Homosexual activist curriculum

If the parents want their child to be taught religious based beliefs, send them to an appropriate school. Don't send them to public school and dictate what can and cannot be taught, its not up to them.

As I said, take the kids out of the class if you don't like the subject being taught. That is what we used to do when I was a student.

Personally, I don't think that discussing human sexual relationships is appropriate curriculum for kindergartners. That said, I agree with you that the parents should be able to remove their children from the offending class. If they want some specific set of values taught to their child, they would be better off sending them to that type of school or by home schooling their children.

Of course, some of these types won't be satisfied until they teach that "God hates fags" in public schools.
If the parents want their child to be taught religious based beliefs, send them to an appropriate school. Don't send them to public school and dictate what can and cannot be taught, its not up to them.

As I said, take the kids out of the class if you don't like the subject being taught. That is what we used to do when I was a student.

Personally, I don't think that discussing human sexual relationships is appropriate curriculum for kindergartners. That said, I agree with you that the parents should be able to remove their children from the offending class. If they want some specific set of values taught to their child, they would be better off sending them to that type of school or by home schooling their children.

Of course, some of these types won't be satisfied until they teach that "God hates fags" in public schools.

That's why vouchers are good, so you don't have to finance that public bull shat...:clap2:
^sex education is important for a student to learn. They might not learn much from their parents.
^sex education is important for a student to learn. They might not learn much from their parents.

There are alot of parents like myself that don't allow their children to participate in sex and sex education undermines that authority.
I agree with Si modo. How about the teachers, teach reading, writing and arithmetic instead of sex?

Schools are also responsible for instilling in our children the fundamental values of the American Republic and principles of the Constitution, such as the rule of law, individual liberty, and the government’s role to interfere with neither.

Ann Schipper, the mother of three children in the system, said the curriculum “completely wipes away what my kids have learned at church and at home, and it creates confusion in them.”

We can only infer from this that she and her church are teaching that homosexuals are a class of persons not entitled to equal protection of the law. In this case confusion is a good thing, as it may compel her children to seek out the truth on their own, that homosexuals are as entitled to individual liberty and self-determination as anyone else.

The OP is also typical of most conservatives, fearful of diversity and dissent, hostile to individual liberty and freedom of expression. As authoritarians conservatives despise those who refuse to conform – or in the case of homosexuals, refuse to be confined to second class status.
I agree with Si modo. How about the teachers, teach reading, writing and arithmetic instead of sex?

Schools are also responsible for instilling in our children the fundamental values of the American Republic and principles of the Constitution, such as the rule of law, individual liberty, and the government’s role to interfere with neither.

Ann Schipper, the mother of three children in the system, said the curriculum “completely wipes away what my kids have learned at church and at home, and it creates confusion in them.”

We can only infer from this that she and her church are teaching that homosexuals are a class of persons not entitled to equal protection of the law. In this case confusion is a good thing, as it may compel her children to seek out the truth on their own, that homosexuals are as entitled to individual liberty and self-determination as anyone else.

The OP is also typical of most conservatives, fearful of diversity and dissent, hostile to individual liberty and freedom of expression. As authoritarians conservatives despise those who refuse to conform – or in the case of homosexuals, refuse to be confined to second class status.

Not all gay and lesbian people are for same gender marriage any more than all women are for "womens reproductive right". And the majority is for equal rights being established through civil partnerships. The big discrimination issue is just a bully tactic to push a political agenda.
Here is scenario for you.

Two sisters. Both are divorced. Both have children. So they pool their money together to buy a house. They live there for 20 years and raise their children together. They're doing what's best for the kids and they are like any other same gender couple. They also have the same concerns as any other same gender couple. If one dies the may lose her home because she will have to sell the house to pay the taxes. A civil partnership will prevent her from loosing her home. But if same gender marriage becomes legal she she will be faced with discrimination because she was related to her partner.
Should she be allowed to get married?
Here is another scenario.

The ACLU and LGBT in an effort to prevent discrimination, advocated to bring into law the "Aids Confidentiality Act".
For this reason blood testing when applying for a marriage certificate has been eliminated in many states.
Blood tests were intended to determine if one or both of the marrying couple had a disease that may be passed on to their children. The harmful effects of STDs in babies may include stillbirth (a baby that is born dead), low birth weight (less than five pounds), conjunctivitis (eye infection), pneumonia, neonatal sepsis (infection in the baby’s blood stream), neurologic damage, blindness, deafness, acute hepatitis, meningitis, chronic liver disease, and cirrhosis. This can be prevented with blood testing.
But the problem is that blood testing before marriage discriminates against same gender couples.
This problem can be solved with civil partnership.
So the question is, should same gender couples be blood tested for a marriage license or should we continue to turn a blind eye to the 35 million orphans and the estimated forty children that die every hour from AIDS in the name of equality?
I have a few but I will make one more point. There are no more teens getting pregnant today than there was in 1950. The epidemic is that they are not getting married. There is a social economic reason for wanting her to get married. Single parenthood is putting a strain of the welfare system and it's not in the best interstate for children. (You can ask a pro-choicer for a detailed list of reasons , lol)
So if marriage is not about pro-creation and there is no responsibility to get married because of children, and in fact it would be more profitable to claim she doesn't know who the father is and still live with him and collect a welfare check too. Then what incentive is there for her to get married? And what right does anyone have to complain about the costs of welfare?
I agree with Si modo. How about the teachers, teach reading, writing and arithmetic instead of sex?

