Here is What Arafat turned Down During Camp David Accords


Apr 22, 2007
Of course the libtards and Muslim hypocrites will say this was a bad deal, but in reality this was a horrendous deal for ISRAEL that is. Spliting Jerusalem, no land swaps and no security assurances for a piece of paper for lying terrorist.

NEVERTHELESS, Arafat turned down this overtly one-sided deal slanted in their favor, simply because he didn't care about the Palestinians he cared only about fattening his own pockets! He is a piece of shit!

Mideast Dispatch Archive: Dennis Ross on the “Camp David myths” of the anti-Israel crowd
1. All of Gaza and a net of 97% of the West Bank were offered at Taba.
Name another time in history when the victors gave up so much!

2. The West Bank area offered was contiguous, not "cantons".

3. The Jordan valley would be under Israeli patrol for only 6 years.

4. The Palestinians were offered a capital in eastern Jerusalem.

7. There would be a "Right of Return" to the nascent Palestinian state.

8. A $30 Billion fund to compensate refugees would be set up.

Taba was rushed due to Clinton's, not Barak's, end of term.

The asshole was given the moon and the stars, his delegation said to take it, but the corrupt grand master terrorist rejected it and started a war the Arab terrorist lost and are still losing!
Members of the PA delegation thought Taba was the best they could hope to get and encouraged Arafat to accept it.

Arafat accepted everything he was given at Taba, but rejected everything he was supposed to give.

Arafat scuttled the Camp David offer. Arafat scuttled the Taba offer. Arafat scuttled the Mitchell plan. Arafat scuttled the Tenet plan. Arafat scuttled the Zinni plan.
And he (they) were offered half of the Old City (the muslim and christian quarters) and the upper half of the Temple Mount (so that the Jews could still worship at the Kotel).

I think he was too afraid that it would be all over, there would be peace, and the Palestinians wouldn't 'need' him anymore.
What concessions was Arafat required to make in return?

NONE !!!! Ask Pro Palestinians whst they did to " negotiste" or what they offered that Israel rejected and there will be no response. .

I remember Arafat rejected it because he was demanding " Right of Return" Ask ANY Pro Palestinian on the board why Israel would " agree" to eventually be annexed to the Palestinian State; there will be no response. :smiliehug:
Well he's dead now----maybe Israel can try the same offer again.

Fuck that offer! It was a bad deal. Here is what they should do.
(1) Annex all the Judea and Samaria Jewish cities. Build the Security Fence around these areas.
(2) Unify all of Jerusalem, but not before expelling the Muslim squatters in the city.
(3) Go to the Arab Settlements and expel all of them to West Bank.
(4) Expel any Palestinian in Israel, even ones with Israel citizenship, if they have every preached, joined groups or acted against the state. Only keep the loyal Arabs. That would probably reduce the Arab population to 300K. Require all Arabs that are left to be conscripts to IDF. If they refuse they get deported.
(5) Declare two new Muslim Countries: Gazastan in the West and the Fatahistan in the East on what is left of the Judea and Samaria.
(6) Build Huge Offensive Missile systems right new to Gazastan and Fatahistan. Move the armies right next to them and prepare for war.
(7) Once either attacks hit them hard with a sledge hammer, like the IDF did with Hezbollah and over time it will quiet to a cold peace like the border with Syria.
Arafat was one of the all time greatest leaders for peace in the entire world. He took the Palestinians from thre toilet to the sewer, got them massacred over & over again by their own Arab brothers, embezzled their money, died of AIDS & left the Palestinians living in ignorance & poverty with no hope for any Palestinian State.
Why can't current day Jews do like the ones in the Old Testament and execute all those in the area not Jewish?
His signature on a piece of paper!

So the offer was made in writing then?

Serious Question: Are you retarded?

Serious answer: No. Last IQ test I took I scored 118.

I've been on several negotiation skills courses in "corporate world" and one of the first things they teach you in any negotiation is, that if the offer is not made in writing, it is not an offer, just "hot air" and therefore Arafat rejected nothing. If the offer was made in writing, can you supply a link to the document in question?
Has anyone ever earned a Nobel Peace Prize more than Arafat for what he had achieved?

Arafat was one of the all time greatest leaders for peace in the entire world. He took the Palestinians from thre toilet to the sewer, got them massacred over & over again by their own Arab brothers, embezzled their money, died of AIDS & left the Palestinians living in ignorance & poverty with no hope for any Palestinian State.
So the offer was made in writing then?

Serious Question: Are you retarded?

Serious answer: No. Last IQ test I took I scored 118.

I've been on several negotiation skills courses in "corporate world" and one of the first things they teach you in any negotiation is, that if the offer is not made in writing, it is not an offer, just "hot air" and therefore Arafat rejected nothing. If the offer was made in writing, can you supply a link to the document in question?

LOL, that is your answer. I am going off the assumption you are retarded!
I cannot agree more with you. As history has proven, you don't gain love & respect with Palestinians by making peace offerings to them, building a security fence & conceding them their own land. However Jordan knew how to deal with their Palestinians during Black September to achieve a lasting peace from them.

Well he's dead now----maybe Israel can try the same offer again.

Fuck that offer! It was a bad deal. Here is what they should do.
(1) Annex all the Judea and Samaria Jewish cities. Build the Security Fence around these areas.
(2) Unify all of Jerusalem, but not before expelling the Muslim squatters in the city.
(3) Go to the Arab Settlements and expel all of them to West Bank.
(4) Expel any Palestinian in Israel, even ones with Israel citizenship, if they have every preached, joined groups or acted against the state. Only keep the loyal Arabs. That would probably reduce the Arab population to 300K. Require all Arabs that are left to be conscripts to IDF. If they refuse they get deported.
(5) Declare two new Muslim Countries: Gazastan in the West and the Fatahistan in the East on what is left of the Judea and Samaria.
(6) Build Huge Offensive Missile systems right new to Gazastan and Fatahistan. Move the armies right next to them and prepare for war.
(7) Once either attacks hit them hard with a sledge hammer, like the IDF did with Hezbollah and over time it will quiet to a cold peace like the border with Syria.

Yes, that is pretty much the same information that I had previously as well. However, I did take a look at this article:

2000 Camp David Summit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and after reading it, if some of the terms concerning "sovereignty" and "custodianship" over some of the areas are as I read them, well, I just don't know.

In my heart of hearts I still think that for Arafat, the fact that the conflict had to be declared over _might_ still have had something to do with it.

Yes, that is pretty much the same information that I had previously as well. However, I did take a look at this article:

2000 Camp David Summit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and after reading it, if some of the terms concerning "sovereignty" and "custodianship" over some of the areas are as I read them, well, I just don't know.

In my heart of hearts I still think that for Arafat, the fact that the conflict had to be declared over _might_ still have had something to do with it.

Well, it had to be an ongoing struggle for the Pals until they had all the land and even now that is what they strive for in talk, songs, education.
Serious Question: Are you retarded?

Serious answer: No. Last IQ test I took I scored 118.

I've been on several negotiation skills courses in "corporate world" and one of the first things they teach you in any negotiation is, that if the offer is not made in writing, it is not an offer, just "hot air" and therefore Arafat rejected nothing. If the offer was made in writing, can you supply a link to the document in question?

LOL, that is your answer. I am going off the assumption you are retarded!

Clearly you have never been involved in high level negotiations. :D

Another factor that Arafat had to consider is, could the Israeli side deliver or be trusted to deliver on their promises?

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