Hizballah shops for defense council in London, caves in on UN tribunal


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
Left in the lurch by Syria, Nasrallah eats crow

In his speech Thursday, Dec. 16, Hassan Nasrallah, Hizballah's fiery leader, sounded like his usual pugnacious self, damning America and forecasting an Israeli defeat in the next war. He even staged a dramatic backdrop of "Israeli spy equipment" on two Lebanese peaks, which the Lebanese army supposedly dismantled that very day. But, according to debkafile's Middle East sources, he was putting on a show to avoid revealing to his followers that he had thrown in the towel in his battle against the UN Tribunal-STL probing the Hariri assassination of 2005. His top security and intelligence operatives were now instructed to turn themselves in when summoned by the STL some time soon.

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We will know shortly...
Left in the lurch by Syria, Nasrallah eats crow

In his speech Thursday, Dec. 16, Hassan Nasrallah, Hizballah's fiery leader, sounded like his usual pugnacious self, damning America and forecasting an Israeli defeat in the next war. He even staged a dramatic backdrop of "Israeli spy equipment" on two Lebanese peaks, which the Lebanese army supposedly dismantled that very day. But, according to debkafile's Middle East sources, he was putting on a show to avoid revealing to his followers that he had thrown in the towel in his battle against the UN Tribunal-STL probing the Hariri assassination of 2005. His top security and intelligence operatives were now instructed to turn themselves in when summoned by the STL some time soon.

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We will know shortly...

When is Mossad gonna finish off that twisted piece of trash?
Left in the lurch by Syria, Nasrallah eats crow

In his speech Thursday, Dec. 16, Hassan Nasrallah, Hizballah's fiery leader, sounded like his usual pugnacious self, damning America and forecasting an Israeli defeat in the next war. He even staged a dramatic backdrop of "Israeli spy equipment" on two Lebanese peaks, which the Lebanese army supposedly dismantled that very day. But, according to debkafile's Middle East sources, he was putting on a show to avoid revealing to his followers that he had thrown in the towel in his battle against the UN Tribunal-STL probing the Hariri assassination of 2005. His top security and intelligence operatives were now instructed to turn themselves in when summoned by the STL some time soon.

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We will know shortly...

When is Mossad gonna finish off that twisted piece of trash?

Likely when he comes out from hiding behind the shirt tails of Syria and Iran. He doesn't posts his rants from Gaza. He sips honeyed tea with his Iranian bosses, and exhorts the Palestinian people to more deaths.

when I actually see the report disseminated I'll believe it. I am not sure the UN has that kind of grit frankly.

I agree that time will tell. I will also be surprised, but much of Debka (75%) does seem to come to fruition.

This could easily be in that 25% realm.
The powers that most clearly stood to advance their strategic aims by having Hariri assassinated and blaming the crime on Syria are the US and Israel. Among those who play the game of speculating who organized the car bombing in Beirut, the smart money is undoubtedly on Washington and Tel Aviv.

Under pressure from Washington, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1559 last September, demanding that Syria withdraw its troops from Lebanon. This political fact sheds light on the decision of the White House, before the blood on Beirut’s streets had dried on Monday, to issue a statement blaming Damascus. This entirely unsupported charge was followed by instructions to Washington’s ambassador to slap the Syrian regime with a demarche and leave the country.

In the midst of Washington’s provocative moves against Syria, for which the killing of Hariri supposedly provided justification, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice declared, with consummate cynicism, that the US was making no presumptions as to the authors of the crime. “We’re not laying blame,” she said, “It has to be investigated.”
The assassination of Rafiq Hariri: who benefited?
The powers that most clearly stood to advance their strategic aims by having Hariri assassinated and blaming the crime on Syria are the US and Israel. Among those who play the game of speculating who organized the car bombing in Beirut, the smart money is undoubtedly on Washington and Tel Aviv.

Under pressure from Washington, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1559 last September, demanding that Syria withdraw its troops from Lebanon. This political fact sheds light on the decision of the White House, before the blood on Beirut’s streets had dried on Monday, to issue a statement blaming Damascus. This entirely unsupported charge was followed by instructions to Washington’s ambassador to slap the Syrian regime with a demarche and leave the country.