Schools are also responsible for instilling in our children the fundamental values of the American Republic and principles of the Constitution, such as the rule of law, individual liberty, and the government’s role to interfere with neither.

Ann Schipper, the mother of three children in the system, said the curriculum “completely wipes away what my kids have learned at church and at home, and it creates confusion in them.”

We can only infer from this that she and her church are teaching that homosexuals are a class of persons not entitled to equal protection of the law. In this case confusion is a good thing, as it may compel her children to seek out the truth on their own, that homosexuals are as entitled to individual liberty and self-determination as anyone else.

The OP is also typical of most conservatives, fearful of diversity and dissent, hostile to individual liberty and freedom of expression. As authoritarians conservatives despise those who refuse to conform – or in the case of homosexuals, refuse to be confined to second class status.
They're keeping company with the Fascists and Muslims in their attitudes toward homosexuality.
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I agree with Si modo. How about the teachers, teach reading, writing and arithmetic instead of sex?

Schools are also responsible for instilling in our children the fundamental values of the American Republic and principles of the Constitution, such as the rule of law, individual liberty, and the government’s role to interfere with neithe

Ann Schipper, the mother of three children in the system, said the curriculum “completely wipes away what my kids have learned at church and at home, and it creates confusion in them.”

We can only infer from this that she and her church are teaching that homosexuals are a class of persons not entitled to equal protection of the law. In this case confusion is a good thing, as it may compel her children to seek out the truth on their own, that homosexuals are as entitled to individual liberty and self-determination as anyone else.

The OP is also typical of most conservatives, fearful of diversity and dissent, hostile to individual liberty and freedom of expression. As authoritarians conservatives despise those who refuse to conform – or in the case of homosexuals, refuse to be confined to second class status.
They're keeping company with the Fascists and Muslims in their attitudes toward homosexuality.

Not all homosexuals are for same gender marriage any more than all women are for "womens reproductive rights". In fact many same gender couples would already be enjoying the benefits of their established rights through civil partnerships if people were not trying to claim equality of same gender and opposite gender marriage by ignoring the one major difference .....children.
Schools are also responsible for instilling in our children the fundamental values of the American Republic and principles of the Constitution, such as the rule of law, individual liberty, and the government’s role to interfere with neithe

We can only infer from this that she and her church are teaching that homosexuals are a class of persons not entitled to equal protection of the law. In this case confusion is a good thing, as it may compel her children to seek out the truth on their own, that homosexuals are as entitled to individual liberty and self-determination as anyone else.

The OP is also typical of most conservatives, fearful of diversity and dissent, hostile to individual liberty and freedom of expression. As authoritarians conservatives despise those who refuse to conform – or in the case of homosexuals, refuse to be confined to second class status.
They're keeping company with the Fascists and Muslims in their attitudes toward homosexuality.

Not all homosexuals are for same gender marriage any more than all women are for "womens reproductive rights". In fact many same gender couples would already be enjoying the benefits of their established rights through civil partnerships if people were not trying to claim equality of same gender and opposite gender marriage by ignoring the one major difference .....children.
Infertile straight couples marry .. why?
Same sex couples adopt children.
They're keeping company with the Fascists and Muslims in their attitudes toward homosexuality.

Not all homosexuals are for same gender marriage any more than all women are for "womens reproductive rights". In fact many same gender couples would already be enjoying the benefits of their established rights through civil partnerships if people were not trying to claim equality of same gender and opposite gender marriage by ignoring the one major difference .....children.
Infertile straight couples marry .. why?
Same sex couples adopt children.

There are not more teens getting pregnant today than there was in 1950. The epidemic is that they're not getting married. This puts a strain on the welfare system and is not good for mother or child. (Ask a pro-choicer for detailed list of reasons, lol)
But if marriage is not about pro-creation and responsibility to the support of children, what incentive is there for her to get married? If just claims that she doesn't know who the father is, she still live with him and collect a welfare check.
The The LGBT & AIDS Project was founded in 1986.
Diversity Employers/IMDiversity.com: Jobs Search, Resumes, Recruitment Tools

The ACLU and LGBT in an effort to prevent discrimination brought into existence the "Aids Confidentiality Act".
AIDS: ACLU takes on the tough cases, including HIV/AIDS | HIV-Aids Help

For this reason many states have recently eliminated blood tests.
Marriage License Laws Blood Test Requirements > by State

