History of Arab Muslim Failure In "Palestine" Tranformed By The Jews


Jun 29, 2011
US President John F. Kennedy
When the first Zionist conference met in 1897, Palestine was a neglected wasteland

I first saw Palestine in 1939. There the neglect and ruin left by centuries of Ottoman [Muslim] misrule were slowly being transformed by miracles of [Jewish] labor and sacrifice. But Palestine was still a land of promise in 1939, rather than a land of fulfillment. I returned in 1951 to see the grandeur of Israel

I left with the conviction that the United Nations may have conferred on Israel the credentials of nationhood; but its own idealism and courage, its own sacrifice and generosity, had earned the credentials of immortality.

Israel was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom; and no area of the world has ever had an overabundance of democracy and freedom.

It is worth remembering, too, that Israel is a cause that stands beyond the ordinary changes and chances of American public life. In our pluralistic society, it has not been a Jewish cause - any more than Irish independence was solely the concern of Americans of Irish descent. The ideals of Zionism have, in the last half century, been repeatedly endorsed by Presidents and Members of Congress from both parties. Friendship for Israel is not a partisan matter. It is a national commitment.

The original Zionist philosophy has always maintained that the people of Israel would use their national genius not for selfish purposes but for the enrichment and glory of the entire Middle East. The earliest leaders of the Zionist movement spoke of a Jewish state which would have no military power and which would be content with victories of the spirit

The technical skills and genius of Israel have already brought their blessings to Burma and to Ethiopia. Still other nations in Asia and in Africa are eager to benefit from the special skills available in that bustling land
John F. Kennedy: Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, Zionists of America Convention, Statler Hilton Hotel, New York, NY

Historian Bernard Lewis
If the peoples of the Middle East continue on their present path, the suicide bomber may become a metaphor for the whole region, and there will be no escape from a downward spiral of hate and spite, rage and self-pity, poverty and oppression.
Amazon.com: Political Words and Ideas in Islam (9781558764248): Bernard Lewis: Books

Historian Sir Martin Gilbert, Official Biographer of Winston Churchill
I cannot stress enough the importance of the few days Churchill spent throughout Palestine in 1921. The contrast between the extraordinary negative points of view put forth by the Palestinian Arabs and the equally positive ones put forth by the Zionists struck him enormously. Churchill didn't like negativism and he couldn't comprehend why the Palestinian Arabs were being so negative. It's quite curious. If you have a look at what the Palestinian Arabs told him, you'll find that three or four are actually in the Hamas Charter today, such as the world Jewish conspiracy and so on and so forth. That said, the Palestinian Arabs just made a bad impression on him and subsequently, he became very negative toward them; in modern terms, almost racist. When Churchill spoke to the Palestinian Arabs, he actually said to them, 'You've got to help the Zionists. They're people of quality and inasmuch as they'll succeed, you'll succeed. Without them you won't succeed.'

Massachussets Institute of Technology [MIT]
As a world leader in science and technology, Israel excels in such areas as genetics, medicine, agriculture, computer sciences, electronics, optics, and engineering. Scientists at Israeli universities such as Bar Ilan University, Ben Gurion University, Haifa University, Hebrew University, The Technion--Israel Institute of Technology, Tel Aviv University and the Weizmann Institute of Science are pioneers in areas such as stem cell-based tissue engineering, nanotechnology, high-resolution electron microscopy, and solar energy. Israeli companies have developed such diverse products as the first anti-virus package, technologies that allow you to leave voice mail on mobile phones, and stents that save lives by keeping the arteries to the heart open.

Warren Buffett...
We believe generally in the United States, we believe in ourselves and what a young country can achieve. Israel, since 1948, now a major factor in commerce and in the world. It's a smaller replica of what has been accomplished here and I think Americans admire that. They feel good about societies that are on the move.
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"The Misery of Arabs/Apple R&D In Israel"
Apple will open a research and development center in Israel that will focus on semiconductors

The R&D center in Herzliya, Israel’s version of Silicon Valley, would be Apple’s first outside California

Earlier this week, Israeli media reported Apple was in advanced talks to buy Anobit, an Israeli maker of flash storage technology, for $400-$500 million

It is so sad and frustrating to see APPLE investing in Israel, while we as Arabs are not able to attract these investments to our countries! I don’t know what our leaders are doing to create proper environment for such investments!

I would prefer seeing APPLE as well as MICROSOFT having their R&D in Lebanon or any other Arab Country instead of being in ISRAEL!


