spend money on lawyers to bury his and his wife's past under tons of court orders and legalize. What happened to the "most open administration ever"?

my my! another post, another false statement coming from you....

the listing in the newspapers, of obama's and all other hawaiian births listed in that section of the paper was the State of Hawaii's Health Dept of Vital statistics list, of children birthed there, which they got from their birthing at hospitals there in the state...through their birth certificates being filed with their dept. Obama's Birth was august 4th, his birth certificate was filed august 8th with the state health and vital statistics Bureau, and they got it in the following sundays' birth announcement section, that the health bureau ran EVERY WEEK in the local newspapers back then.

THESE ANNOUNCEMENTS in the paper were NOT from proud parents or grandparents, NOT ONE OF THEM! So kindly stop passing that lie.

A simple search on the internet, for the birth announcement in the Honolulu Adviser, full page version, shows that the STATE of HAWAII'S HEALTH BUREAU made these announcements, and a tad more research will show you it is IMPOSSIBLE for any civilian grandparent etc to infiltrate their system of making these birth announcements in the Paper.

Honestly Jen. How do you figure they managed the birth announcement in the local paper? Was that a fiendish plot cooked up before he was born? Do you even see how insane this is?

All that took was for his Hawaiian grandparents to call the paper. That part means nothing. The part that matters is the fact that Hawaii which has a Republican Governor and Lt. Governor Has twice now stated he has a legal birth certificate and was born in Hawaii. THAT would have required some slick wheeling and dealing to happen if he were not born there. And it would beg the question, why bother? Obama can settle this with a simple request to Hawaii to release the Long Form. Rather then spend money on lawyers to bury his and his wife's past under tons of court orders and legalize. What happened to the "most open administration ever"?

my my! another post, another false statement coming from you....

the listing in the newspapers, of obama's and all other hawaiian births listed in that section of the paper was the State of Hawaii's Health Dept of Vital statistics list, of children birthed there, which they got from their birthing at hospitals there in the state...through their birth certificates being filed with their dept. Obama's Birth was august 4th, his birth certificate was filed august 8th with the state health and vital statistics Bureau, and they got it in the following sundays' birth announcement section, that the health bureau ran EVERY WEEK in the local newspapers back then.

THESE ANNOUNCEMENTS in the paper were NOT from proud parents or grandparents, NOT ONE OF THEM! So kindly stop passing that lie.

A simple search on the internet, for the birth announcement in the Honolulu Adviser, full page version, shows that the STATE of HAWAII'S HEALTH BUREAU made these announcements, and a tad more research will show you it is IMPOSSIBLE for any civilian grandparent etc to infiltrate their system of making these birth announcements in the Paper.


Doesn't explain another one from Kenya that a man is said to be taking great heat for.

So a simple COUGH UP of the Long Form...why is that so hard again?

What happened to being so open and up front?

Every time that man opens his mouth his ratings go down. Just keep on talking Obama.
All that took was for his Hawaiian grandparents to call the paper. That part means nothing. The part that matters is the fact that Hawaii which has a Republican Governor and Lt. Governor Has twice now stated he has a legal birth certificate and was born in Hawaii. THAT would have required some slick wheeling and dealing to happen if he were not born there. And it would beg the question, why bother? Obama can settle this with a simple request to Hawaii to release the Long Form. Rather then spend money on lawyers to bury his and his wife's past under tons of court orders and legalize. What happened to the "most open administration ever"?

my my! another post, another false statement coming from you....

the listing in the newspapers, of obama's and all other hawaiian births listed in that section of the paper was the State of Hawaii's Health Dept of Vital statistics list, of children birthed there, which they got from their birthing at hospitals there in the state...through their birth certificates being filed with their dept. Obama's Birth was august 4th, his birth certificate was filed august 8th with the state health and vital statistics Bureau, and they got it in the following sundays' birth announcement section, that the health bureau ran EVERY WEEK in the local newspapers back then.

THESE ANNOUNCEMENTS in the paper were NOT from proud parents or grandparents, NOT ONE OF THEM! So kindly stop passing that lie.

A simple search on the internet, for the birth announcement in the Honolulu Adviser, full page version, shows that the STATE of HAWAII'S HEALTH BUREAU made these announcements, and a tad more research will show you it is IMPOSSIBLE for any civilian grandparent etc to infiltrate their system of making these birth announcements in the Paper.


Doesn't explain another one from Kenya that a man is said to be taking great heat for.

So a simple COUGH UP of the Long Form...why is that so hard again?

What happened to being so open and up front?

Every time that man opens his mouth his ratings go down. Just keep on talking Obama.


Why should he dignify the request with a response when it doesn't deserve one? You know damn good and well that even if he coughs up a long form to appease the haters, they will simply move the goalpost and come up with something else. It simply isn't worth his time to prove something to people who will continue to find fault with it. Enough valid evidence has been given and it hasn't shut up the whiners yet. Doing as you request might shut up 10 or 20% of the folks demanding a BC, but he would still have 80 to 90% demanding more. It is no skin off his back if people want to waste their valuable time chasing rabbits down holes.
my my! another post, another false statement coming from you....

the listing in the newspapers, of obama's and all other hawaiian births listed in that section of the paper was the State of Hawaii's Health Dept of Vital statistics list, of children birthed there, which they got from their birthing at hospitals there in the state...through their birth certificates being filed with their dept. Obama's Birth was august 4th, his birth certificate was filed august 8th with the state health and vital statistics Bureau, and they got it in the following sundays' birth announcement section, that the health bureau ran EVERY WEEK in the local newspapers back then.

THESE ANNOUNCEMENTS in the paper were NOT from proud parents or grandparents, NOT ONE OF THEM! So kindly stop passing that lie.

A simple search on the internet, for the birth announcement in the Honolulu Adviser, full page version, shows that the STATE of HAWAII'S HEALTH BUREAU made these announcements, and a tad more research will show you it is IMPOSSIBLE for any civilian grandparent etc to infiltrate their system of making these birth announcements in the Paper.


Doesn't explain another one from Kenya that a man is said to be taking great heat for.

So a simple COUGH UP of the Long Form...why is that so hard again?

What happened to being so open and up front?

Every time that man opens his mouth his ratings go down. Just keep on talking Obama.


Why should he dignify the request with a response when it doesn't deserve one? You know damn good and well that even if he coughs up a long form to appease the haters, they will simply move the goalpost and come up with something else. It simply isn't worth his time to prove something to people who will continue to find fault with it. Enough valid evidence has been given and it hasn't shut up the whiners yet. Doing as you request might shut up 10 or 20% of the folks demanding a BC, but he would still have 80 to 90% demanding more. It is no skin off his back if people want to waste their valuable time chasing rabbits down holes.

Because even though it's not legally required to prove it, he should have to. It's sort of a big deal to be President.

And I don't believe that for a second about how we would move up the goalpost. Where is there to move it to?

If he HAD a long form version, if he could produce one, he would have as soon as it was requested.
If you can't arrest the guy how do you impeach him? What are you supposed to do wait until after he carries out his own coup? Which is precisely what he was trying to do by the way.

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