Hey Obama, Where's The Love?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
I guess that "the world only hates us because of Bush " meme that was so popular with democrats in 2008, must not have made the rounds. In 2008, we counted Egypt as an ally. Look at the mess we have now. Nice bit of leadership there Barack. :mad:


Cairo (CNN) -- Egyptian protesters threw tomatoes and shoes at U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade Sunday and shouted, "Monica, Monica, Monica" as she left the newly reopened U.S. Consulate in Alexandria.
Clinton said she was in the city to answer critics who believe Washington has taken sides in Egyptian politics. There were already vocal protesters at the start of her visit to the consulate, forcing the ceremony to be moved inside.

Protests as Clinton holds meetings in Egypt - CNN.com
I guess that "the world only hates us because of Bush " meme that was so popular with democrats in 2008, must not have made the rounds. In 2008, we counted Egypt as an ally. Look at the mess we have now. Nice bit of leadership there Barack. :mad:


Cairo (CNN) -- Egyptian protesters threw tomatoes and shoes at U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade Sunday and shouted, "Monica, Monica, Monica" as she left the newly reopened U.S. Consulate in Alexandria.
Clinton said she was in the city to answer critics who believe Washington has taken sides in Egyptian politics. There were already vocal protesters at the start of her visit to the consulate, forcing the ceremony to be moved inside.

Protests as Clinton holds meetings in Egypt - CNN.com

poor deluded rightwingers...

did you look into WHY they were pelting her?

say thanks to glenn beck and his friends who keep telling them that this president has a connection to the muslim brotherhood


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