The Misery of Arabs ! Apple R&D in ISRAEL! | What do You Think ?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA4wnqRAuhI]Apple to set up Israel development center - YouTube[/ame]
These Arab towns and villages were not merely place names on a map. They were developed communities containing farms, factories, stores and schools, with an infrastructure of doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, merchants, mechanics, industrialists, workers and farmers which would be the envy of any developing country today. Yet the Zionists not only deny the developed state of the Palestine which they usurped or destroyed, but even deny the identity and existence of the Palestinians. They claim that the "British created the Palestinian identity ." This is easily belied by such evidence as the existence of a modem Arabic-language newspaper named Filastin, which addressed its readers as Palestinians in 1911, six years before the Balfour Declaration and well before the commencement of the British Mandate.(13)

But truth has never been important to the Zionists. What they destroyed or usurped has to be presented as nonexistent. Thus in 1969 Golda Myerson (alias Meir), a Russian-born U.S. citizen and Israeli Prime Minister, had the audacity to ask at a press conference in the United States, "Who are the Palestinians?"

The Palestinian Arabs are Christians and Muslims of great Arab cultural tradition and civilization, who had a well developed and prosperous economy before its destruction in 1948. Before 1948 they resided in twelve cities or major towns and 830 small towns and villages. Arab homes in the cities were either luxurious stone villas with beautiful gardens, or apartments with two to five bedrooms. These residences were well-furnished with modem furniture and household goods. No Arab home of the middle and upper classes contained less than eight valuable Persian carpets. All of these homes and their furnishing were usurped by Israel.

Even today, reduced to a refugee nation, the Palestinian Arabs have a high level of educational achievement. Palestinians hold many professional positions as doctors, lawyers, teachers and engineers, and operate successful commercial enterprises not only in the Arab world, but in the United States, Latin America, Western Europe and the British Commonwealth as well.

The growth rate of the Jewish economy in Palestine was artificial. In Mandate days, as in Israel today, it was totally dependent on outside subsidies to cover perpetual operating losses.

Contrary to the Zionist-created mythology, statistically and historically:

1. A prosperous, dynamically growing Palestinian Arab economy was destroyed by the Zionists, reducing the Palestinians to the status of a refugee nation.

2. Most of the Palestinian Arabs' lands, homes and possessions were usurped by the Zionists, and their owners were expelled.

3. These lands, homes and possessions rightfully and legally belong to the Palestinian Arabs and provide the underlying capital base of everything of value in Israel today.

Chapter 2: Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
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"We [Arabs] have become extinct," said Syrian poet Adonis in a March 11 Dubai television interview... The prognosis by Adonis, the only Arabic writer on the Nobel Prize short list, for the Arab prospect has become more bleak over the years.

"We have become extinct ... We have the masses of people, but a people becomes extinct when it no longer has a creative capacity, and the capacity to change its world ... The great Sumerians became extinct, the great Greeks became extinct, and the Pharaohs became extinct," he said.

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News - Are the Arabs already extinct?

A word in the Arab world today is treated as a crime.

What is happening in the Arab world today has never been witnessed in its history You make a statement and its as if you've committed a crime and the opinion is treated as if it is a crime against the law. This is inconceivable. You can be jailed because of an article.

The conditions necessary for democracy are not present in Arab society. There are people who are afraid of freedom...because it is a great burden to be free. It is not something easy. When we are slaves, we do not have to worry about anything and just as God solves all of our problems, the Dictator will solve all of our problems.

I do not understand what goes on in Arab society today In comparing what the Arabs have done in the last 100 years, with what has been achieved by others in the same period, all I can say is that we Arabs are in a period of extinction. Extinction meaning that we no longer have a creative or innovative presence on the world state.

We [Arabs] are extinct.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2Y2ZcfUIZU]Arab Thinker: Your Opinion is a Crime in the Arab World - YouTube[/ame]
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Warren Buffett Congratulating Israeli Stef Wertheimer, Founder of Iscar, the Hugely Successful Israeli Company In Which Mr. Buffett Has Invested $4 Billion, For Winning The Dun & Bradsteet Leadership Excellence Award
Dun & Bradstreet couldn't have made a better choice and it's particularly impressive when someone is chosen for that award in Israel because the talent level is so high.

If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't need to stop in Israel. But, if you're looking for brains, for energy, for integrity, for imagination, it's the only stop you need to make

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbX60Pktzsk]Warren Buffet on Israel - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMKyh8l02tg&feature=related]ISCAR IMAGE-New ver.flv - YouTube[/ame]
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From its first settlements to today, Israel has always depended on handouts.
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Israel: Startup Nation. $200 Billion GDP, 40th Largest Economy In The World
Israel, sometimes referred to as "Startup Nation", is a hub of entrepreneurship...Located at the heart of the Middle East, right between Asia and Africa, it has close trade relations with both Europe and North America, which contribute to its success.

