Hillary Clinton builds massive team-in-waiting

It's her race because she is all you have to put up... You don't have a single name that means dick to your base. All your eggs in 1 basket that has great odds at appealing to their base, 1 a Vagina 2 Clinton name... 3 who cares!!!!

Now the only down side is when she gets in a debate and they ask her questions like, "what are your biggest accomplishments in your last 76 years in the public sector?" And really the only way that can hurt her when she has no answer is if John Stewart or SNL make fun of her answer.... So really it just comes down to how desperate they are for ratting.

Yes, the GOP is just doing to do exceedingly well in the female vote, I see....
At least we aren't running someone who harbored a sexual predator. For most of their marriage.

Oh, so that is going to be the new tactic this time around. I am sure it is just going to be a hit!
You support a guy that is a sexual predator, not me. So run with it. That's the fact.

Righties can try to call Bill Clinton such a thing, but there is no evidence of this at all.
Court docket number? Jury proceedings? Police reports? Eyewitness accounts? Audio? Video?

Really, you need to get a grip on what the term actually means.

Bill Cosby makes Clinton look like an altar boy, if we're talking sexual predators. But the righties still love him.
Official or not Hillary Clinton builds a massive 2016 team-in-waiting - The Washington Post

At this point, without so much as an announcement, she has settled on — at the least — a campaign chairman, a campaign manager, a chief strategist and lead pollster, another pollster, a lead media adviser, a communication director, a deputy communications director, a focus group director and a communications strategist.

She is also closing in on a New York City campaign headquarters and a date to make all of this official.

Some senior staff are signing on without nailing down the usual conditions of a new job, such as a salary or starting date. Recruitment is being led by White House senior adviser John Podesta and manager-designate Robby Mook, with Clinton making many of the final decisions herself.

Clinton faces no competition for Democratic campaign talent and is said to prefer to wait as long as possible to begin campaigning, but she has assured senior advisers that she would put the legal framework of a campaign in place this spring.


Jim Messina, who helped engineer Clinton’s downfall in 2008 as a senior aide to Obama’s campaign, now runs a super PAC devoted to supporting her in 2016. “It’s her turn and her time,” he said on MSNBC this week. “We’re going to do whatever it takes to make sure she’s the president of the United States.”

No Republicans now moving toward active candidacies can say that they are as far along in staffing their upper ranks with the kind of experienced people whom Clinton is bringing aboard. She’s also locking in wealthy donors and has a head start on other ground organizing and fundraising because of the efforts of outside groups supporting her.


Much of the political machinery that helped get Obama elected twice has already swung behind a Clinton candidacy — adding to the feel of quasi-incumbency.

Podesta is advising her unofficially and is expected to become the campaign chairman. He has already announced that he will leave the White House within weeks. White House communications director Jennifer Palmieri is expected to assume the same title for the Clinton campaign in March or April.

Collectively, Clinton’s team represents a break from the past. With few exceptions, none of the new team played the most senior roles in her 2008 campaign, and many worked actively against her as part of the Obama operation. More hiring is underway, filling out press, research, digital, political, field and other departments.

Clinton is revamping her communications and press strategy after a 2008 campaign marked by toxic relations between the campaign and the press. Joel Benenson, an Obama pollster now serving as a chief Clinton adviser, Palmieri and Podesta all have good relationships with reporters.


I have no doubt that she is running. She is building a mega-team, and quite early.
While they wait they are building mega pant suits and sniper proof umbrellas.

For the record, I wish the Dems would cook up a couple of other candidates. I don't believe in political dynasties. And besides, Hillary is really a hawkish centrist. She's moved away from the left.
It's her race because she is all you have to put up... You don't have a single name that means dick to your base. All your eggs in 1 basket that has great odds at appealing to their base, 1 a Vagina 2 Clinton name... 3 who cares!!!!

Now the only down side is when she gets in a debate and they ask her questions like, "what are your biggest accomplishments in your last 76 years in the public sector?" And really the only way that can hurt her when she has no answer is if John Stewart or SNL make fun of her answer.... So really it just comes down to how desperate they are for ratting.

Yes, the GOP is just doing to do exceedingly well in the female vote, I see....
At least we aren't running someone who harbored a sexual predator. For most of their marriage.

Oh, so that is going to be the new tactic this time around. I am sure it is just going to be a hit!
You support a guy that is a sexual predator, not me. So run with it. That's the fact.

Righties can try to call Bill Clinton such a thing, but there is no evidence of this at all.
Court docket number? Jury proceedings? Police reports? Eyewitness accounts? Audio? Video?

Really, you need to get a grip on what the term actually means.
Yes, the GOP is just doing to do exceedingly well in the female vote, I see....
At least we aren't running someone who harbored a sexual predator. For most of their marriage.

Oh, so that is going to be the new tactic this time around. I am sure it is just going to be a hit!
You support a guy that is a sexual predator, not me. So run with it. That's the fact.

Righties can try to call Bill Clinton such a thing, but there is no evidence of this at all.
Court docket number? Jury proceedings? Police reports? Eyewitness accounts? Audio? Video?

Really, you need to get a grip on what the term actually means.

Bill Cosby makes Clinton look like an altar boy, if we're talking sexual predators. But the righties still love him.
If we wanted to elect him president, then you might be on to something dipshit. Anyway I don't think Cosby is a conservative.
I hope that Hillary Clinton does run for President. I also hope that she looses and when she does I hope she will go someplace never to be heard from or seen again.
It's her race because she is all you have to put up... You don't have a single name that means dick to your base. All your eggs in 1 basket that has great odds at appealing to their base, 1 a Vagina 2 Clinton name... 3 who cares!!!!

Now the only down side is when she gets in a debate and they ask her questions like, "what are your biggest accomplishments in your last 76 years in the public sector?" And really the only way that can hurt her when she has no answer is if John Stewart or SNL make fun of her answer.... So really it just comes down to how desperate they are for ratting.

Yes, the GOP is just doing to do exceedingly well in the female vote, I see....
At least we aren't running someone who harbored a sexual predator. For most of their marriage.

Oh, so that is going to be the new tactic this time around. I am sure it is just going to be a hit!

Hey, I'm not a Republican nor am I hear to defend them... But being a Democrat this next election will be depressing if you really have a singular candidate who people only know as the chick who's husband cheated on her but she stayed married for money because she is a weak female.
Weak? As in Savvy? Sure thing. One day you should learn how power works, and why you don't throw it away.

Weak, like she stayed with a husband she prolly does not even talk to unless they are putting on a show to buy support. She does not want a divorce because her last name has no vote buying power, it's just fact of life. She stays with Bill because without him she is a weak candidate with no name or accomplishments.
For the record, I wish the Dems would cook up a couple of other candidates. I don't believe in political dynasties. And besides, Hillary is really a hawkish centrist. She's moved away from the left.

She hasn't moved away from the left. The only thing she has done, is try and distance herself from this disaster of a president. But she was part of that disaster. Idiots will fall for it though, especially when the media tells them who they need to vote for.

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