Hey 2020 Socialist Democrats, Your Platform [email protected] HARRY REID


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Former Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says 2020 Democrats are heading down the wrong path by pushing “Medicare for all” and the decriminalization of illegal border crossings.'


Even Harry Reid is not too blind to see how radical the Leftists are.....


Harry Reid Trashes Progressive Proposals Pushed By 2020 Democrats

Like many other Democrats and liberals, he's watching in horror at what has become of the party.
And yet idiots like still support them and attack Trump. Explain that.
I don't know if this will make any sense to someone like you, but I'll try.

There are perfectly decent people out there who don't care much for either option. So, when individual issues come up, they'll just say what they're thinking rather than worry about the partisan political angle, or about protecting their "side". Then, when they are in a voting booth, they have to go with the one they dislike less.

Does that help? Does any of that make any sense on any level?
That last shot Harry took to the head, right before he left office, looks like it straightened out the boys thinking.

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