Hillary Clinton Claims 2016 Election Was 'Stolen' From Her

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
PJ Media ^ | May 5, 2019

In the same week that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned that Donald Trump might not accept the results of the 2020 election if he loses, Hillary Clinton told an audience at “An Evening With The Clintons” event in Los Angeles that the 2016 election was “stolen” from her .

As both the 42nd president and the former secretary of state wrap up their North American speaking tour, they continue to address the circumstances surrounding Clinton's electoral defeat in 2016.
"You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you," Clinton said, alluding to Russia's election interference efforts.

Keep in mind that the Mueller investigation determined that there was no collusion/conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia and that there was no obstruction. Trump was, to use Attorney General William Barr’s words, falsely accused. Yet, Hillary Clinton is telling people (who are paying as little as $2.00 a ticket to see her and President Bill Clinton speak) that Russia stole the election from her. “The Mueller report could not be clearer, the Russians interfered in our election and Trump obstructed justice,” she said.

I can remember when the left claimed that Trump was going to refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election when he lost. A quick Google search shows that in 2016 there were a lot of news stories asking what would happen if he didn’t accept the results and refused to concede. Heck, since Trump has been president,there have been a number of stories asking, should Trump lose in 2020 , if he will leave .

Meanwhile, we’ve spent the past two years watching the left refuse to accept the 2016 election result. We’ve had an exhausting, multi-million dollar investigation into bogus claims of Russian collusion, and yet, somehow, Trump is the problem, not the Democrats? Heck, Hillary isn’t alone in playing the victim just because she lost. Stacey Abrams still hasn’t conceded her election, claiming her victory was “stolen” from her, falsely claiming that there was widespread voter suppression .

Democrats must believe there is no point in elections because they’re always supposed to win and any other result is just proof that our “democracy” isn’t working. They can’t accept defeat with dignity, and the can’t concede that voters might actually prefer Republicans over them.


This is hilarious, it's 2 1/2 years after the election and Hillary is still screaming like a 4 year-old throwing a tantrum.

Stolen from Hilary? Poor thing.... Hillary and her Deep State bosses thought they had done EVERYTHING to make sure the election was stolen from Trump. But thanks God they were mistaken.


God Himself must have helped the American people.

PJ Media ^ | May 5, 2019

In the same week that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned that Donald Trump might not accept the results of the 2020 election if he loses, Hillary Clinton told an audience at “An Evening With The Clintons” event in Los Angeles that the 2016 election was “stolen” from her .

As both the 42nd president and the former secretary of state wrap up their North American speaking tour, they continue to address the circumstances surrounding Clinton's electoral defeat in 2016.
"You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you," Clinton said, alluding to Russia's election interference efforts.

Keep in mind that the Mueller investigation determined that there was no collusion/conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia and that there was no obstruction. Trump was, to use Attorney General William Barr’s words, falsely accused. Yet, Hillary Clinton is telling people (who are paying as little as $2.00 a ticket to see her and President Bill Clinton speak) that Russia stole the election from her. “The Mueller report could not be clearer, the Russians interfered in our election and Trump obstructed justice,” she said.

I can remember when the left claimed that Trump was going to refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election when he lost. A quick Google search shows that in 2016 there were a lot of news stories asking what would happen if he didn’t accept the results and refused to concede. Heck, since Trump has been president,there have been a number of stories asking, should Trump lose in 2020 , if he will leave .

Meanwhile, we’ve spent the past two years watching the left refuse to accept the 2016 election result. We’ve had an exhausting, multi-million dollar investigation into bogus claims of Russian collusion, and yet, somehow, Trump is the problem, not the Democrats? Heck, Hillary isn’t alone in playing the victim just because she lost. Stacey Abrams still hasn’t conceded her election, claiming her victory was “stolen” from her, falsely claiming that there was widespread voter suppression .

