Hello, I'm a Racist, Pleased to Meet You


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Hello, I'm a Racist, Pleased to Meet You

By Selwyn Duke

There is such a thing as a conditioned response. Here's an example: Leftists call conservatives "racists." Conservatives cower and stutter some defense. Leftists call conservatives "racists" some more. Conservatives cower some more. Question: How do you think you break this pattern?

We've seen this again with the recent vitriol spewed by NAACP head Ben Jealous (a fitting last name). Speaking at the NAACP convention in Kansas City, Jealous accused the Tea Party of, take a guess...cue the "Jeopardy!" music..."racism." Just as predictably, many conservatives are running around trying to convince everyone that, by gum, they really are swell guys. No, really. I'm not a racist. I don't beat my wife. I don't kick my dog. I eat my organic vegetables and drive a Prius.

Look, why don't we just save everyone the trouble? Every time a conservative renders an opinion, we can just play a recording with a little weaselly voice screeching, "You're a wacist! You're a wacist!" (Barney Frank-style) followed by a music video featuring The Cowering Conservative -- I mean 1950s-style, duck-and-cover footage, with the tune and all.

And such conservatives abound. Oh, don't get me wrong, conservative brethren, I love ya, man. But frankly, too many of you are saps. You really don't get it. People who advocated welfare reform in the 1990s were accused of being "racist." If you're for border control, you're "racist." If you criticize Obama, you're "racist." If you oppose quotas, you're "racist." If you say that, be it nature or nurture, there are differences among groups, you're "racist." If you want English to be the national language, you're "racist." The word has become meaningless, used only to stifle and stigmatize opposition. And if calling you a heretic worked in that regard, the left would do that. And if calling you a Fig Newton worked, they would do that.

Nevertheless, the ploy prevents sap conservatives from speaking -- and even conceiving of -- certain truths. They won't say that so-called racial profiling is just part of proper profiling, they pay lip service to the relativistic idea that all cultures are morally equal, they refuse to call bigoted blacks such as Obama and Eric Holder out on their bigotry, they tolerate double standards with respect to hate crime-law application and racial jokes, and they let whites persecuted for making innocent comments twist in the wind. They won't speak unfashionable truths for fear of becoming unfashionable people. Well, all I can say is that if the Truth can be "racist," then hello, I'm a "racist." Pleased to meet you.

And this gets at a deeper point. On the "O'Reilly Factor" recently, Bill O'Reilly was discussing the Jealous situation with Professor Marc Lamont Hill. The good professor, in so many words, put forth the leftist definition stating that only whites can be "racist" because being so requires one to have "institutional power." OK, whatever. I accept the definition. Really, I do.

I just reject the word.

What I mean is, I've long warned against using the Lexicon of the Left. "Racism" is a term as stupid as "ageism," only we're inured to it. We forget that "ism" refers to a doctrine, system, or theory. So is the leftist definition really so ridiculous? What's more ridiculous is that we actually use their chosen term. This is why I prefer using what simply refers to attitude -- "bigotry" -- as in Barack Obama is a bigot, Eric Holder is a bigot, and Ben Jealous is a bigot. As for "racism," it was originated by the left. So leave it to them. They can define it. They can whine it. And if they ask me, I'll tell them where they can stick it.

Excellent article, read the rest here...
I am racist and i am not a conservative.

I don't believe in Religion. I don't believe in Family Values. I don't believe in war on drugs. I don't believe in war on terror. I don't believe in age of consent. All this makes conservatives extremely unhappy about me.

Yet at the same time i know that race is more than skin deep. How could this be ?

Oh yeah ... i am a libertarian :)
Nowadays I just flat out call Liberals what they are: Communists. At first they deny it but then pwn themselves by pointing out all the reasons why they think massive government control over everything would be great.

Turn it around on them.
This is funny. I worked a year in the Bronx. Every day, I walked by the field office of Rep. Jose Serrano. Then I moved to Fairfax, Va. One day, I'm in court and before me are a couple of domestic matters. I see a man I vaguely recognize. He stands up, pro se, and speaks on a divorce case. It's his, and he's... Jose Serrano. Of course, he LIVES in Prince William County, duh. I just thought it was a pretty ripe small world moment.

And hard to find two wider-apart places than the Bronx and PW County.
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I am racist and i am not a conservative.

I don't believe in Religion. I don't believe in Family Values. I don't believe in war on drugs. I don't believe in war on terror. I don't believe in age of consent. All this makes conservatives extremely unhappy about me.

Yet at the same time i know that race is more than skin deep. How could this be ?

Oh yeah ... i am a libertarian :)

Nice, you believe in children having sex with grown ups? You sicko.
Leftists call conservatives "racists." Conservatives cower and stutter some defense. Leftists call conservatives "racists" some more. Conservatives cower some more. Question: How do you think you break this pattern?

Why would someone do that? If the left (or whoever) wants to piss and moan and name call? Let them. But the more 'cowering' and 'stuttering' the conservatives (or whoever) do just makes them look like an idiot. Ignore the taunting, they're instigators and the more you feed them the more they will instigate. Do people really not get that actions speak louder than words? Treat people with respect and ignore the gibbersih.
Look, Zoom-boing, if you cannot play nice with the other kids, you're just gonna have to get outta the pool. They're having fun playing "Marco Polo" with bullshit....stop trying to inject an aura of adulthood here.

Thankfully, the "race card" is losing it's power. These days, it's almost more hurtful to the person playing the card than the one having it played on them. It's like "Oh God, not the race card AGAIN??"

So, lefties, please, KEEP playing it. The American public is growing weary of it.
Leftists call conservatives "racists."

This is how it's done.

Start out with a "given" that's basically a lie, and then all logic flowing from that lie can be perfectly logical.

conservatives out themselves as racist like it's gay pride day to come out.
Coming out is going to hurt them in midterms
Leftists call conservatives "racists." Conservatives cower and stutter some defense. Leftists call conservatives "racists" some more. Conservatives cower some more. Question: How do you think you break this pattern?

Why would someone do that? If the left (or whoever) wants to piss and moan and name call? Let them. But the more 'cowering' and 'stuttering' the conservatives (or whoever) do just makes them look like an idiot. Ignore the taunting, they're instigators and the more you feed them the more they will instigate. Do people really not get that actions speak louder than words? Treat people with respect and ignore the gibbersih.

You need to treat people equally.....well maybe treat certain groups better then others...like hispanics...but then that makes me a racist.

I say treat everyone with respect because it is the Politically Correct thing to do......unless they're a white victims in black on white crimes. Then all bets are off. But pointing that out seems a bit racist.
I am racist and i am not a conservative.

I don't believe in Religion. I don't believe in Family Values. I don't believe in war on drugs. I don't believe in war on terror. I don't believe in age of consent. All this makes conservatives extremely unhappy about me.

Yet at the same time i know that race is more than skin deep. How could this be ?

Oh yeah ... i am a libertarian :)

Cool. If I ever run across your 13-year-old daughter and she's decent looking I'll screw her.

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