In the midst of Washington’s provocative moves against Syria, for which the killing of Hariri supposedly provided justification, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice declared, with consummate cynicism, that the US was making no presumptions as to the authors of the crime. “We’re not laying blame,” she said, “It has to be investigated.”
The assassination of Rafiq Hariri: who benefited?

whats your position, exactly?
And the term "Alive" shows your clear lack of empathy for the homosexuals being hung in Iran.



The sign in Farsi says they were drug dealers

Ah, now I understand the hate for Israel and the support for Iran.

:eusa_whistle: :cool:

you Zionist tool

Ropey said:
Now, who's the tool?

The powers that most clearly stood to advance their strategic aims by having Hariri assassinated and blaming the crime on Syria are the US and Israel. Among those who play the game of speculating who organized the car bombing in Beirut, the smart money is undoubtedly on Washington and Tel Aviv.

Under pressure from Washington, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1559 last September, demanding that Syria withdraw its troops from Lebanon. This political fact sheds light on the decision of the White House, before the blood on Beirut’s streets had dried on Monday, to issue a statement blaming Damascus. This entirely unsupported charge was followed by instructions to Washington’s ambassador to slap the Syrian regime with a demarche and leave the country.

In the midst of Washington’s provocative moves against Syria, for which the killing of Hariri supposedly provided justification, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice declared, with consummate cynicism, that the US was making no presumptions as to the authors of the crime. “We’re not laying blame,” she said, “It has to be investigated.”
The assassination of Rafiq Hariri: who benefited?

whats your position, exactly?


No wonder they get nowhere. It's all the fault of the Jews and Israel. Thirteen million people worldwide control the billion plus Muslims.

They must be really slow to even complain about such inanity.
yea pretty much.

well the arabs do have all that oil wealth and they use it to the betterment of their people raising their standard of living, literacy ( the koran recantation doesn't count) ...hey, wait a minute!!!:lol:
yea pretty much.

well the arabs do have all that oil wealth and they use it to the betterment of their people raising their standard of living, literacy ( the koran recantation doesn't count) ...hey, wait a minute!!!:lol:

*Looking Up In The Air"

You couldn't have placed Israel in Mesopotamia?

'stability' equals whitewash. If the intl. community cannot deliver indictments even if they don't result in 'justice' for those that deserve it, then they should just leave it all alone, they have no issue when it comes to proclamations/accusations as to israels presumed guilt as to this that and the other.

If they are cowed now, they just pull the rug out from under their own future influence which become mere gestures, not that reasonable folk already don't see a double standard anyway.

one of the original sins here was allowing Hezbollah to miraculously transform literally overnight due to craven application of Taif from being treated as it was- a militia, becoming a 'resistance force'. :rolleyes:

Will Hezbollah Be Brought to Justice in Lebanon?

* DECEMBER 26, 2010, 5:17 P.M. ET
Its likely role in Rafik Hariri's death must not be covered up in the name of 'stability.'

Tensions in Lebanon are high. The U.N.-backed Special Tribunal, set up in the Hague to prosecute the killers of Rafik Hariri, the former prime minister and Saad's father, is preparing to issue indictments.

All indications point to members of Hezbollah, the Shiite militant group loyal to Iran, as the main culprits in the 2005 murder. If Hezbollah militants are indicted, it could lead to serious unrest between the group's Shiite base and the largely Sunni followers of the assassinated prime minister. Regional actors including Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the United States all have a stake in the outcome.

Many have called for scuttling the tribunal out of fear of the instability it could create. Lebanon is not prepared for justice, these voices claim. New York Times columnist Roger Cohen has argued that "Lebanese stability is precarious and tenuous: it trumps justice delayed, foreign and flawed." And Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt has questioned "the use for tribunal justice if it leads to slaughter." True enough, the Middle East does not need another Sunni-Shiite conflict. But rewarding those who engage in assassinations by letting them walk free will only encourage more violence.

