~Homemade Waterfall Pond~


May 13, 2011
My son built a large pond in his Dad's backyard...it took him some time to complete it.
It's 3 walls high...tiered walls...and there is a pond up top and it has waterfalls that cascade down to the bottom pond....which do contain many fish.
It really is quite pretty and nice to sit by.

The grandchildren like to feed the fish :lol:

The ex has several flowers and stuff planted all around......and it really added beauty to the home.


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Thanks Sherry!
I think he did a great job....I was proud of him.
I took the photos with my cell phone.....I wish they had turned out a little better.......because it looks so much nicer in real life :)
wow.... very nice. I love koi....and its fun hand feeding them too!

Yeah.....so do the grandbabies.....sometimes they think the fish need a couple HUGE handfuls ~LoL~
But it's fun to watch the fish come grab the food.
Very nice. Get a test kit for the water parameters and learn them well. If you have any problems just PM me.
I know a wee little bit about them thar feeshes and pondz.:cool:


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Very nice. Get a test kit for the water parameters and learn them well. If you have any problems just PM me.
I know a wee little bit about them thar feeshes and pondz.:cool:

well dabs you have done what few can do....get douger not to be a dick and to reveal something about himself lol

does the dad or ex realize how much this would have cost?
Very nice. Get a test kit for the water parameters and learn them well. If you have any problems just PM me.
I know a wee little bit about them thar feeshes and pondz.:cool:

well dabs you have done what few can do....get douger not to be a dick and to reveal something about himself lol

does the dad or ex realize how much this would have cost?

Well Bones, here's the thing....yes the ex knows how expensive this would have been to have someone come in and design and create this. And I'm sure he appreciated our son doing it...but he sometimes would piss me off...because he would say the son was taking so long....etc....and I had to remind the ass that our son works 5 days a week, sometimes 6....and he has children......so, shit takes time.
They both retrieved the rocks/stones together most of the time.
I don't think the ex could lift some of the larger rocks by himself...but my son is 6' 4" and weighs 230 pounds, so he was lifting shit I thought for sure would hurt him...but he did OK.
Not to mention the ex started out only wanting ONE pond, then decided he would like 2, one up top, another big one at bottom. So that was more work for my son.

My ex is fucked up because he thinks once the children are gown up, you don't owe them anything anymore. For instance, birthday gifts. He says they are adults now, he shouldn't have to buy them gifts. No, he doesn't have to...but I do. My oldest is 34 and I still buy gifts ~LoL~
So, anyway.....I think the ex thinks our son should just do this for him. He says he has done a lot to help the children....which is true....but there is no rule when that should stop.
But....I spoke my opinion and told the ass that one day....and he ended up giving my son about 200 dollars I believe. Basically to cover some of the labor....because the rocks were free.
But it was hard work...I watched as it was coming together...and I don't think it could have turned out any better if a 'professional' had come in and done it :)
I have a relative in England that creates ponds for well-to-do families. The Koi found in some fo his ponds cost $5,000 a pice in some circumstances. Just carp indeed.

Moving water is very relaxing for most folks. I would love to have a customer ask for one. No luck yet.

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