

Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands

I'm from The Netherlands, Europe.
And I am registering this account to be able to in the future perhaps share my views on a current international event, or multiple of those happening at the same time.

I've read the forum rules and I prefer to post only in zone 1 subforums.

I'd prefer not to have to make N posts before I can link to news articles, but I'll do that commenting prep work that is required, over the next few weeks.

Thanks for accepting international debaters like myself.

I'm from The Netherlands, Europe.
And I am registering this account to be able to in the future perhaps share my views on a current international event, or multiple of those happening at the same time.

I've read the forum rules and I prefer to post only in zone 1 subforums.

I'd prefer not to have to make N posts before I can link to news articles, but I'll do that commenting prep work that is required, over the next few weeks.

Thanks for accepting international debaters like myself.
Will! You copied me! :lol:
But nooooooooo! I was first in line. :10:

I'm from The Netherlands, Europe.
And I am registering this account to be able to in the future perhaps share my views on a current international event, or multiple of those happening at the same time.

I've read the forum rules and I prefer to post only in zone 1 subforums.

I'd prefer not to have to make N posts before I can link to news articles, but I'll do that commenting prep work that is required, over the next few weeks.

Thanks for accepting international debaters like myself.

Nah, you don't sound battle tested enough to survive here. But give it a try. First of all, Ace, we all know where the Netherlands are! Great place to visit, but I'm not sure I'd live there. Will be interesting to hear whatever peaceful, watered down socialist views you have on:


Welcome Aboard and Have a Very Peaceful Day.

Oh, and :hello77:
I'm in a cooperative, group-think mode today. ;)

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