Democrats must believe there is no point in elections because they’re always supposed to win and any other result is just proof that our “democracy” isn’t working. They can’t accept defeat with dignity, and the can’t concede that voters might actually prefer Republicans over them.


This is hilarious, it's 2 1/2 years after the election and Hillary is still screaming like a 4 year-old throwing a tantrum.

Elections are not stolen, they are won. The election was Hillary's to win, except she skipped over all of the "Deplorable States" (was willing to chuck those votes, didn't need them), went weeks and months at a time refusing the press an interview while Trump did several a day with anyone, lied a hundred lies about her computer, her phones and what was in them, cheated on the debates and gave only rehearsed answers.

Trump had an honest message that rang sincere to voters while Hillary's "message" was pre-fab and tested on study groups. In the end, the choices was between a big, juicy Sloppy Joe sandwich or a perfect looking wax banana.
PJ Media ^ | May 5, 2019

In the same week that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned that Donald Trump might not accept the results of the 2020 election if he loses, Hillary Clinton told an audience at “An Evening With The Clintons” event in Los Angeles that the 2016 election was “stolen” from her .

As both the 42nd president and the former secretary of state wrap up their North American speaking tour, they continue to address the circumstances surrounding Clinton's electoral defeat in 2016.
"You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you," Clinton said, alluding to Russia's election interference efforts.

Keep in mind that the Mueller investigation determined that there was no collusion/conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia and that there was no obstruction. Trump was, to use Attorney General William Barr’s words, falsely accused. Yet, Hillary Clinton is telling people (who are paying as little as $2.00 a ticket to see her and President Bill Clinton speak) that Russia stole the election from her. “The Mueller report could not be clearer, the Russians interfered in our election and Trump obstructed justice,” she said.

I can remember when the left claimed that Trump was going to refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election when he lost. A quick Google search shows that in 2016 there were a lot of news stories asking what would happen if he didn’t accept the results and refused to concede. Heck, since Trump has been president,there have been a number of stories asking, should Trump lose in 2020 , if he will leave .

Meanwhile, we’ve spent the past two years watching the left refuse to accept the 2016 election result. We’ve had an exhausting, multi-million dollar investigation into bogus claims of Russian collusion, and yet, somehow, Trump is the problem, not the Democrats? Heck, Hillary isn’t alone in playing the victim just because she lost. Stacey Abrams still hasn’t conceded her election, claiming her victory was “stolen” from her, falsely claiming that there was widespread voter suppression .

Democrats must believe there is no point in elections because they’re always supposed to win and any other result is just proof that our “democracy” isn’t working. They can’t accept defeat with dignity, and the can’t concede that voters might actually prefer Republicans over them.


This is hilarious, it's 2 1/2 years after the election and Hillary is still screaming like a 4 year-old throwing a tantrum.

She now has a doll put out in her honor.

Yeah, you "can run the best campaign" and, if she had, she may well have won.

What a pathetic, whiny loser. If the DNC printed its own money she'd no doubt be on it, as this has become their currency....
PJ Media ^ | May 5, 2019

In the same week that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned that Donald Trump might not accept the results of the 2020 election if he loses, Hillary Clinton told an audience at “An Evening With The Clintons” event in Los Angeles that the 2016 election was “stolen” from her .

As both the 42nd president and the former secretary of state wrap up their North American speaking tour, they continue to address the circumstances surrounding Clinton's electoral defeat in 2016.
"You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you," Clinton said, alluding to Russia's election interference efforts.

Keep in mind that the Mueller investigation determined that there was no collusion/conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia and that there was no obstruction. Trump was, to use Attorney General William Barr’s words, falsely accused. Yet, Hillary Clinton is telling people (who are paying as little as $2.00 a ticket to see her and President Bill Clinton speak) that Russia stole the election from her. “The Mueller report could not be clearer, the Russians interfered in our election and Trump obstructed justice,” she said.

