Heh: Cutter Reverses Self, Repeats Previously-Abandoned '$5 Trillion' Lie


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Heh: Cutter Reverses Self, Repeats Previously-Abandoned '$5 Trillion' Lie
Townhall.com ^ | October 12, 2012 | Guy Benson

Heh: Cutter Reverses Self, Repeats Previously-Abandoned '$5 Trillion' Lie - Guy Benson

Effortless lying just comes easier to some of us, it seems. Here's now-infamous Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter on CNN, earlier this week

Stephanie Cutter on Piers Morgan

MORGAN: "You have already indicated again that you don't really believe it will be a $5 trillion tax cut."

CUTTER: “No. What I have indicated was he has a $5 trillion tax cut.”

Sigh. Let's go to the video tape. Same woman, same network, last week:

Obama Campaign Concedes Their 5 Trillion Attack Is Not True

BURNETT: But when he closes deductions he won’t be anywhere near $5 trillion. That’s our analysis.
CUTTER: Well with, okay, stipulated, it won’t be near $5 trillion, but it’s also not going to be the sum of $5 trillion in the loopholes that he’s going to close.

This was such a seminal moment that the Romney camp highlighted it in a campaign ad -- which also quoted MSM fact-checks of the dishonest stat:

$5 Trillion

The Wall Street Journal has even more today:

Mr. Romney has been saying this for months, and over the weekend Obama campaign spokesman Jen Psaki conceded 80% of the argument. En route to California with reporters aboard Air Force One, Ms. Psaki said that the elimination of enough deductions and loopholes could in fact cover $3.8 trillion. That becomes $4 trillion if you include fewer interest payments on less debt, which means the Obama campaign was saying as of Sunday that the Romney "tax cut" was $1 trillion, not $5 trillion. But soon after Air Force One landed, it became clear that either Mr. Obama hadn't gotten the memo—or didn't like what it said. At a Los Angeles fundraiser, Mr. Obama repeated the bogus claim that his own campaign had just repudiated.

But remember, gang, the Obama campaign takes fact-checking "very, very seriously," according to...Stephanie Cutter.

The lieing is mind blowing....Obama is outright lying to the American people about what happen in Lybia. I don't like it.
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