With a population of 7.6 million, yet roughly the world’s 40th largest economy, Israel enjoys a technologically advanced economy, brimming with entrepreneurial activity. The citizenry is highly educated and cosmopolitan, and serves as a valuable resource for advancements in high technology. Venture capital and startups are part of the local culture, and more Israeli companies are listed on NASDAQ than from any other country outside of North America, China following closely.

Israel prides itself in the high level of its universities, almost all of which hold entrepreneurship centers.
GEW / Israel: A Startup Nation | Global Entrepreneurship Week

KPMG: Israel Spreading Its Wings, Growing Internationally
Israel has a dynamic, technologically advanced market economy, with a GDP of approximately US$200 billion. Over the past five years, GDP has grown by an average of five percent annually, while inflation has been near zero and the Israeli Shekel has remained stable versus the US Dollar. The Bank of Israel's interest rate is at a record low, at 0.5 percent, and is among the lowest in the world. Raw materials (excluding diamonds and fuels), constitute 40 percent of total imports, while manufacturing (low-to-high technology products and services), constitutes 87 percent of total exports. In addition, there are more Israeli-domiciled companies traded on NASDAQ (currently 63) than in any country outside the US.

The country's entrepreneurial and competitive environment is underpinned by a number of cultural and social factors. Education is one of the key drivers with high numbers of science and engineering students graduating each year - Israel boasts a ratio of 135 scientists per 100,000 workers, the highest in the world

In the 1990s, following the successful establishment of Yozma, one of Israel's first venture capital (VC) programs, nearly 100 VC firms have been established, using foreign and local investment capital, to help catapult the creation and expansion of a large number of high technology companies. Approximately US$9.4 billion of capital was invested from these sources between 1993 and 2000.

In all, approximately US$4.2 billion of capital has been invested in Israeli private equity firms
KPMG - April 2011 - frontiers in finance: Spreading its wings
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US President John F. Kennedy: Salute To Israel
I join in this salute of Israel today because of my own deep admiration for Israel and her people – an admiration based not on hearsay, not on assumption, but on my own personal experience. For I went to Palestine in 1939; and I saw there an unhappy land...For century after century, Romans, Turks, Christians, Moslems, Pagans, British – all had conquered the Holy Land – but none could make it prosper. In the words of Israel Zangwill: “The land without a people waited for the people without a land.” The realm where once milk and honey flowed, and civilization flourished, was in 1939 a barren realm – barren of hope and cheer and progress as well as crops and industries – a gloomy picture for a young man paying his first visit from the United States.

But 12 years later, in 1951, I traveled again to the land by the River Jordan – this time as a Member of the Congress of the United States – and this time to see first-hand the new State of Israel. The transformation which had taken place could not have been more complete. For between the time of my visit in 1939 and my visit in 1951, a nation had been reborn – a desert had been reclaimed – and a national integrity had been redeemed, after 2,000 years of seemingly endless waiting. Zion had at least been restored

Yes; Israel, we salute you. We honor your progress and your determination and your spirit. But in the midst of our rejoicing we do not forget your peril. We know that no other nation in this world lives out its days in an atmosphere of such constant tension and fear. We know that no other nation in this world is surrounded on every side by such violent hate and prejudice

Today we celebrate her 8th birthday – but I say without hesitation that she will live to see an 80th birthday – and an eight hundredth. For peace is all Israel asks, no more – a peace that will “beat swords into plowshares and spears into pruning-hooks”; a peace that will enable the desert to “rejoice and blossom as the rose,” “when the wicked cease from troubling and the weary be at rest.” Then, and only then, will the world have witnessed the complete fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy “Tzee-Yon B’Meeshpat Teepadeh” – “Zion shall be redeemed through justice.” And all of us here, and there, and everywhere will then be able to say to each other with faith and with confidence, in our coming and in our going: “Shalom” – peace! Peace be with you, now and forever.

Remarks by Senator John F. Kennedy at Yankee Stadium on April 29, 1956 | Finding Camelot
US President John F. Kennedy: Salute To Israel
I join in this salute of Israel today because of my own deep admiration for Israel and her people – an admiration based not on hearsay, not on assumption, but on my own personal experience. For I went to Palestine in 1939; and I saw there an unhappy land...For century after century, Romans, Turks, Christians, Moslems, Pagans, British – all had conquered the Holy Land – but none could make it prosper. In the words of Israel Zangwill: “The land without a people waited for the people without a land.” The realm where once milk and honey flowed, and civilization flourished, was in 1939 a barren realm – barren of hope and cheer and progress as well as crops and industries – a gloomy picture for a young man paying his first visit from the United States.

