Here's Why They Hate America and Israel


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. We could look at the Hebrew Bible for the origin of the conflict between transnationalists and independent sovereigntists, as many in the West consider ancient Israel to be first self-governing political entity. It is the prototype of the sovereign nation and independent state, facing a succession of imperial foes.
From "Sovereignty or Submission," John Fonte

2. Ancient Israel faced the transnational empires, Babylonian, Egyptian, and not to forget, fought a series of conflicts with the imperial forces of Greece and Rome. Amazingly, although under imperial rule for thousands of years, it was reconstituted as a democratic nation-state in the twentieth century!

3. Reading the works of Western elites, one finds less empathy for the ancient Hebrews, or modern Israelis for that matter, than for the transnationals who have tried to subjugate them.

a. And, in that connection, what is the proper weight that should be accorded to biblical law’s promoting, for example, tolerance for minorities?
Leviticus 19:34 The stranger who dwells among you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

b. Prominent transnationalist, and president of the Brookings Institution, Strobe Talbot, finds the ancient Hebrews “warlike,” but the “Babylonian kings and Egyptian pharaohs…in important respects, just and tolerant rulers and pioneers of the novel idea that peace was preferable to war among god-kings.: Talbot, “The Great Experiment: The Story of Ancient Empires, Modern States, and the Quest for a Global Nation,” p. 43.

4. Why advance this view of ancient, and modern Israel? Because globalists realize that Israel is a roadblock to the global governance agenda- historically, intellectually, symbolically, culturally, morally, religiously, and strategically. The struggles of ancient and modern Israel have served as inspiration for those who esteem self-government. If the political transnational project is to success, Israel must be taken down.

5. The inspiration was particularly strong among the Founders of the American republic. The most widely read book in 18th century America was the King James Bible, and the situations of the revolutionaries was commonly compared to the Babylonian captivity, the Exodus, David vs. Goliath, and the book of Deuteronomy. The republic was often called “the new Israel.”

a. “A couple of months after American colonists declared their independence from Great Britain, a committee composed of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams proposed a design for a national seal. It portrayed the Egyptian pharaoh leading his troops through a divided Red Sea in pursuit of the fleeing Israelites. Surrounding this scene were the words, “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God.”

b. Dr. Banfield, in 1783: ’Twas [God] who raised a Joshua to lead the tribes of Israel in the field of battle; raised and formed a Washington to lead on the troops of his chosen States. ’Twas He who in Barak’s day spread the spirit of war in every breast to shake off the Canaanitish yoke, and inspired thy inhabitants, O America!”\

6. In a magnificent speech, called “A Sermon on the Commencement of the Constitution,” delivered October 25, 1780, Samuel Cooper reminds that the Bible informed the new American republic, and its Constitution, and

“To mention all the passages in sacred writ which prove that the Hebrew government, tho’ a theocracy, was yet as to the outward part of it, a free republic, and that the sovereignty resided in the people,… Abstracted from those appendages and formalities which were peculiar to the Jews, and designed to answer some particular purposes of divine Providence, it points out in general what kind of government infinite wisdom and goodness would establish among mankind.” A Sermon on the Commencement of the Constitution by Samuel Cooper

Leftists. progressives, Democrats, socialists, environmentalists, feminists, communists, short, totalitarians of all stripes hate American, hate Israel, hate religion, and hate sovereignty, as these realities stand in the way of their dreams of world domination.

It is the greatest mistake to see each of the haters as stand-alone. They are the pseudopods of the same slimy amoeba.

"...therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."
John Donne
and she's back in tin-foil hat territory.

Okay, for the record, the reason why Israel is an international pariah is because it practices a form of apartheid. It's a colonial state that treats the indigenous people of that region as second class citizens in their own land. Again, not much different from what South Africa used to do, except instead of doing this on the basis of race, they did it on the basis of religion. Much of the world went along with the creation of Israel because they felt bad about what happened during WWII, not because any magic man in the sky ordained anything. Now the world realizes it created a much worse problem than it solved, as Israel's existence radicalizes the Islamic world.

