Hey Pelosi, can you throw me some crumbs from your empire?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I'll take the mere crumbs you keep in your penny jar marked "stupid things I say" jar.

The workers can now afford to pay their Comcast illegally billed charges with those crumbs.
You know the Company you leave alone, because they lined your Pockets with
said "crumbs".
I'll take the mere crumbs you keep in your penny jar marked "stupid things I say" jar.

The workers can now afford to pay their Comcast illegally billed charges with those crumbs.
You know the Company you leave alone, because they lined your Pockets with
said "crumbs".

Hannity makes it sound like everyone got 1 grand, not true, most got less than 200 bucks, since it went by years of service, only those 20 years got 1 grand,
also he did not talk about the 630 Sams club employees out of a job (just happened) and same company.
I'll take the mere crumbs you keep in your penny jar marked "stupid things I say" jar.

The workers can now afford to pay their Comcast illegally billed charges with those crumbs.
You know the Company you leave alone, because they lined your Pockets with
said "crumbs".

Comcast has raised it rates, soon I doubt anyone can afford them, except the wealthy.
Take into acct employee company stock purchases, people's 401k's, added income from employees investments in general and then their new paychecks revealing their personal tax savings. Enough crumbs combined can add up like Michael Moore feeding a village off the crumbs falling from his shirt.
I'll take the mere crumbs you keep in your penny jar marked "stupid things I say" jar.

The workers can now afford to pay their Comcast illegally billed charges with those crumbs.
You know the Company you leave alone, because they lined your Pockets with
said "crumbs".

Hannity makes it sound like everyone got 1 grand, not true, most got less than 200 bucks, since it went by years of service, only those 20 years got 1 grand,
also he did not talk about the 630 Sams club employees out of a job (just happened) and same company.
Keep praising the lost of jobs. I guess you would complain about getting an extra $200 bucks.
I'll take the mere crumbs you keep in your penny jar marked "stupid things I say" jar.

The workers can now afford to pay their Comcast illegally billed charges with those crumbs.
You know the Company you leave alone, because they lined your Pockets with
said "crumbs".

Hannity makes it sound like everyone got 1 grand, not true, most got less than 200 bucks, since it went by years of service, only those 20 years got 1 grand,
also he did not talk about the 630 Sams club employees out of a job (just happened) and same company.
Keep praising the lost of jobs. I guess you would complain about getting an extra $200 bucks.

I don't work at Walmart. But yes 200 bucks is chicken feed , just like Nancy P said. Esp when the same company laid off 11,000 people Jan 8th.

You know when people are starving and they get crumbs they are happy while the ones throwing the crumbs are eating lobster and drinking champagne.
I'll take the mere crumbs you keep in your penny jar marked "stupid things I say" jar.

The workers can now afford to pay their Comcast illegally billed charges with those crumbs.
You know the Company you leave alone, because they lined your Pockets with
said "crumbs".

Hannity makes it sound like everyone got 1 grand, not true, most got less than 200 bucks, since it went by years of service, only those 20 years got 1 grand,
also he did not talk about the 630 Sams club employees out of a job (just happened) and same company.
Keep praising the lost of jobs. I guess you would complain about getting an extra $200 bucks.

I don't work at Walmart. But yes 200 bucks is chicken feed , just like Nancy P said. Esp when the same company laid off 11,000 people Jan 8th.
Well I thought you liberals hated Wal-Mart? So what you complaining about. $200 in bonuses is better than they got under Obama.
I'll take the mere crumbs you keep in your penny jar marked "stupid things I say" jar.

The workers can now afford to pay their Comcast illegally billed charges with those crumbs.
You know the Company you leave alone, because they lined your Pockets with
said "crumbs".

Hannity makes it sound like everyone got 1 grand, not true, most got less than 200 bucks, since it went by years of service, only those 20 years got 1 grand,
also he did not talk about the 630 Sams club employees out of a job (just happened) and same company.
Keep praising the lost of jobs. I guess you would complain about getting an extra $200 bucks.

