Hillary to Graduating Class: Lean on the Bottle When Times Get Tough


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
She also goes into another coughing fit. I can see why she gets half a million for a speech.

Also this little gem: “There will be trolls galore, online and in person, eager to tell you that you don’t have anything worthwhile to say, or anything meaningful to contribute. They may even call you a nasty woman.”

Wow, she’s still really bitter about how her fellow Democrats discarded her in 2008 like Bill tosses used interns, isn’t she?

Hillary Clinton Says Chardonnay Eased Her Pain, Coughs Up a Storm at Alma Mater (VIDEO)
Hilary Clinton. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, toast, who cares, one party down, one to go.
Just another old fat drunk ass lesbian

Just another lying, whining, corrupt, power-hungry, warmongering, pandering, anti-American, open borders (free access to terrorists, criminals and freeloaders), White male bashing, thug-loving, degenerate POS.
Hillary came out of the woods finally?

What happened to cause that? She run out of size D batteries or something?
Just another old fat drunk ass lesbian

Just another lying, whining, corrupt, power-hungry, warmongering, pandering, anti-American, open borders (free access to terrorists, criminals and freeloaders), White male bashing, thug-loving, degenerate POS.
Well the programming here seems complete, next imbecile?

I know my education is vastly superior to yours (I have an MBA and JD) and I I am reasonably certain that I have you by at least 30-40 IQ points. But don't worry, the world needs both of us. People like you are good for laughs.

Everything I said was true and if you were one-tenth as smart as you think you are you would know that.

You can have the last word. I'm 77 years old and I will not waste my time conversing with a naive fool like you.

PS: You're not an imbecile, but if you keep improving by the time you're my age you could be.

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