I think it's also a bit disingenous to lump in "environmentalists" with "America haters". It's like a five year old saying "why do you hate me?" when you make him stand in a corner after he says a bad word. Environmentalists have a valid point of view. Human activity is damaging the biosphere. Species are becoming extinct and habitat is being lost. It isn't "hating America" to point out that as the most conspicious consumers of the world's resources, we are at the forefront of the problem.

I do think there are some extremists in that movement, but there also some valid points. Oh, yeah, here in Chicago, it hit the 70s earlier in the week. In December. Nothing to see here.
Leftists. progressives, Democrats, socialists, environmentalists, feminists, communists, short, totalitarians of all stripes hate American, hate Israel, hate religion, and hate sovereignty, as these realities stand in the way of their dreams of world domination.
You don't have a clue as to what it means to be an American.
Leftists. progressives, Democrats, socialists, environmentalists, feminists, communists, short, totalitarians of all stripes hate American, hate Israel, hate religion, and hate sovereignty, as these realities stand in the way of their dreams of world domination.
You don't have a clue as to what it means to be an American.

That's right, today in order to be an American you need to be reliant on the government and demand those with more be punished for it.

Poor America, thank the good lord my Granddaddy didn't live long enough to see this "fundamental transformation" from a country of producers to a country of leaches.
Leftists. progressives, Democrats, socialists, environmentalists, feminists, communists, short, totalitarians of all stripes hate American, hate Israel, hate religion, and hate sovereignty, as these realities stand in the way of their dreams of world domination.
You don't have a clue as to what it means to be an American.

That's right, today in order to be an American you need to be reliant on the government and demand those with more be punished for it.

Poor America, thank the good lord my Granddaddy didn't live long enough to see this "fundamental transformation" from a country of producers to a country of leaches.

Two things I noticed as of late...

1) People consider themselves poor if they dont have what they want. It used to be not having what they need...when a cell phone becomes a "necessity", something is wrong

(I recall being poor when I didnt have a roof over my head. When I was finally able to afford an apartment in someones basement all I had was one bathy towel, one shirt and one pair of sneakers. No phone and no TV. I had enough to eat so I was never hungry. I had a roof over my head, clothes to wear, and food...and I did not consider myself poor)

2) Disibility used to be for those that truly could not work. Now it is for those that have an ailment that makes it uncomfortable to work.
(it used to be "find a way to earn a it seems many look for reasons to not have to work)

Yes...I know...I am generalizing.....but despite advances in medical technology that allows for speedier recoveries, the ranks of those on long term disibility has increased dramatically over the last 50 years.

Your grandaddy would be ashamed if he saw what has happened.
and she's back in tin-foil hat territory.

Okay, for the record, the reason why Israel is an international pariah is because it practices a form of apartheid. It's a colonial state that treats the indigenous people of that region as second class citizens in their own land. Again, not much different from what South Africa used to do, except instead of doing this on the basis of race, they did it on the basis of religion. Much of the world went along with the creation of Israel because they felt bad about what happened during WWII, not because any magic man in the sky ordained anything. Now the world realizes it created a much worse problem than it solved, as Israel's existence radicalizes the Islamic world.

I think it's also a bit disingenous to lump in "environmentalists" with "America haters". It's like a five year old saying "why do you hate me?" when you make him stand in a corner after he says a bad word. Environmentalists have a valid point of view. Human activity is damaging the biosphere. Species are becoming extinct and habitat is being lost. It isn't "hating America" to point out that as the most conspicious consumers of the world's resources, we are at the forefront of the problem.

I do think there are some extremists in that movement, but there also some valid points. Oh, yeah, here in Chicago, it hit the 70s earlier in the week. In December. Nothing to see here.
If you are talking about the palestinians as the indigenous people, they are not. The migrated to Israel who was kind enough to give them land. Israel has been payed back with violence for years. Idiots need to stop feeling sorry for the satan worshiping palestinians. Israel needs to kick them out of Israel, the jews land.
Leftists. progressives, Democrats, socialists, environmentalists, feminists, communists, short, totalitarians of all stripes hate American, hate Israel, hate religion, and hate sovereignty, as these realities stand in the way of their dreams of world domination.
You don't have a clue as to what it means to be an American.
I suppose the socialist left know what America is about? Far from it.
and she's back in tin-foil hat territory.

