HMS Diamond aborts Gulf mission after breaking down


Silver Member
Mar 16, 2017
One of Britain’s most advanced warships has aborted a mission to the Gulf and is heading home after breaking down, The Times can reveal.

HMS Diamond, a £1 billion Type 45 destroyer, had problems with a propeller that could not be fixed at sea despite the efforts of sailors on board.

It is the latest debacle to beset the Royal Navy’s fleet of six destroyers, built by BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce, which started entering service eight years ago.

The other five warships are in Portsmouth because of routine maintenance, a shortage of sailors and problems with the engine, which struggles in warm water.
There is not thought to be any other ship, including among a fleet of 13 Type 23 frigates, that is ready to

HMS Diamond aborts Gulf mission after breaking down

The time has passed when, England was the queen of the seas, and Argentina can try to avenge the defeat in the Falklands War.

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