I don't work at Walmart. But yes 200 bucks is chicken feed , just like Nancy P said. Esp when the same company laid off 11,000 people Jan 8th.

You know when people are starving and they get crumbs they are happy while the ones throwing the crumbs are eating lobster and drinking champagne.
BUT YOU left out that they raised their wages and there is a varied higher bonus then you state, based on seniority or something to that affect.
To people living day to day off wages, including the "immigrant labor" stocking the shelves, any bonus around the expense of holiday season is helpful.
This proves the left is politicizing immigrants and truly couldn't care less about the legal immigrants and their community.
I'll take the mere crumbs you keep in your penny jar marked "stupid things I say" jar.

The workers can now afford to pay their Comcast illegally billed charges with those crumbs.
You know the Company you leave alone, because they lined your Pockets with
said "crumbs".

Hannity makes it sound like everyone got 1 grand, not true, most got less than 200 bucks, since it went by years of service, only those 20 years got 1 grand,
also he did not talk about the 630 Sams club employees out of a job (just happened) and same company.
Keep praising the lost of jobs. I guess you would complain about getting an extra $200 bucks.

I don't work at Walmart. But yes 200 bucks is chicken feed , just like Nancy P said. Esp when the same company laid off 11,000 people Jan 8th.

You know when people are starving and they get crumbs they are happy while the ones throwing the crumbs are eating lobster and drinking champagne.
BUT YOU left out that they raised their wages and there is a varied higher bonus then you state, based on seniority or something to that affect.
To people living day to day off wages, including the "immigrant labor" stocking the shelves, any bonus around the expense of holiday season is helpful.
This proves the left is politicizing immigrants and truly couldn't care less about the legal immigrants and their community.

So are they hiring illegals as well?
I'll take the mere crumbs you keep in your penny jar marked "stupid things I say" jar.

The workers can now afford to pay their Comcast illegally billed charges with those crumbs.
You know the Company you leave alone, because they lined your Pockets with
said "crumbs".

Hannity makes it sound like everyone got 1 grand, not true, most got less than 200 bucks, since it went by years of service, only those 20 years got 1 grand,
also he did not talk about the 630 Sams club employees out of a job (just happened) and same company.
Keep praising the lost of jobs. I guess you would complain about getting an extra $200 bucks.

I don't work at Walmart. But yes 200 bucks is chicken feed , just like Nancy P said. Esp when the same company laid off 11,000 people Jan 8th.

You know when people are starving and they get crumbs they are happy while the ones throwing the crumbs are eating lobster and drinking champagne.
BUT YOU left out that they raised their wages and there is a varied higher bonus then you state, based on seniority or something to that affect.
To people living day to day off wages, including the "immigrant labor" stocking the shelves, any bonus around the expense of holiday season is helpful.
This proves the left is politicizing immigrants and truly couldn't care less about the legal immigrants and their community.

So are they hiring illegals as well?
Work visas from many many countries.
I see them all the time, if you shoped at night/morning hours you would too.
I'll take the mere crumbs you keep in your penny jar marked "stupid things I say" jar.

The workers can now afford to pay their Comcast illegally billed charges with those crumbs.
You know the Company you leave alone, because they lined your Pockets with
said "crumbs".

Hannity makes it sound like everyone got 1 grand, not true, most got less than 200 bucks, since it went by years of service, only those 20 years got 1 grand,
also he did not talk about the 630 Sams club employees out of a job (just happened) and same company.
Keep praising the lost of jobs. I guess you would complain about getting an extra $200 bucks.

I don't work at Walmart. But yes 200 bucks is chicken feed , just like Nancy P said. Esp when the same company laid off 11,000 people Jan 8th.

You know when people are starving and they get crumbs they are happy while the ones throwing the crumbs are eating lobster and drinking champagne.

Right, because the way the left sees it, the employees should be eating lobster and drinking champagne.

The left hates it when the right is right. Some companies are sharing their new savings with their employees. Others will probably invest it or expand their operations. I'm sure there are a couple who were near closing down or moving out of the country that found their savings as a lifesaver.