Okay, for the record, the reason why Israel is an international pariah is because it practices a form of apartheid. It's a colonial state that treats the indigenous people of that region as second class citizens in their own land. Again, not much different from what South Africa used to do, except instead of doing this on the basis of race, they did it on the basis of religion. Much of the world went along with the creation of Israel because they felt bad about what happened during WWII, not because any magic man in the sky ordained anything. Now the world realizes it created a much worse problem than it solved, as Israel's existence radicalizes the Islamic world.

I think it's also a bit disingenous to lump in "environmentalists" with "America haters". It's like a five year old saying "why do you hate me?" when you make him stand in a corner after he says a bad word. Environmentalists have a valid point of view. Human activity is damaging the biosphere. Species are becoming extinct and habitat is being lost. It isn't "hating America" to point out that as the most conspicious consumers of the world's resources, we are at the forefront of the problem.

I do think there are some extremists in that movement, but there also some valid points. Oh, yeah, here in Chicago, it hit the 70s earlier in the week. In December. Nothing to see here.

Israel was not founded by religious Jews idiot. And the species have disappeared and appeared as the climate has changed throughout wonder Illinois is so screwed up:eusa_eh:
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You don't have a clue as to what it means to be an American.

That's right, today in order to be an American you need to be reliant on the government and demand those with more be punished for it.

Poor America, thank the good lord my Granddaddy didn't live long enough to see this "fundamental transformation" from a country of producers to a country of leaches.

Two things I noticed as of late...

1) People consider themselves poor if they dont have what they want. It used to be not having what they need...when a cell phone becomes a "necessity", something is wrong

(I recall being poor when I didnt have a roof over my head. When I was finally able to afford an apartment in someones basement all I had was one bathy towel, one shirt and one pair of sneakers. No phone and no TV. I had enough to eat so I was never hungry. I had a roof over my head, clothes to wear, and food...and I did not consider myself poor)

2) Disibility used to be for those that truly could not work. Now it is for those that have an ailment that makes it uncomfortable to work.
(it used to be "find a way to earn a it seems many look for reasons to not have to work)

Yes...I know...I am generalizing.....but despite advances in medical technology that allows for speedier recoveries, the ranks of those on long term disibility has increased dramatically over the last 50 years.

Your grandaddy would be ashamed if he saw what has happened.

I know one individual who is trying to get disability because he claims he's too fat to work. Seriously, and the useless tit will likely get it.
That's right, today in order to be an American you need to be reliant on the government and demand those with more be punished for it.

Poor America, thank the good lord my Granddaddy didn't live long enough to see this "fundamental transformation" from a country of producers to a country of leaches.

Two things I noticed as of late...

1) People consider themselves poor if they dont have what they want. It used to be not having what they need...when a cell phone becomes a "necessity", something is wrong

(I recall being poor when I didnt have a roof over my head. When I was finally able to afford an apartment in someones basement all I had was one bathy towel, one shirt and one pair of sneakers. No phone and no TV. I had enough to eat so I was never hungry. I had a roof over my head, clothes to wear, and food...and I did not consider myself poor)

2) Disibility used to be for those that truly could not work. Now it is for those that have an ailment that makes it uncomfortable to work.
(it used to be "find a way to earn a it seems many look for reasons to not have to work)

Yes...I know...I am generalizing.....but despite advances in medical technology that allows for speedier recoveries, the ranks of those on long term disibility has increased dramatically over the last 50 years.

Your grandaddy would be ashamed if he saw what has happened.

I know one individual who is trying to get disability because he claims he's too fat to work. Seriously, and the useless tit will likely get it.

On Thanksgiving evening, our local ABC affiliate had a camera crew outside one of the stores that was opening up at midnight. The reporter was asking those at the front of the line how long they had been there. A young thge front of the line said she had been there since the day before...the reporter asked her "dont you work"...and the girl responded ..."I have a bad back and currently on disibility." She asked her what kind of work she does..."I am a receptionist for a mid town lawfirm"

So...she can sit on a concrete sidewalk for 24 hours....but she cant sit in a comfortable chair for 8 hours.

