Help- Whats the latest on the San Diego coast missile, er, "airplane" incident?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I'm not much of a conspiracy guy. I accept that the government does keep many secrets, simply for national security reasons to protect it's hand from rival nations, and to prevent mass chaos, which would likely result in worse ends than the secret itself.

That, and I just think government folks are just too stupid to pull off mass conspiracies. Hell, they can't even run the DMV well.

BUT.....I do think something is fishy with that San Diego missile story, or as they said, "airplane". I can't help but notice no real explanation was accepted. Anyone over age 5 can see that it's not an airplane. Commercial planes dont have one large burning exhaust. And if it were a military plane, they'd simply tell us what it was. They sure as hell wouldn't test a secret experimental plane that close to San Diego in broad daylight. And I can't help but notice how Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc, DROPPED that story like a hot potato!!!

I also don't think the fed gov't has control of the media like some believe. They do have a lot of influence, because how does "Hey, Fox News, stop running that story or you'll never get another exclusive interview again and your reporters press seat just got moved to row 17" sound? Yeah, business says stop running it.

I figure it's either a horrible Navy accident that the military doesnt want to be embarrassed by.

Or China somehow got close enough to shoot up a dud, and say "Hey Obama, knock it off, look what we coulda done."

So whats the latest on this thing?
No official news station has carried the story, but I've read EVERYWHERE I try to look for info on this that it was a chinese missile. It was launched from a Submarine. I live right off the coast, I can see the islands the missile was shot from, if it was China, then i'd like my Media to report it. Our defense systems should be able to recognize whether its a plane or missile, its a joke that they 'arent sure'
No, it was run on Fox, MSNBC, CNN. I saw it. It was on for 2-3 days. I am 100% sure Bill O'Reilly ran it, Beck mentioned it for a few minutes, Hannity also. I think it was Olbermann on MSNBC that mentioned it, can't remember. And it was a CNN daytime host that showed it.

But that story disappeared very quick.I think O'Reilly spent the most time on it, he even had a couple guests comment on it.

If it was a bad military mistake, then OK, I can understand not admitting to it.

But if a Chinese sub got that close without being detected, we're screwed.

Or, if that sub did get detected, and did it anyway, and we didn't or couldn't do anything about it, then WTF?

There is also the 3rd possibility, and I'm a firm believer that we're not alone in the universe, that it was extraterrestrial. Thats a possibility.

But Obama was on his Asian tour at the time, and look at a map, his tour surrounded China, kind of symbolic. Could China have sent a message also?
No official news station has carried the story, but I've read EVERYWHERE I try to look for info on this that it was a chinese missile. It was launched from a Submarine. I live right off the coast, I can see the islands the missile was shot from, if it was China, then i'd like my Media to report it. Our defense systems should be able to recognize whether its a plane or missile, its a joke that they 'arent sure'
:lol::lol: You say that "our media" doesn't report it but you believe "your sources" that say it was a Chinese missile. You say it was fired from a submarine and then say you can see the islands it was shot from.:cuckoo::cuckoo::lol::lol:
If it was China than they are treading in dangerous waters. While China is an established "nuclear power" they lack sufficient delivery systems. We owe the Chinese way to much money for them to be flexing their muscles at us.:blowup::blowup::blowup:
Our media definitely reported it, for a day or two, then stopped completely.

Definitely military, either us or China. Probably a story that wont be revealed for 50-100 years due to national security. Oh well.
If it was China than they are treading in dangerous waters. While China is an established "nuclear power" they lack sufficient delivery systems. We owe the Chinese way to much money for them to be flexing their muscles at us.:blowup::blowup::blowup:

I hope it was just a huge fubar by the Navy, and we are just covering it up to avoid the big embarrassment.

It sure as hell wasn't an airplane, b/c all the radars and flight plans would have it, and it would've been easily explained.

The hush hush on it tells the tale that it was something big, but we'll never know haha!
Our media definitely reported it, for a day or two, then stopped completely.

Definitely military, either us or China. Probably a story that wont be revealed for 50-100 years due to national security. Oh well.

I guess I missed those days. And I cant find any posts on official news sites about the missile being from China.

Obamerican said:
you say it was fired from a submarine and then say you can see the islands it was shot from:lol::lol:

Yeah, I live in a place called Santa Barbara. I have anywhere from 4 islands in my view, to 8 if I drive for 30 minutes south. I don't understand your personal attack, and I dont see any motivation for it either....The missile was shot off Santa Barbara Island. I copied and pasted the coordinates of the Longitude and Latitude of the launch when it was posted on CNN the day it happened.

Yeah, still don't get why you posted what you did. Did you assume I cannot see islands from where I live? I also have mountains, Oprah's house, and the beach 1 mile from you wanna talk about those too lol?
Oh, it came from the land, on the island, and not the water? I didn't know that. Could change my thoughts on it.

Very strange whatever it was. Def not a damn airplane though.
Our media definitely reported it, for a day or two, then stopped completely.

Definitely military, either us or China. Probably a story that wont be revealed for 50-100 years due to national security. Oh well.

I guess I missed those days. And I cant find any posts on official news sites about the missile being from China.

Obamerican said:
you say it was fired from a submarine and then say you can see the islands it was shot from:lol::lol:

Yeah, I live in a place called Santa Barbara. I have anywhere from 4 islands in my view, to 8 if I drive for 30 minutes south. I don't understand your personal attack, and I dont see any motivation for it either....The missile was shot off Santa Barbara Island. I copied and pasted the coordinates of the Longitude and Latitude of the launch when it was posted on CNN the day it happened.

Yeah, still don't get why you posted what you did. Did you assume I cannot see islands from where I live? I also have mountains, Oprah's house, and the beach 1 mile from you wanna talk about those too lol?
Sorry. I put laughing smilies to convey sarcasm. My bad.:redface:
Oh, it came from the land, on the island, and not the water? I didn't know that. Could change my thoughts on it.

Very strange whatever it was. Def not a damn airplane though.

Actually, when I typed in the coordinates, it was DIRECTLY on the EAST coast of the island, DIRECTLY on top of the island. BUT! If you zoomed in in google earth you could see that the launch wasnt ON the island, but actually ON THE EXACT coast of the EAST side of the island. Long story short it looked like a sub pulled up on the side of the island, and launched it.
Dam. What a cluster.

And right beside our huge San Diego Navy base. Wonder if China was saying "Hey assholes, we coulda done Pearl Harbor part II, but didn't, know you'll do what we say from here out."
Dam. What a cluster.

And right beside our huge San Diego Navy base. Wonder if China was saying "Hey assholes, we coulda done Pearl Harbor part II, but didn't, know you'll do what we say from here out."

My thinking on it is along your lines. I assume it is a point that was trying to be proven. Whether that it was to prove they could come into our waters undetected and launch a missile, or whether it was to show Obama who's in charge, I have no idea. I just hope its nothing along the lines of "Fuck you america." cuz china is scary :(
I don't think that China really wants to get nuked and lose their ability to sell the world defective tools.:lol::lol:
Militarily, they're a couple decades away from being able to defeat us. But economically, they could hurt us bad right now. However, their economy depends on ours, and vice versa.

I bet they were sending us another message, such as "Leave Iran and North Korea the hell alone, they are our allies".
Militarily, they're a couple decades away from being able to defeat us. But economically, they could hurt us bad right now. However, their economy depends on ours, and vice versa.

I bet they were sending us another message, such as "Leave Iran and North Korea the hell alone, they are our allies".
Anyone who backs North Korea is not deserving of meaningful dialog.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

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