Hell just froze over....Chris Mathews....Better 4 more years of Trump than sanders in office...

Yeah, the funny thing is that now there are many on the hardcore Left - Sanders fans - who are calling MSNBC "the establishment". Go figure.

"Progressive" Jimmy Dore has been eviscerating them - from Matthews to Maddow - for years now. My, how things change!

The mainstream median IS the establishment. They are there to protect the ruling class of sycophants running Washington.

Tucker nailed it with his explanation of why the media is turning on Bernie:

I say this and I'm called a far leftist. Fox news says it and?

While this is why Trump was elected, Trump is them.

You say what? You’re a far leftist because you support Marxist ideology.

President Trump was elected to overthrow the establishment, that’s why the MSM hates him so much.

He is the establishment. They tell him to jump and he jumps. Just look at the wars.
Yeah, the funny thing is that now there are many on the hardcore Left - Sanders fans - who are calling MSNBC "the establishment". Go figure.

"Progressive" Jimmy Dore has been eviscerating them - from Matthews to Maddow - for years now. My, how things change!

The mainstream median IS the establishment. They are there to protect the ruling class of sycophants running Washington.

Tucker nailed it with his explanation of why the media is turning on Bernie:

I say this and I'm called a far leftist. Fox news says it and?

While this is why Trump was elected, Trump is them.

You say what? You’re a far leftist because you support Marxist ideology.

President Trump was elected to overthrow the establishment, that’s why the MSM hates him so much.

He is the establishment. They tell him to jump and he jumps. Just look at the wars.

What wars? WTF are you talking about?
President Trump DIDN’T take us to war in Syria, and he was accused of “betraying” our Kurdish allies. He DIDN’T take us to war against Iran even though the media claimed he was reckless and a warmonger.
Mathews has been a never Bernie guy from the start. I personally think he's an idiot.
Well you will just be wasting your vote.

At least I will have a clear conscience.

We do too......but we won't be supporting a man who supported mass murdering communist regimes around the world, who is essentially a fool who made millions working in government, and who believes fantasies about the world and how it works....
You fucking moron, what to you think Russia, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia are if not "mass murdering regimes"?

Does your dumb ass really believe tRump and family aren't making millions off the government?

And don't even get me started on the ridiculous conservitard fantasies about how the world works, "more guns = less violence"..

tRumplings, stupid and hypocritical are their two main growth industries.

moron...sanders supports and protects them......Russia....he fucking honeymooned there and he visited all of their satallite gulags.....El Salvador, Cuba......and he would love to vacation in North Korea...they are living the socialist dream there....you moron...
While in Russia Sanders praised the breadlines.

We have food banks and soup kitchens.

He didn't win in 2016, so right away I know your article is stupid and bias. I will vote for whoever the Democrat nominee is, which the maj of democrats will.
You would vote for someone who is guaranteed to crash the stock market?

Actually tramp and Bernie are a lot alike, the are both socialist but for different social classes,
Tramp likes the rich ones, and Bernie likes the working man and young ones.
No, they arent alike at all. Trump makes the economy boom, Bernie destroys it. Literally polar opposites. Why would you vote for someone who is guaranteed to crash the economy?
Yeah, the funny thing is that now there are many on the hardcore Left - Sanders fans - who are calling MSNBC "the establishment". Go figure.

"Progressive" Jimmy Dore has been eviscerating them - from Matthews to Maddow - for years now. My, how things change!

The mainstream median IS the establishment. They are there to protect the ruling class of sycophants running Washington.

Tucker nailed it with his explanation of why the media is turning on Bernie:

I say this and I'm called a far leftist. Fox news says it and?

While this is why Trump was elected, Trump is them.

You say what? You’re a far leftist because you support Marxist ideology.

President Trump was elected to overthrow the establishment, that’s why the MSM hates him so much.

He is the establishment. They tell him to jump and he jumps. Just look at the wars.

What wars? WTF are you talking about?
President Trump DIDN’T take us to war in Syria, and he was accused of “betraying” our Kurdish allies. He DIDN’T take us to war against Iran even though the media claimed he was reckless and a warmonger.

Nor have any of those wars ended. Obama didn't start the wars with Iraq and Afghanistan either but he is still a failure for not ending them.
Mathews has been a never Bernie guy from the start. I personally think he's an idiot.
Well you will just be wasting your vote.

At least I will have a clear conscience.

We do too......but we won't be supporting a man who supported mass murdering communist regimes around the world, who is essentially a fool who made millions working in government, and who believes fantasies about the world and how it works....
You fucking moron, what to you think Russia, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia are if not "mass murdering regimes"?

Does your dumb ass really believe tRump and family aren't making millions off the government?

And don't even get me started on the ridiculous conservitard fantasies about how the world works, "more guns = less violence"..

tRumplings, stupid and hypocritical are their two main growth industries.

moron...sanders supports and protects them......Russia....he fucking honeymooned there and he visited all of their satallite gulags.....El Salvador, Cuba......and he would love to vacation in North Korea...they are living the socialist dream there....you moron...
While in Russia Sanders praised the breadlines.
How nice for you.
Mathews has been a never Bernie guy from the start. I personally think he's an idiot.
At least I will have a clear conscience.

