Hello guys



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Well, my mom told me so. Do you know my mom? She barely ever lies. Plus she has good taste, as is proved by my father's Stalinesque moustache, which is, in itself, very, very handsome. Please let me know if you require more proof than that.
Well, my mom told me so. Do you know my mom? She barely ever lies. Plus she has good taste, as is proved by my father's Stalinesque moustache, which is, in itself, very, very handsome. Please let me know if you require more proof than that.
Spoon pics or GTFO.
Well, my mom told me so. Do you know my mom? She barely ever lies. Plus she has good taste, as is proved by my father's Stalinesque moustache, which is, in itself, very, very handsome. Please let me know if you require more proof than that.

This guy's mother told him too that he was handsome and smart.

Well, my mom told me so. Do you know my mom? She barely ever lies. Plus she has good taste, as is proved by my father's Stalinesque moustache, which is, in itself, very, very handsome. Please let me know if you require more proof than that.

This guy's mother told him too that he was handsome and smart.


How do you know that guy's mother, you sick so-and-so?

Leave that poor retarded gentleman alone. He probably has other talents. I bet he can do a good human beatbox. Not everyone has to be handsome like me or Dirk Benedict or whoever.
10.10.10. Cool date.

And welcome Dr Handsome. If you're that shallow that you have to announce on a forum that you're good looking, I figure you're a tad too shallow for me to bother with. But, welcome anyway.
Why does a handsome guy say hi to the other guys and leave out the pretty girls? Inquiring minds want to know.

Welcome anyway? I am betting however, that you have a face that only a mother could love. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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