Hillary Clinton getting ready to bail on the Obama Administration.

Hillary is respected?

Whether it happens or not, who knows. One thing I do know, I dont want another Clinton in office. Atleast not for a hundred years. Nor another Bush. I am tired of these political dynasties.
Bill and Hillary can move to haiti and she can be the queen of haiti.
Actually, that might be really helpful to the haitians..........

So what your saying is you dont support me in my Haiti takeover bid... Bummer.
I knew this was coming, announced today on Hannity, Clinton will not seek second term as Secretary of State. IMO, she is getting ready to run against Obama in 2012. She states that she just wants to have a personal life. Hmmmmmmmmmmm If she does run against Obama, I don't blame her, the dems in congress and the senate threw her under the bus and ran with Obama because Reid and Pelosi knew they could roll him. They have. He is crashing in the polls and has even angered his left base. If she does this she could very well split the democrat party, but she would make a much better LEADER and PRESIDENT than Obama ever could or will. She actually has experience.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: Only Going to Serve One Term

:doubt: I can't say that i blame her one bit.She should never have gotten herself involved in the first place, but i guess we got to experience something once in our life time,in order to learn, what we should or should not do. I don't know, if i am going to pass my vote on her or not, but only time will tell.Maybe!!! Maybe not.
Bill and Hillary can move to haiti and she can be the queen of haiti.
Actually, that might be really helpful to the haitians..........

So what your saying is you dont support me in my Haiti takeover bid... Bummer.

No, they will just be figure heads, your puppets, so to speak.
Need any help taking over haiti?
I can bring horses.............
I knew this was coming, announced today on Hannity, Clinton will not seek second term as Secretary of State. IMO, she is getting ready to run against Obama in 2012. She states that she just wants to have a personal life. Hmmmmmmmmmmm If she does run against Obama, I don't blame her, the dems in congress and the senate threw her under the bus and ran with Obama because Reid and Pelosi knew they could roll him. They have. He is crashing in the polls and has even angered his left base. If she does this she could very well split the democrat party, but she would make a much better LEADER and PRESIDENT than Obama ever could or will. She actually has experience.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: Only Going to Serve One Term

Announced on the lying Hannity show... :lol:
Her whole schtick is how bright and experienced she is. He rolled her and make her look a fool. She can't get back to where she was. She is always the one who lost to 0bama.

And there is the whole thing of her being a patsy her entire marriage. The Edwards thing bubbled up again. Why should we elect someone to run the military who lets folks walk all over her like that.

From now on she has to contend with being seen as a patsy and a fool. Not real good qualifications for POTUS

excuse me but what has the Edwards thing have to do with hillary?
Maybe the same thing Russian hospitals have to do with health care in France?
I knew this was coming, announced today on Hannity, Clinton will not seek second term as Secretary of State. IMO, she is getting ready to run against Obama in 2012. She states that she just wants to have a personal life. Hmmmmmmmmmmm If she does run against Obama, I don't blame her, the dems in congress and the senate threw her under the bus and ran with Obama because Reid and Pelosi knew they could roll him. They have. He is crashing in the polls and has even angered his left base. If she does this she could very well split the democrat party, but she would make a much better LEADER and PRESIDENT than Obama ever could or will. She actually has experience.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: Only Going to Serve One Term

wow....that is a quick announcement

imo, she should never have taken the job, but she was so obsessed with the WH, she did
I don't think Hillary Clinton will ever run for President again. She has already shown America just how ignorant she can be by agreeing to be Obama's Secretary of State. She is smart enough to know that the biggest majority of Americans know this too... Hopefully, she and Bubba will sort of fade away from sight and we'll be blessed by never hearing from either Clinton ever again.

your lips to Gd's ear. :eusa_pray:

@US Citizen... Have you forgotten the parade of Bimbo eruptions during Bubba's time? What kind of self respecting woman puts up with that kind of thing. One, well, all men are mortal, two... a woman may have a reason for desperation (But that kind of woman shouldn't be POTUS) but beyond that, good sense and good health dictate his departure. The kind of sexual doormat Hillary has been is not really a qualification.
Maybe she stayed with him for other reasons. In fact, I always thought he'd have been nothing without her.

Nice rant against women, btw.
Lets hope they both go bye bye in 2012. The Clintons are probably the most corrupt politicians in America today. I could never in good conscience vote for her either. Lets hope the Republicans offer up a viable alternative in 2012. It should probably be "anyone but Obama & Clinton in 2012." She is toast in this administration though. She never was a good fit. I guess we'll see.

The whole US political system is open to corruption...
Hillary 2012!! Hope! Change! Yes She Can!!

so y'all can call her "hitlery" and talk about her husband's sex life?

the comments after the video seem to imagine that she will run for VP with him next time around in lieu of bieng secy of state.

just sayin'

I think Hillary has had enough of Obama and his false promises. We need real hope and change and dog gone it, yes she can!!

If Al Franken can become a real live US Senator, there is no absurdity beyond possibility.
This thread and the responses of the wingnuts just confirms that no matter what Democrat is elected to office they will hate him or her and do their best to demonize them.

:doubt: I think she now realizes, that since Obama beat her in the run for president, he calls himself feeling sorry for beating her and turned around and gave her a job in his administration, just to :lol::lol::cuckoo: make her feel better, like no hard feelings, that he beat her in the winning of the 2008 president run for office. To me that would be like rubbing sandpaper on a severe sunburn. OUCH!!! That's cruel.:(
I wouldn't blame the whole damn lot of em if they bailed out. who wants to be remembered for serving under the worst admin in American history ??? forget healthcare now their scared shitless about losing their jobs.

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