Hillary says elect her and then she'll tell you what she will do


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Hillary refused to answer whether or not she would support the Keystone pipeline. She said if it's undecided and she gets elected, then she'll tell us what she thinks. I doubt she'll support it, but this is typical of how Hillary is handling questions. Elect her first, then maybe she'll answer questions.

It's reminiscent of Pelosi's comments on how we had to pass Obamacare before we can see what's in it.

And Hillary's supporters seem to find that an acceptable answer. Hillary wants blind trust and she has it from some people, though the number is shrinking.

What Hillary Says You ve Got to Do Before She ll Tell You Whether She d Approve Keystone XL Pipeline
Of course she supports it. It's the same with the TPP. She wrote the damn thing, but the press won't tell you that.

So of course, she won't tell her ignorant supporters where she stands.

I think she is running the same campaign as Obama. Nothing but platitudes. All fluff, no substance.

Frankly, I don't know what she is worried about. You talk to some of the Clinton supporters on here, they know about all of the scandals, they know where she gets her campaign cash, they know everything, they just don't care. So no matter what she says, they really could care not less.

Maybe she thinks she has a chance with the undecided vote? :dunno:
Of course she supports it. It's the same with the TPP. She wrote the damn thing, but the press won't tell you that.

So of course, she won't tell her ignorant supporters where she stands.

I think she is running the same campaign as Obama. Nothing but platitudes. All fluff, no substance.

Frankly, I don't know what she is worried about. You talk to some of the Clinton supporters on here, they know about all of the scandals, they know where she gets her campaign cash, they know everything, they just don't care. So no matter what she says, they really could care not less.

Maybe she thinks she has a chance with the undecided vote? :dunno:

Or she is counting on all the illegals voting. The promises of amnesty and welfare will convince some to keep a liberal in office.
Hillary is a politician first and foremost so she won't have a position until she knows what the polls say.
the left never tells anyone what their real intentions are....

it really doesn't matter who the Democrats nominate anymore as they are all part of the same-minded leftist Borg.....

You really are delusional if you think Republicans read the whole bill before they started whining about it. Over 2000 pages....so, yeah, I doubt that any Republican politician read the whole thing before they started whining about it.
Geee.. thanks!!! We are getting somewhere.. I like it!
Now, addressing the issue: they wanted to read it, didn't they? Of course a few knew about some of the details in the proposed bill. The bill had to come out of committee first, no?
Mrs.Clinton did not answer the question about the Keystone Pipeline because it is a key battlefield in a war between important Democratic constituencies--Environmentalists who want to choke out the oil industry...and Unions who want the high paying jobs that come with building it.

If she answers now, one side will quit funding her campaign...and she needs money from both...donors are hesitant when it looks like about even odds whether she will be elected or indicted.

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