Blood tests were intended to determine if one or both of the marrying couple had a disease that may be passed on to their children.
Approximately two million pregnant women are affected by sexually transmitted diseases or STDs each year in the United States. STDs contracted during pregnancy can be life threatening to the mother and child. Most people don't even know they are HIV positive until it's to late.
Here is scenario:

Two sisters. Both divorced, both have children. They pool their money together to buy a house. They live there and raise their children together for 20 years.
Same as any other same gender couple, and with the same concerns. If one dies, the other may loose the house because she will have to sell to pay the taxes.
Should it be legal for them to marry?
There are always exceptions to any rule. There may be a minority few opposite gender couples who do not procreate, but none if the same gender couples pro-create. By legalizing marriage, as I have shown, we would discriminate against people who are kin, or subject babies to intended deformity or disability by accepting kin. We can not blood test to protect babies because it discriminates against same gender couples. By changing the definition of marriage from a responsibility to children to a right ____I don't know., we remove the incentive for young mothers to marry. We remove a chills right to know their ancestry and medical history because fathers become obsolete. It's harder to prove paternity to obtain child support. But, all this is easily solved by legalized civil partnership.
Teacher’s Union Financially Supporting Gay Rights

by Giacomo

One of the largest unions in the nation, the National Education Association (NEA) has been using union funds to promote a homosexual agenda.

In a two year period, the NEA gave the Gay, Lesbian [and Straight] Education Network (GLSEN) between $350,000 and $400,000. It was also reported that they gave additional union funds to another gay activist group – the Human Rights campaign.

A growing number of Christian teachers are becoming concerned that their union dues is being used to support activist groups that promote such sinful and anti-biblical lifestyles. A number of these Christian teachers have asked the NEA leadership to stop supporting these groups, but their pleas have fallen on deaf ears and the practice continues on. In states that have right to work laws, a number of Christian teachers are opting out of the NEA as they feel they can no longer support the union nor do they want their dues to be used for such things.

Post Continues on godfatherpolitics.com

Communist Dictatorship That Rounded Up Gay Men into Concentration Camps to Receive Gay Rights Award

May 1, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


No pinkwashing to see here. Just the solidarity of the left.

Mariela Castro, the daughter of a certain Communist dictator named Raul, will arrive in Philly pick up an award from a gay anti-bullying group. Raul Castro’s daughter has been the public face of his recent attempt to realign with the left on the gay rights issue. It’s more than enough for most lefties who chose to ignore the Castro’s regime persecutions of homosexuals.

Despite Mariela’s outward show of gay rights solidarity , Cuba still has plenty of gay prisoners and is still persecuting homosexuals.


But the left never cared much about human rights in Cuba, either for Afro-Cubans, homosexuals or any other group, or for all Cubans in general. Likewise they did not care about human rights in the USSR or Communist China. When those regimes embarrassed them too much, they put on a show of reform.

That is all this is.

The entire charade is another reminder that organized gay rights groups only exist as part of the political infrastructure of the left. Just as NOW makes feminism secondary to liberal causes and the ADL makes Jewish issues secondary to liberal causes, gay rights groups do the same thing. The real pinkwashing is the secret truth that they are front groups whose purpose is a left wing agenda first and their specific front issue last.

Communist Dictatorship That Rounded Up Gay Men into Concentration Camps to Receive Gay Rights Award | FrontPage Magazine
Were the Nazi SA gay?


Ernst Julius Günther Röhm (28 November 1887 – 2 July 1934) was a German officer in the Bavarian Army and later an early Nazi leader. He was a co-founder of the Sturmabteilung ("Storm Battalion"; SA),[1] the Nazi Party militia, and later was its commander. In 1934, as part of the Night of the Long Knives, he was executed on Adolf Hitler's orders as a potential rival.


Under Röhm, the SA also often took the side of workers in strikes and other labor disputes, attacking strikebreakers and supporting picket lines. SA intimidation contributed to the rise of the Nazis and the violent suppression of left-wing parties during electoral campaigns, but its reputation for street violence and heavy drinking was a hindrance, as was the open homosexuality of Röhm and other SA leaders such as his deputy Edmund Heines.[4][5] One American journalist would later write, "[Röhm's] chiefs, men of the rank of Gruppenfuehrer or Obergruppenfuehrer, commanding units of several hundred thousand Storm Troopers, were almost without exception homosexuals. Indeed, unless a Storm Troop officer were homosexual, he had no chance of advancement."[6] In 1931, the Münchener Post, a Social Democratic newspaper, obtained and published Röhm's letters to a friend discussing his homosexual affairs.

Hitler was aware of Röhm's homosexuality. At this point they were so close that they addressed each other as du (the German familiar form of "you"). No other top Nazi leader enjoyed that privilege, and their close association led to rumors of Hitler's homosexuality.[6] Röhm was the only Nazi who dared address Hitler as "Adolf" rather than "mein Führer."[5]

As Hitler rose to national power with his appointment as Chancellor in 1933, SA members were appointed auxiliary police and marched into local government offices forcing officials to surrender their authority to the Nazis.


Ernst Röhm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





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