We do too......but we won't be supporting a man who supported mass murdering communist regimes around the world, who is essentially a fool who made millions working in government, and who believes fantasies about the world and how it works....
You fucking moron, what to you think Russia, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia are if not "mass murdering regimes"?

Does your dumb ass really believe tRump and family aren't making millions off the government?

And don't even get me started on the ridiculous conservitard fantasies about how the world works, "more guns = less violence"..

tRumplings, stupid and hypocritical are their two main growth industries.

moron...sanders supports and protects them......Russia....he fucking honeymooned there and he visited all of their satallite gulags.....El Salvador, Cuba......and he would love to vacation in North Korea...they are living the socialist dream there....you moron...
While in Russia Sanders praised the breadlines.

We have food banks and soup kitchens.
No idiot would praise them.
Mathews has been a never Bernie guy from the start. I personally think he's an idiot.
We do too......but we won't be supporting a man who supported mass murdering communist regimes around the world, who is essentially a fool who made millions working in government, and who believes fantasies about the world and how it works....
You fucking moron, what to you think Russia, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia are if not "mass murdering regimes"?

Does your dumb ass really believe tRump and family aren't making millions off the government?

And don't even get me started on the ridiculous conservitard fantasies about how the world works, "more guns = less violence"..

tRumplings, stupid and hypocritical are their two main growth industries.

moron...sanders supports and protects them......Russia....he fucking honeymooned there and he visited all of their satallite gulags.....El Salvador, Cuba......and he would love to vacation in North Korea...they are living the socialist dream there....you moron...
While in Russia Sanders praised the breadlines.

We have food banks and soup kitchens.
No idiot would praise them.
You conservative types do it all the time.
Mathews has been a never Bernie guy from the start. I personally think he's an idiot.
You fucking moron, what to you think Russia, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia are if not "mass murdering regimes"?

Does your dumb ass really believe tRump and family aren't making millions off the government?

And don't even get me started on the ridiculous conservitard fantasies about how the world works, "more guns = less violence"..

tRumplings, stupid and hypocritical are their two main growth industries.

moron...sanders supports and protects them......Russia....he fucking honeymooned there and he visited all of their satallite gulags.....El Salvador, Cuba......and he would love to vacation in North Korea...they are living the socialist dream there....you moron...
While in Russia Sanders praised the breadlines.

We have food banks and soup kitchens.
No idiot would praise them.
You conservative types do it all the time.
Bernie is a conservative? You coulda fooled me.

He didn't win in 2016, so right away I know your article is stupid and bias. I will vote for whoever the Democrat nominee is, which the maj of democrats will.

Sanders has no chance of winning a National Election, so remember this in November and remember taking a communist is just insane!

Also Trump won the Electoral College which mean he won the election even if you lie about it...
eah, the funny thing is that now there are many on the hardcore Left - Sanders fans - who are calling MSNBC "the establishment". Go figure.

"Progressive" Jimmy Dore has been eviscerating them - from Matthews to Maddow - for years now. My, how things change!

Yawn... just like Hate Radio and the Conservative Media were horrified when FrankenTrump got out of the castle and terrified the village, the Left Wing establishment is horrified that SanderStein is horrifying the countryside.

Getting nervous Joey ? :laugh:
Wow....did you work a long time on that?

Trump is losing money......bernie is making money.....millionaire bernie....he has everything he has because he became a government official....yeah, that is a great way to make a living.....3 houses, millions of dollars and his wife is protected from her destruction of the college she controlled.......typical socialist.........

bernie the millionaire is the classic socialist...rich, at the peoples expense.....living above the people, controlling the people and living like a king....
There were Millionaire's in Communist Russia but that's what you get with an Oligarchy I don't suspect Sanders will look to loose any power of the Oligarchy if he wins

It is really funny....a millionaire with 3 homes.....who calls himself a socialist......

in reality...he is a perfect socialist....making his money from government........living like a king while telling the rubes he is working for them....

and tramp loves the "poorly educated", leave off the educated part.

I imagine the ACA is looking good to you about now. :D
How stupid are you to support democrats and claim someone is uneducated for supporting the best president we have had in the past 40 years
Vacuous dipshits like Pinheadlope have no frontal lobe. You can have a "clear" conscience when you're so vapid and utterly devoid of any thinking capacity at all. Bed wetting parasites like this are the reason sociopaths like Lenin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, Obozo, Hitlary, Mugabee, Chavez, Castro, and the Kim dynasty manage to acquire political power. It's worse than her just being a mindless drone, bereft of a single synapse of thought, she has no soul. She cares nothing about humanity, she just wants the free shit. If 50 million Americans have to be purged and cremated on an industrial level, it makes no difference as long as she gets free medical care.

That is what we are up against.

Diseased pieces of animated shit that not only contribute NOTHING to society, they reduce the quality of life for the rest of us.

I am not joking in the most remote way when I say "people" like her should have been sucked out of the womb and eaten by rats in the dumpster behind Planned Unparenthood. As much as the concept of abortion disgusts me, I will never oppose it until there are no more liberals with functioning reproductive organs.


You should read this as well:

You should read my post again.

Fucking imbecile....


Quit getting your panties (shorts) all twisted and wet with pee.
Free men are armed men subjects are not

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