Hi there!


Mar 28, 2012
Hi everyone! A few words about me: I'm a Constitutionalist with disdain for politics and politicians - unfortunately, I find that people often talk politics to either look smart or have something to complain about, not because they want to get off their duffs and put solutions in place. Not that I can blame them, because I often find it overwhelming too.

But although this system is broken, it doesn't help to whine about how it's broken... so while I too bemoan our circumstances, I think it's a lot more important to focus on cool things like whistleblowing, reform, and parallel systems designed to escape capture regulation. :D So you'll probably be hearing a bit about that from me.

Nice to be here!
Hi everyone! A few words about me: I'm a Constitutionalist with disdain for politics and politicians - unfortunately, I find that people often talk politics to either look smart or have something to complain about, not because they want to get off their duffs and put solutions in place. Not that I can blame them, because I often find it overwhelming too.

But although this system is broken, it doesn't help to whine about how it's broken... so while I too bemoan our circumstances, I think it's a lot more important to focus on cool things like whistleblowing, reform, and parallel systems designed to escape capture regulation. :D So you'll probably be hearing a bit about that from me.

Nice to be here!
Welcome to USMB, aabang. Hope you enjoy the boards.

It does help to not tolerate certain circumstances, however, such as equality, fairness, and integrity. I do agree that a lot of complaining is dross, but Americans all have contributed to make American citizenship, like Emma Lazarus who penned a sonnet with the phrase “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” which is now etched in stone at the Statue of Liberty. :)

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