History Rewritten


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
An Alleged Case of Textbook Bias So ‘Outrageous’ That One Student Says ‘People Need to Know About It’

Feb. 17, 2014 6:30pm Oliver Darcy

A university-assigned textbook that appears to suggest former President Ronald Reagan was a sexist and says conservatives view individuals as lazy and corrupt is under fire from at least one student.


According to the student, this is just a small example. The article cites other examples of liberal bias. Makes one wonder how much more of this tripe is going around our college campuses. Read the article @ An Alleged Case of Textbook Bias So ?Outrageous? That One Student Says ?People Need to Know About It? | TheBlaze.com with links. :evil:
???? What???

I thought the issue with ACA is the LIBERALS didn't "trust people to be charitable"
and so they wanted GOVT to FORCE people by LAW to pay for everyone's health care.

All the preaching against ACA I've heard on here is conservatives saying
you can't legislate charity, it happens by free choice, they TRUST
people to manage themselves through businesses, churches, charities etc.

As for limited govt, that's all you need to say. Constitutionalism is
belief in limited govt. How hard is that?

That's really very funny because its all true.

These are the very things the right is always bragging about. Hell, its what Repub leaders actually SAY.

And yet, the right is just fine with Texasss text book writers deleting Thomas Jefferson because he really didn't do anything important enough to be included.
There are hundreds of thousands of different text books floating around hundreds of thousands of different college classes. If the student didn't know the class he signed up for leaned left then he's an idiot and should've chosen one of the many that lean right.
There are hundreds of thousands of different text books floating around hundreds of thousands of different college classes. If the student didn't know the class he signed up for leaned left then he's an idiot and should've chosen one of the many that lean right.

The problem is that the kid THINKS he's a Conservative but ACTED like a Liberal.
There are numerous booklets on ideology used in the colleges. Many agree that part of conservative belief is that mankind is basically self-serving and. Liberalism has more of a belief that mankind is basically good. As someone suggested one has only to read these boards and see the evidence that this might be true of the ideologies. From this one belief of is man basically good or bad we can predict which party is for or against welfare or any number of programs.
Another core belief might be behavior, conservatives believe in less behavior deviance than liberals. Not long ago the Repulican party platform called for more law and order, and today which party is more against gays, liberals or conservatives?
Most people are not totally liberal or conservative but sort of mixed with one ideology dominating. Limbaugh is an exception.
We need both ideologies but there is a difference.
Should colleges attempt to teach some of the differences? And here some of our ideologies might start to come out.
An Alleged Case of Textbook Bias So ‘Outrageous’ That One Student Says ‘People Need to Know About It’

Feb. 17, 2014 6:30pm Oliver Darcy

A university-assigned textbook that appears to suggest former President Ronald Reagan was a sexist and says conservatives view individuals as lazy and corrupt is under fire from at least one student.


According to the student, this is just a small example. The article cites other examples of liberal bias. Makes one wonder how much more of this tripe is going around our college campuses. Read the article @ An Alleged Case of Textbook Bias So ?Outrageous? That One Student Says ?People Need to Know About It? | TheBlaze.com with links. :evil:

So, she wants her 15 minutes of fame? I'll give her two and for taking things out of context.

Taken from the top, "Conservatism is the philosophy that individuals are responsible for themselves, government should provide minimal interference in people's lives, and change is generally unnecessary."

Is that or is that not the definition?

"Gans proposes"... really? Are you familiar with college level textbooks? Or any textbook that covers social work?

Reagan Is Shortchanging Women, Says GOP Feminist Kathy Wilson, and He May Pay for It Next Year at the Polls : People.com

The above was an interview done by a GOP feminist. Look at the date.

This is all much ado about nuttin'.
That's really very funny because its all true.

These are the very things the right is always bragging about. Hell, its what Repub leaders actually SAY.

And yet, the right is just fine with Texasss text book writers deleting Thomas Jefferson because he really didn't do anything important enough to be included.

The conservatives in Texas are against the public school bureaucracy overrun by liberals.

They would blame the liberals for cutting out references to God, Jefferson, and founding fathers.

Thanks for bringing this up, Luddly, but they will quickly blame the liberals for this,
and use it as proof for how the public education system has gone down since
liberals took it over!
That's really very funny because its all true.

These are the very things the right is always bragging about. Hell, its what Repub leaders actually SAY.

PS Luddly what about the Catholic school that had to apologize publicly for serving menu items of Fried Chicken, cornbread, and watermelon for Black History Month. Because it promoted stereotypes.

yet the idea for a special menu, and the items selected, were chosen and requested by the Black Student group with the school.
so Black people REALLY do like and REALLY did want to celebrate Black History Month with their favorite traditional foods. Those students came up with the idea and menu themselves and asked for this.

Do you think that is funny too? that Black people really do like those foods?
or sad the school was forced to apologize anyway?
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