Holder might quit


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
Some potentially good news.

BALTIMORE (CBSDC) — Attorney General Eric Holder might not be sticking around for a second term.

Holder told law school students at the University of Baltimore School of Law that he does not know if he will stay in his job.

“That’s something that I’m in the process now of trying to determine,” Holder said. “I have to think about, can I contribute in a second term?”

Holder says he needs to sit down with his family and President Obama to see if he wants to continue on the job.

“[I have to] really ask myself the question about, do I think there are things that I still want to do? Do I have gas left in the tank? It’s been an interesting and tough four years, so I really just don’t know,” Holder told students.

Holder Announces He Might Not Stay On As Attorney General « CBS DC
Some potentially good news.

BALTIMORE (CBSDC) — Attorney General Eric Holder might not be sticking around for a second term.

Holder told law school students at the University of Baltimore School of Law that he does not know if he will stay in his job.

“That’s something that I’m in the process now of trying to determine,” Holder said. “I have to think about, can I contribute in a second term?”

Holder says he needs to sit down with his family and President Obama to see if he wants to continue on the job.

“[I have to] really ask myself the question about, do I think there are things that I still want to do? Do I have gas left in the tank? It’s been an interesting and tough four years, so I really just don’t know,” Holder told students.

Holder Announces He Might Not Stay On As Attorney General « CBS DC

It's always great news when an organized crime hit man decides to retire.

Or when his boss decides to can him....:badgrin:

Why would he can him now? lol

Hillary is on the way out as well. gotta get ready to start her run. Hell I hear Rubio is making his first trip to IOWA in a few weeks.

Fucking unending Campaigning.

Yeah, and the scuttlebutt about Panetta leaving? And John Kerry wanting Hillary's position.

Changes, they are a`comin.....
I bet he is trying to negotiate leaving town early so he can avoid criminal charges for F&F.

The GOP should tell him to get the fuck out of town for now and wait for their call to go to jail.
Please people. This isnt necessarily good news.

He could be preparing to be appointed to the Supreme Court.

He could simply be tired of the job.

Doesn't mean Obama wont necessarily pick someone even worse than he is to replace him
Republican will hate whoever is Attorney General

What difference does it make if Holder quits?
He should quit and hang his head in shame - inside a Federal prison.

Your witch hunt against Holder failed

He is still Attorney General and will remain as long as he wants

Do you wan to attack him on black men in front of polling places again?
And no doubt Holder will be replaced with an even more disgusting Obama ass-kisser who'll also have past tax issues and/or donated significant amounts of money to his presidential campaigns.
He pro'bly sees the hand writin' on the wall...
Holder Not Sure He Will Stay on as Attorney General
November 8, 2012 – U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told law students at the University of Baltimore on Thursday that he has yet to decide whether he will stay on during President Barack Obama’s second term.
“That’s something that I’m in the process now of trying to determine,” Holder said. “I have to think about, can I contribute in a second term?”

Holder said he has yet to talk to his family and the president about his plans. “[I have to] really ask myself the question about, do I think there are things that I still want to do? Do I have gas left in the tank? It’s been an interesting and tough four years, so I really just don’t know,” he said.

Holder was found in contempt of court for refusing to turn over documents in connection with the botched gunwalking scheme Operation Fast and Furious. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed with one of the guns from the operation.

Holder has been under fire over what he knew about Fast and Furious. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is also considering whether to stay on during Obama’s second term. Secretary of State of Hillary Clinton has said she will leave her post once her successor has been chosen.

Holder Not Sure He Will Stay on as Attorney General | CNSNews.com

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