I can remember when the left claimed that Trump was going to refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election when he lost. A quick Google search shows that in 2016 there were a lot of news stories asking what would happen if he didn’t accept the results and refused to concede. Heck, since Trump has been president,there have been a number of stories asking, should Trump lose in 2020 , if he will leave .

Meanwhile, we’ve spent the past two years watching the left refuse to accept the 2016 election result. We’ve had an exhausting, multi-million dollar investigation into bogus claims of Russian collusion, and yet, somehow, Trump is the problem, not the Democrats? Heck, Hillary isn’t alone in playing the victim just because she lost. Stacey Abrams still hasn’t conceded her election, claiming her victory was “stolen” from her, falsely claiming that there was widespread voter suppression .

Democrats must believe there is no point in elections because they’re always supposed to win and any other result is just proof that our “democracy” isn’t working. They can’t accept defeat with dignity, and the can’t concede that voters might actually prefer Republicans over them.


This is hilarious, it's 2 1/2 years after the election and Hillary is still screaming like a 4 year-old throwing a tantrum.


Hilary, her husband Bill and Obama should be rotting in prison. They are three murdering pieces of shit who will get there’s in the long run.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Clinton lost the election when:

1. She tried to hide her emails

2. Cleaned her computer with bleach

3. She lied about Benghazi

4. She was carried to her car and shoved in the door

5. She got caught with emails that were shared and Top Secret

6. It was proven she got mixed up in Uranium One

7. She paid Sydney Blumenthal in Libya against Obama's orders

8. She took a hammer to her phone

9. Leaders of other countries tried to get away from her while SoS

10. The only proposition she broght to Congress was a statue for Woodstock while she was a Senator

11. The first order of pressing business while SoS was to order new crystal for the embassies from another country

In other words, she did it all by herself. And she was such a drunk thsat she couldn't giver her Concession Speech the night of the election.

What a loser.
PJ Media ^ | May 5, 2019

In the same week that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned that Donald Trump might not accept the results of the 2020 election if he loses, Hillary Clinton told an audience at “An Evening With The Clintons” event in Los Angeles that the 2016 election was “stolen” from her .

As both the 42nd president and the former secretary of state wrap up their North American speaking tour, they continue to address the circumstances surrounding Clinton's electoral defeat in 2016.
"You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you," Clinton said, alluding to Russia's election interference efforts.

Keep in mind that the Mueller investigation determined that there was no collusion/conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia and that there was no obstruction. Trump was, to use Attorney General William Barr’s words, falsely accused. Yet, Hillary Clinton is telling people (who are paying as little as $2.00 a ticket to see her and President Bill Clinton speak) that Russia stole the election from her. “The Mueller report could not be clearer, the Russians interfered in our election and Trump obstructed justice,” she said.

I can remember when the left claimed that Trump was going to refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election when he lost. A quick Google search shows that in 2016 there were a lot of news stories asking what would happen if he didn’t accept the results and refused to concede. Heck, since Trump has been president,there have been a number of stories asking, should Trump lose in 2020 , if he will leave .

Meanwhile, we’ve spent the past two years watching the left refuse to accept the 2016 election result. We’ve had an exhausting, multi-million dollar investigation into bogus claims of Russian collusion, and yet, somehow, Trump is the problem, not the Democrats? Heck, Hillary isn’t alone in playing the victim just because she lost. Stacey Abrams still hasn’t conceded her election, claiming her victory was “stolen” from her, falsely claiming that there was widespread voter suppression .

Democrats must believe there is no point in elections because they’re always supposed to win and any other result is just proof that our “democracy” isn’t working. They can’t accept defeat with dignity, and the can’t concede that voters might actually prefer Republicans over them.


This is hilarious, it's 2 1/2 years after the election and Hillary is still screaming like a 4 year-old throwing a tantrum.


Nah. She lost that election all on her own. She ran the worst campaign I've ever seen. She actually believed the Pundits, talking heads and polls. What a moron.

Thank God she lost. I can't imagine her as POTUS.

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