As far as you leftists are concerned, the only way to boost the economy is to take more money away from our job creators. None of you have ever been able to explain the dynamics of that too me, but it's what you believe.
I'll take the mere crumbs you keep in your penny jar marked "stupid things I say" jar.

The workers can now afford to pay their Comcast illegally billed charges with those crumbs.
You know the Company you leave alone, because they lined your Pockets with
said "crumbs".

Hannity makes it sound like everyone got 1 grand, not true, most got less than 200 bucks, since it went by years of service, only those 20 years got 1 grand,
also he did not talk about the 630 Sams club employees out of a job (just happened) and same company.
Keep praising the lost of jobs. I guess you would complain about getting an extra $200 bucks.

I don't work at Walmart. But yes 200 bucks is chicken feed , just like Nancy P said. Esp when the same company laid off 11,000 people Jan 8th.

You know when people are starving and they get crumbs they are happy while the ones throwing the crumbs are eating lobster and drinking champagne.

Right, because the way the left sees it, the employees should be eating lobster and drinking champagne.

The left hates it when the right is right. Some companies are sharing their new savings with their employees. Others will probably invest it or expand their operations. I'm sure there are a couple who were near closing down or moving out of the country that found their savings as a lifesaver.

As far as you leftists are concerned, the only way to boost the economy is to take more money away from our job creators. None of you have ever been able to explain the dynamics of that too me, but it's what you believe.

I say keep your crumbs since they are cutting social programs for the elites tax cuts. Those companies that paid bonuses (save Walmart) usually pay bonuses, and how man jobs have been lost since Trump took office? I am not just blaming Trump , but the Pubs as well. The wealthy elites are smiling all the way to the bank and the GOP in congress will are being richly rewarded.
I'll take the mere crumbs you keep in your penny jar marked "stupid things I say" jar.

The workers can now afford to pay their Comcast illegally billed charges with those crumbs.
You know the Company you leave alone, because they lined your Pockets with
said "crumbs".

Hannity makes it sound like everyone got 1 grand, not true, most got less than 200 bucks, since it went by years of service, only those 20 years got 1 grand,
also he did not talk about the 630 Sams club employees out of a job (just happened) and same company.
Keep praising the lost of jobs. I guess you would complain about getting an extra $200 bucks.

I don't work at Walmart. But yes 200 bucks is chicken feed , just like Nancy P said. Esp when the same company laid off 11,000 people Jan 8th.

You know when people are starving and they get crumbs they are happy while the ones throwing the crumbs are eating lobster and drinking champagne.

Right, because the way the left sees it, the employees should be eating lobster and drinking champagne.

The left hates it when the right is right. Some companies are sharing their new savings with their employees. Others will probably invest it or expand their operations. I'm sure there are a couple who were near closing down or moving out of the country that found their savings as a lifesaver.

As far as you leftists are concerned, the only way to boost the economy is to take more money away from our job creators. None of you have ever been able to explain the dynamics of that too me, but it's what you believe.

I say keep your crumbs since they are cutting social programs for the elites tax cuts. Those companies that paid bonuses (save Walmart) usually pay bonuses, and how man jobs have been lost since Trump took office? I am not just blaming Trump , but the Pubs as well.

Maybe you don't get newspapers where you live, but businesses are in competition with the internet. Online sales boom every year and it's a threat to all brick and motor stores. In industry, automation is a blue collar jobs killer and it's far from over yet.

You can't create or keep jobs that are not needed. No President has control over that. As for the people who still have jobs, I'm sure $500, $1,000, $2,000 is a very gracious gift that people can do much with. Not everybody is worth 100 million dollars like Piglosi, and it tells you just how out of touch with the general public Democrats are where they call extra money "crumbs."

For some people, $1,500 is an extra mortgage payment or two. It's enough to payoff a credit card, or at least reduce the balance which saves them money on interest. It may be the end of their car payments. They may use it to help pad a college fund for their children.

The last thing we need is some wealthy elitist like Piglosi to tell us what's valuable to our household. As for myself, I'll take all the "crumbs" I can get and instead of being insulting, I would be thankful.

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