Here you go progressives...

Democrats seem to reluctantly support instant checks for their mentally incompetent base to obtain firearms but maybe they aren't aware that mental competency checks would exclude most of the pedophile Hollywood elite who are on record for threatening the President of the United States with simple assault to arson to murder and dismemberment.
Uhhh...... ooookaaayyyy.

This is kind of too easy but --------------------- link?
Imagine if America Ever elected a Fatherless Bastard of a President who’s only mentors were terrorists, Racist Muslims, and Marxists who hated America.

Then imagine how much chaos he could cause in our country and our government by placing like minded people in key positions in government and the judiciary.

You’ve just imagined the Presidency of Barry Sotoro for the past 8 years.
You’ve imagined what America would be when you elect a man with Foreign Ideas that are in direct opposition to everything America is.

You’ve just elected The Muslim Manchurian Candidate Barak Hussein Obama.

America will take a long time rid themselves of the chaos that hateful and evil man caused. He hates America like no other man I can think of.

Doubt me? Watch Obama’s America
2016: Obama's America (2012) - IMDb

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