But 12 years later, in 1951, I traveled again to the land by the River Jordan – this time as a Member of the Congress of the United States – and this time to see first-hand the new State of Israel. The transformation which had taken place could not have been more complete. For between the time of my visit in 1939 and my visit in 1951, a nation had been reborn – a desert had been reclaimed – and a national integrity had been redeemed, after 2,000 years of seemingly endless waiting. Zion had at least been restored

Yes; Israel, we salute you. We honor your progress and your determination and your spirit. But in the midst of our rejoicing we do not forget your peril. We know that no other nation in this world lives out its days in an atmosphere of such constant tension and fear. We know that no other nation in this world is surrounded on every side by such violent hate and prejudice

Today we celebrate her 8th birthday – but I say without hesitation that she will live to see an 80th birthday – and an eight hundredth. For peace is all Israel asks, no more – a peace that will “beat swords into plowshares and spears into pruning-hooks”; a peace that will enable the desert to “rejoice and blossom as the rose,” “when the wicked cease from troubling and the weary be at rest.” Then, and only then, will the world have witnessed the complete fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy “Tzee-Yon B’Meeshpat Teepadeh” – “Zion shall be redeemed through justice.” And all of us here, and there, and everywhere will then be able to say to each other with faith and with confidence, in our coming and in our going: “Shalom” – peace! Peace be with you, now and forever.

Remarks by Senator John F. Kennedy at Yankee Stadium on April 29, 1956 | Finding Camelot

CNBC: Israel, Business Leader And Innovator

Israeli Industry - CNBC
Israel's economy has been constant from agriculture in the early days to high tech, medicine, science to its newest industries today solar and green tech. Israel boasts the largest desalinator in the world

Israel is a leader in water technology, pharmaceuticals and green technology,

Warren Buffett: "What you have here is a remarkable group of people doing remarkable things in their field achieving terrific results all over the world."
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Israel: Startup Nation. $200 Billion Gross Domestic Product. 40th Largest Economy In the World.
Israel, sometimes referred to as "Startup Nation", is a hub of entrepreneurship...Located at the heart of the Middle East, right between Asia and Africa, it has close trade relations with both Europe and North America, which contribute to its success.

With a population of 7.6 million, yet roughly the world’s 40th largest economy, Israel enjoys a technologically advanced economy, brimming with entrepreneurial activity. The citizenry is highly educated and cosmopolitan, and serves as a valuable resource for advancements in high technology. Venture capital and startups are part of the local culture, and more Israeli companies are listed on NASDAQ than from any other country outside of North America, China following closely.

Israel prides itself in the high level of its universities, almost all of which hold entrepreneurship centers.
GEW / Israel: A Startup Nation | Global Entrepreneurship Week

KPMG: Israel Spreading Its Wings, Growing Internationally
Israel has a dynamic, technologically advanced market economy, with a GDP of approximately US$200 billion. Over the past five years, GDP has grown by an average of five percent annually, while inflation has been near zero and the Israeli Shekel has remained stable versus the US Dollar. The Bank of Israel's interest rate is at a record low, at 0.5 percent, and is among the lowest in the world. Raw materials (excluding diamonds and fuels), constitute 40 percent of total imports, while manufacturing (low-to-high technology products and services), constitutes 87 percent of total exports. In addition, there are more Israeli-domiciled companies traded on NASDAQ (currently 63) than in any country outside the US.

The country's entrepreneurial and competitive environment is underpinned by a number of cultural and social factors. Education is one of the key drivers with high numbers of science and engineering students graduating each year - Israel boasts a ratio of 135 scientists per 100,000 workers, the highest in the world

In the 1990s, following the successful establishment of Yozma, one of Israel's first venture capital (VC) programs, nearly 100 VC firms have been established, using foreign and local investment capital, to help catapult the creation and expansion of a large number of high technology companies. Approximately US$9.4 billion of capital was invested from these sources between 1993 and 2000.

In all, approximately US$4.2 billion of capital has been invested in Israeli private equity firms
KPMG - April 2011 - frontiers in finance: Spreading its wings
Palestine was self sufficient.

Then Israel invaded.