Go figure.
The Isrealites could not even exist as a single nation, yet it is other nations which should be blamed.
Now as far as your far reaching excuse for hate of all things that are not republican, well your just another sophist liar.
Leftists. progressives, Democrats, socialists, environmentalists, feminists, communists, short, totalitarians of all stripes hate American, hate Israel, hate religion, and hate sovereignty, as these realities stand in the way of their dreams of world domination.
You don't have a clue as to what it means to be an American.
I suppose the socialist left know what America is about? Far from it.

Then please expand and tell us what America is alll about.
and she's back in tin-foil hat territory.

Okay, for the record, the reason why Israel is an international pariah is because it practices a form of apartheid. It's a colonial state that treats the indigenous people of that region as second class citizens in their own land. Again, not much different from what South Africa used to do, except instead of doing this on the basis of race, they did it on the basis of religion. Much of the world went along with the creation of Israel because they felt bad about what happened during WWII, not because any magic man in the sky ordained anything. Now the world realizes it created a much worse problem than it solved, as Israel's existence radicalizes the Islamic world.

I think it's also a bit disingenous to lump in "environmentalists" with "America haters". It's like a five year old saying "why do you hate me?" when you make him stand in a corner after he says a bad word. Environmentalists have a valid point of view. Human activity is damaging the biosphere. Species are becoming extinct and habitat is being lost. It isn't "hating America" to point out that as the most conspicious consumers of the world's resources, we are at the forefront of the problem.

I do think there are some extremists in that movement, but there also some valid points. Oh, yeah, here in Chicago, it hit the 70s earlier in the week. In December. Nothing to see here.
If you are talking about the palestinians as the indigenous people, they are not. The migrated to Israel who was kind enough to give them land. Israel has been payed back with violence for years. Idiots need to stop feeling sorry for the satan worshiping palestinians. Israel needs to kick them out of Israel, the jews land.

Wow. Just wow.

Umm, fyi before the influx of jewish immigrants after the turn of the Century the Jewish population was about 3% in Palestine. When they came they did bring much needed capital to the region and that improved the lot for many indigenous Palestinians as many of them flocked to the cities for the jobs.
and she's back in tin-foil hat territory.

Okay, for the record, the reason why Israel is an international pariah is because it practices a form of apartheid. It's a colonial state that treats the indigenous people of that region as second class citizens in their own land. Again, not much different from what South Africa used to do, except instead of doing this on the basis of race, they did it on the basis of religion. Much of the world went along with the creation of Israel because they felt bad about what happened during WWII, not because any magic man in the sky ordained anything. Now the world realizes it created a much worse problem than it solved, as Israel's existence radicalizes the Islamic world.

I think it's also a bit disingenous to lump in "environmentalists" with "America haters". It's like a five year old saying "why do you hate me?" when you make him stand in a corner after he says a bad word. Environmentalists have a valid point of view. Human activity is damaging the biosphere. Species are becoming extinct and habitat is being lost. It isn't "hating America" to point out that as the most conspicious consumers of the world's resources, we are at the forefront of the problem.

I do think there are some extremists in that movement, but there also some valid points. Oh, yeah, here in Chicago, it hit the 70s earlier in the week. In December. Nothing to see here.

"I think it's also a bit disingenous (sic) to lump in "environmentalists" with "America haters".... Environmentalists have a valid point of view."

Well....let's explore that.

1. Is it possible that you don't see the most direct route to global governance is is the claim that the world is threatened if all nations don't give up sovereignty and follow the orders of some single world body?

And that means hating sovereign nations....e.g., America.

2. Do you know the origin of the 'movement'? It was a hate I mentioned in the OP: hate of religion. After all, how to find Utopia here if one is religious. Let me help:

a. One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification. Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding.
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

Watch how perfectly this fits the OP:

b. “In 1867 the German zoologist Ernst Haeckel coined the term 'ecology'
and began to establish it as a scientific discipline dedicated to studying
the interactions between organism and environment. Haeckel believed in nordic racial superiority, strenuously opposed race mixing and enthusiastically supported racial
eugenics. Haeckel contributed to that special variety of German
thought which served as the seed bed for National Socialism. He
became one of Germany's major ideologists for racism, nationalism
and imperialism…he fulminated in antisemitic tones…
played a
key role in the establishment of the Nazi movement.” Eco Fascism / Fascist Ideology : the Green Wing of the Nazi Party and Its Historical Antecedents by Peter Staudenmaier

Get it....just plain ol' boilerplate totalitarianism....