Justice is the only path to lasting stability in Lebanon. Without it, Sunni extremists itching to take on their Shiite counterparts will only grow in strength. Sunnis more generally will feel betrayed twice—first for having their leader assassinated and second for being denied justice. Thwarting the tribunal is a guaranteed path to further Sunni-Shiite tensions and a greater sense of anger in the country and the region.

For its part, Hezbollah is attempting to smear the tribunal, labeling it an "American-Israeli project." But no one knows what evidence an indictment will put forward. Judgments about the court's integrity should be withheld until then, and no one should be duped by Hezbollah's misinformation campaign.

Most people in Lebanon already believe that Hezbollah has been exposed for what it truly is, especially after the self-proclaimed "resistance" against Israel turned its weapons against fellow Lebanese in the domestic troubles of 2008. An indictment with solid evidence will only further isolate the group within Lebanon and tarnish its carefully cultivated image in the broader Arab and Muslim worlds.

That said, Hezbollah's overwhelming hold over Lebanon's Shiite community will no doubt remain a key source of its strength. Unraveling this relationship will require a long-term strategy, including engaging with local partners to find alternatives to the extensive social services and patronage networks that the group has employed to capture Shiite loyalty since its 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut.

rest at-
Firas Maksad: Will Hezbollah Be Brought to Justice in Lebanon? - WSJ.com
'stability' equals whitewash. If the intl. community cannot deliver indictments even if they don't result in 'justice' for those that deserve it, then they should just leave it all alone, they have no issue when it comes to proclamations/accusations as to israels presumed guilt as to this that and the other.

Omar Bashir, the pres. of Sudan, was indicted for his role in the genocide in Darfur.

Nothing has come of it.

Don't bank on any indictments against Hizballah having any effect, either.
yea pretty much.

well the arabs do have all that oil wealth and they use it to the betterment of their people raising their standard of living, literacy ( the koran recantation doesn't count) ...hey, wait a minute!!!:lol:

The Arab League determined that fully one-third of all Arabs--over 100 million--are illiterate and half of all Arab women are illiterate.

Thus, Arabs couldn't even read the Quran if they wanted to. Although, they're not missing much
'stability' equals whitewash. If the intl. community cannot deliver indictments even if they don't result in 'justice' for those that deserve it, then they should just leave it all alone, they have no issue when it comes to proclamations/accusations as to israels presumed guilt as to this that and the other.

Omar Bashir, the pres. of Sudan, was indicted for his role in the genocide in Darfur.

Nothing has come of it.

Don't bank on any indictments against Hizballah having any effect, either.

no I don't, I understand that , there is literally no way to get at them and they certainly won't surrender to 'authorities' even if you could find one that would take them, and even Nasrallah doesn't know were Nasrallah is on occasion but its important that people seem the for what they are.
'stability' equals whitewash. If the intl. community cannot deliver indictments even if they don't result in 'justice' for those that deserve it, then they should just leave it all alone, they have no issue when it comes to proclamations/accusations as to israels presumed guilt as to this that and the other.

Omar Bashir, the pres. of Sudan, was indicted for his role in the genocide in Darfur.

Nothing has come of it.

Don't bank on any indictments against Hizballah having any effect, either.

no I don't, I understand that , there is literally no way to get at them and they certainly won't surrender to 'authorities' even if you could find one that would take them, and even Nasrallah doesn't know were Nasrallah is on occasion but its important that people seem the for what they are.

One ray of hope is the Lebanese rising up against Hizballah. One encouraging sign is Hizballah's loss in the recent elections.

Problem is Lebanese PM Hariri [Jr] is afraid for his own life and instead of pursuing indictments he is playing footsie with Syria which is complicit in his own father's assassination.
I hear you, . and this will reach critical mass again in the next 2 years imho.

I fear sooner with Hizballah being armed with more sophisticated military equipment by Iran and Syria and talking trash about Israel, again.

I know most of the Lebanese, at least, the Christians I know, do not want to have to re-build Beirut after another Israeli thumping.

Plus, another war would impede obtaining my favorite Lebanese olive oil:eek:
hey we just appointed an ambassador to Syria, great stuff, i am glad they are over their 'period'. :rolleyes:.

Until the next one. One always seem to follow Syria....

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