Now we have two countries on welfare.
Israel: Startup Nation. $200 Billion Gross Domestic Product. 40th Largest Economy In the World. 30th Highest Per Capita Income In The World.
Israel, sometimes referred to as "Startup Nation", is a hub of entrepreneurship...Located at the heart of the Middle East, right between Asia and Africa, it has close trade relations with both Europe and North America, which contribute to its success.

With a population of 7.6 million, yet roughly the world’s 40th largest economy, Israel enjoys a technologically advanced economy, brimming with entrepreneurial activity. The citizenry is highly educated and cosmopolitan, and serves as a valuable resource for advancements in high technology. Venture capital and startups are part of the local culture, and more Israeli companies are listed on NASDAQ than from any other country outside of North America, China following closely.

Israel prides itself in the high level of its universities, almost all of which hold entrepreneurship centers.
GEW / Israel: A Startup Nation | Global Entrepreneurship Week

KPMG: Israel Spreading Its Wings, Growing Internationally
Israel has a dynamic, technologically advanced market economy, with a GDP of approximately US$200 billion. Over the past five years, GDP has grown by an average of five percent annually, while inflation has been near zero and the Israeli Shekel has remained stable versus the US Dollar. The Bank of Israel's interest rate is at a record low, at 0.5 percent, and is among the lowest in the world. Raw materials (excluding diamonds and fuels), constitute 40 percent of total imports, while manufacturing (low-to-high technology products and services), constitutes 87 percent of total exports. In addition, there are more Israeli-domiciled companies traded on NASDAQ (currently 63) than in any country outside the US.

The country's entrepreneurial and competitive environment is underpinned by a number of cultural and social factors. Education is one of the key drivers with high numbers of science and engineering students graduating each year - Israel boasts a ratio of 135 scientists per 100,000 workers, the highest in the world

In the 1990s, following the successful establishment of Yozma, one of Israel's first venture capital (VC) programs, nearly 100 VC firms have been established, using foreign and local investment capital, to help catapult the creation and expansion of a large number of high technology companies. Approximately US$9.4 billion of capital was invested from these sources between 1993 and 2000. In all, approximately US$4.2 billion of capital has been invested in Israeli private equity firms KPMG - April 2011 - frontiers in finance: Spreading its wings
Warren Buffett Congratulating Israeli Stef Wertheimer, Founder of Iscar, the Hugely Successful Israeli Company In Which Mr. Buffett Has Invested $4 Billion, For Winning The Dun & Bradsteet Leadership Excellence Award
Dun & Bradstreet couldn't have made a better choice and it's particularly impressive when someone is chosen for that award in Israel because the talent level is so high.

If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't need to stop in Israel. But, if you're looking for brains, for energy, for integrity, for imagination, it's the only stop you need to make

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbX60Pktzsk]Warren Buffet on Israel - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMKyh8l02tg&feature=related]ISCAR IMAGE-New ver.flv - YouTube[/ame]
These Arab towns and villages were not merely place names on a map. They were developed communities containing farms, factories, stores and schools, with an infrastructure of doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, merchants, mechanics, industrialists, workers and farmers which would be the envy of any developing country today. Yet the Zionists not only deny the developed state of the Palestine which they usurped or destroyed, but even deny the identity and existence of the Palestinians. They claim that the "British created the Palestinian identity ." This is easily belied by such evidence as the existence of a modem Arabic-language newspaper named Filastin, which addressed its readers as Palestinians in 1911, six years before the Balfour Declaration and well before the commencement of the British Mandate.(13)
So I suppose you're going to explain why no other place in the Arab world has "developed communities containing farms, factories, stores and schools, with an infrastructure of doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, merchants, mechanics, industrialists, workers and farmers which would be the envy of any developing country today" I'm waiting with bated breath for an answer.

But truth has never been important to the Zionists. What they destroyed or usurped has to be presented as nonexistent. Thus in 1969 Golda Myerson (alias Meir), a Russian-born U.S. citizen and Israeli Prime Minister, had the audacity to ask at a press conference in the United States, "Who are the Palestinians?"

The Palestinian Arabs are Christians and Muslims of great Arab cultural tradition and civilization, who had a well developed and prosperous economy before its destruction in 1948. Before 1948 they resided in twelve cities or major towns and 830 small towns and villages. Arab homes in the cities were either luxurious stone villas with beautiful gardens, or apartments with two to five bedrooms. These residences were well-furnished with modem furniture and household goods. No Arab home of the middle and upper classes contained less than eight valuable Persian carpets. All of these homes and their furnishing were usurped by Israel.
I have seen no evidence that this was indeed true. In fact it flies in the face of logic and experience.

It seems that there are some people who cannot live with the idea of a legitimate Jewish state.

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