Herschel Walker Might Be the Difference for GOP Control

But there is only one problem with him winning: He sometimes talks.
That did not seem to hinder Fetterman in the least
That is coming from a guy who sees nothing wrong with voting for a true brain damaged candidate because he has a D after his name.
Herschel admits to mental illness and has received psychiatric help
One too many shots to the head
You can’t Keep pretending that Biden isn’t suffering from dementia - and that you knowingly voted for him.

You keep pretending Biden is a drooling, stuttering fool incapable of comprehending what is going on around him

Biden repeatedly proves you wrong as he accomplishes more in two years than Trump did in four
You keep pretending Biden is a drooling, stuttering fool incapable of comprehending what is going on around him

Biden repeatedly proves you wrong as he accomplishes more in two years than Trump did in four
Yeah, right…..soaring gas prices, 40-year-high inflation, labor shortage, war in Ukraine, millions of illegals streaming in, labeling those who disagree with him as “threats to democracy,” retirees losing a third of their savings, people ready to retire but now unable to afford it, anti-white racists in government “diversity” programs, and on and on and on.

Maybe to YOU those are accomplishments, but not to those who love this country and want the middle class to continue.
Yeah, right…..soaring gas prices, 40-year-high inflation, labor shortage, war in Ukraine, millions of illegals streaming in, labeling those who disagree with him as “threats to democracy,” retirees losing a third of their savings, people ready to retire but now unable to afford it, anti-white racists in government “diversity” programs, and on and on and on.

Maybe to YOU those are accomplishments, but not to those who love this country and want the middle class to continue.

What are Republicans planning to do about it now that they control the House?

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