Don't you love it when I teach you something new?
I find it humorous how historically pig-ignorant clowns like the OP always overlook exactly how Israel became Israel in the first place, and then complain when they think Israel is having a hard time of things.

Any Canaanites around to ask about that?

Fucking idiot.
I find it humorous how historically pig-ignorant clowns like the OP always overlook exactly how Israel became Israel in the first place, and then complain when they think Israel is having a hard time of things.

Any Canaanites around to ask about that?

Fucking idiot.

Need I guess how you voted?

Proves the OP, doesn't it.
I judge Israel by the same standards I judge any other country and they fail miserably. They are one of the least free countries in the world and there is little about them that we as a nation should support at the cost of alienating every other nation in the region.
You don't have a clue as to what it means to be an American.

That's right, today in order to be an American you need to be reliant on the government and demand those with more be punished for it.

Poor America, thank the good lord my Granddaddy didn't live long enough to see this "fundamental transformation" from a country of producers to a country of leaches.

Two things I noticed as of late...

1) People consider themselves poor if they dont have what they want. It used to be not having what they need...when a cell phone becomes a "necessity", something is wrong

(I recall being poor when I didnt have a roof over my head. When I was finally able to afford an apartment in someones basement all I had was one bathy towel, one shirt and one pair of sneakers. No phone and no TV. I had enough to eat so I was never hungry. I had a roof over my head, clothes to wear, and food...and I did not consider myself poor)

2) Disibility used to be for those that truly could not work. Now it is for those that have an ailment that makes it uncomfortable to work.
(it used to be "find a way to earn a it seems many look for reasons to not have to work)

Yes...I know...I am generalizing.....but despite advances in medical technology that allows for speedier recoveries, the ranks of those on long term disibility has increased dramatically over the last 50 years.

Your grandaddy would be ashamed if he saw what has happened. your real name Alan Shepard????

1. For a real-world perspective on the American ethic, find the Alan Shepard book, “Scratch Beginnings," in which the author recounts his own social experiment, at age 24, starting out at the lowest rung of the economic ladder. The question: could he conquer poverty in one year at his best efforts?

2. He left his home with nothing but a tarp, sleeping bag, an empty gym bag, the clothes on his back, and $25. The went to Charleston, South Carolina…a city where he had never been before, and where he knew nobody. He didn’t use his college education as a resume, nor any family or other contacts.

3. The first night he finds the Crisis Ministries homeless shelter, and, next morning, begins working odd jobs. Within a few weeks, he gets a regular job with a moving company. He moonlights on weekends to make extra money.

4. He makes friends and contacts, and these help him to find jobs and housing…Within five months, he gets a raise from the moving company to $10/ hour. And another, to $11/hour in less than nine months.

5. Progress was retarded by breaking his foot on the job, yet by three months he was able to move out of the homeless shelter and rent a room in a large house in an upscale part of town. (It was owned by a friend he met while working a second job on weekends.) Then, just a month later, he moved into a two-bedroom duplex with the cousin of one of his co-workers. It was a bit rundown, so the two of them spent a week-end making it like new. (His share was $325 because he took the master bedroom.)

6. After just ten months he was living in his own furnished apartment, with his own car, and he had $5,300 in savings.

a. The book also tells of other low-income people he met, and how they, also, would like a safety net second to their own work,

Scratch Beginnings: Me, $25, and the Search for the American Dream [Paperback]
Adam W. Shepard (Author)

Warning: book not for whiny hand-wringing socialists!
I find it humorous how historically pig-ignorant clowns like the OP always overlook exactly how Israel became Israel in the first place, and then complain when they think Israel is having a hard time of things.

Any Canaanites around to ask about that?

Fucking idiot.

Need I guess how you voted?

Gary Johnson, thanks, but that has nothing to do with your demonstrated historical illiteracy.
Proves the OP, doesn't it.

No, it doesn't. Pity you're too stupid to understand that.
What would you think of the contention that if the US is supporting Israel due to religion, it is against the spirit if not also the law of the US Constitution?

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