Hillary Thrown under bus for more "Progressive" obama; seems to be happening again!


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
Poor Hillary; the would-be first female President just cant get a break from her own Party.

the Left; which has been running around for years accusing the Republican Party of having drifted off to the extreme, is going to throw hillary under the bus AGAIN for a more hard-left Socialist old white dude.

you cant make this stuff up!!!!
Them darn racist, sexist Democrats!!!
Hillary Clinton did something that many would feel is unethical, most do not stand by someone just because of the party they belong to, for me at least.
She is going down in the polls because of her own actions, not because of her party, no one is throwing her under the bus.
Unlike the GOP which is throwing their only female under der bus..She will not be at the next debate...awwwww...
Hillary Clinton did something that many would feel is unethical, most do not stand by someone just because of the party they belong to, for me at least.
She is going down in the polls because of her own actions, not because of her party, no one is throwing her under the bus.


WHAT was it she did that is seen as unethical among her would-be supporters?
and hillary is a politician; did you REALLY just say politicians dont stand by people because of the Party they belong to?

and who released the information that she had her own server to the media?
valerie jarrett??
Unlike the GOP which is throwing their only female under der bus..She will not be at the next debate...awwwww...

CNN's Debate Rules Will Likely Keep Out Carly Fiorina ...
Aug 21, 2015 - Carly Fiorina will still probably not make the next Republican ... Fox News rules were good using national polls; I don't think the CNN rules are particularly .... I said it wasn't a matter that Fox didn't allow her in the main debate.

perfect example of what i wrote about in an earlier post; the Left cant be honest about ANYTHING
Unlike the GOP which is throwing their only female under der bus..She will not be at the next debate...awwwww...

CNN's Debate Rules Will Likely Keep Out Carly Fiorina ...
Aug 21, 2015 - Carly Fiorina will still probably not make the next Republican ... Fox News rules were good using national polls; I don't think the CNN rules are particularly .... I said it wasn't a matter that Fox didn't allow her in the main debate.

perfect example of what i wrote about in an earlier post; the Left cant be honest about ANYTHING
And why can't the GOP sponsor a debate with Carly?
Hillary Clinton did something that many would feel is unethical, most do not stand by someone just because of the party they belong to, for me at least.
She is going down in the polls because of her own actions, not because of her party, no one is throwing her under the bus.


WHAT was it she did that is seen as unethical among her would-be supporters?
and hillary is a politician; did you REALLY just say politicians dont stand by people because of the Party they belong to?

and who released the information that she had her own server to the media?
valerie jarrett??

First off I didn't say all, I said "I feel"

The democrats are not throwing her under the bus, she is possibly a candidate that could be lying about her classified emails ( which is out in the news today more classified evidence ). Why would we vote in someone who may cause the U.S more problems just because she is a democrat.

This is why Trump is doing well, because he is talking about what most Americans are aware of with both of the parties.
We are getting screwed by our government and these crooked politicians continue to get payed off, while they vote in policies to make the crookedness possible for themselves.
We are getting poisoned and ripped off every which way by the people whom we put in office to protect us.

Why would you vote for someone just because of the party if you're not 100% feeling it with that candidate.
Wouldn't you go with the best person for the job?

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PPP (D), released 2 hours ago:

Clinton 55
Sanders 20

margin: Clinton +35

Nope. She is not being thrown under the bus.

The OP is lacking in reality. Like most batshit crazy cons.
Yeah. From what I read and hear, most dems don't see the emails as an issue, but they worry a maj in a general election will. The reality is that the Chinese can read anything in emails, and probably so can the Russians, Germans, Israelis, Iranians .... The only thing using the private server did was give her an ability to vet out any email she didn't want archived for the public .... and gop dirty campaign tricksters ... to peruse at their leisure leading up to the campaign. She should have just given it all to DOS months ago. But, what they really show is Hillary has an obsession with privacy, yet she also has an obsession to be in public life.

I thought and think she's a terrible candidate. But I think the dems are stuck with her.

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