Hearing on Clinton Emails.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
Hearing in Judicial Watch Lawsuit Set for October 11

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced a federal court ordered a hearing for Thursday, October 11, 2018, on a motion to compel testimony about the email practices of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The order was issued by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.

The development comes in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the clintonemail.com system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was required to submit, under oath, written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails. Judge Sullivan is considering Judicial Watch’s motion to compel answers to these questions.

In her responses sent to Judicial Watch and the court on October 13, 2016, Clinton refused to answer three questions and responded that she “does not recall” 20 times concerning her non-government clintonemail.com email system. She preceded her responses by eight “general objections” and two “objections to definitions.” The words “object” or “objection” appear 84 times throughout the 23-page document submitted to the court and Judicial Watch.

Judge Sullivan will also hear arguments on Judicial Watch’s motion to compel testimony from former State Department Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat John Bentel (who asserted his Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer 87 questions at his deposition) and Judicial Watch’s motion to unseal the audiovisual recordings of all depositions. Judicial Watch took the testimony of key Clinton aides and State Department senior officials, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, but the videotapes of the depositions are currently under seal.

“The Clinton email scandal isn’t going away especially as Mrs. Clinton refuses to answer key questions about her conduct,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch uncovered the Clinton email scandal, and since the DOJ and FBI have dropped the ball, is the last best hope for accountability and justice.”
Oh, come on, poor Mrs. Clinton so badly wanted to answer the questions, but her memory suddenly let her down.

Below is the list of things Clinton could not recall in the FBI interview, as compiled by Lifezette:
§ When she received security clearance

§ Being briefed on how to handle classified material

§ How many times she used her authority to designate items classified

§ Any briefing on how to handle very top-secret “Special Access Program” material

§ How to select a target for a drone strike

§ How the data from her mobile devices was destroyed when she switched devices

§ The number of times her staff was given a secure phone

§ Why she didn’t get a secure Blackberry

§ Receiving any emails she thought should not be on the private system

§ Did not remember giving staff direction to create private email account

§ Getting guidance from state on email policy

§ Who had access to her Blackberry account

§ The process for deleting her emails

§ Ever getting a message that her storage was almost full

§ Anyone besides Huma Abedin being offered an account on the private server

§ Being sent information on state government private emails being hacked

§ Receiving cable on State Dept personnel securing personal email accounts

§ Receiving cable on Bryan Pagliano upgrading her server

§ Using an iPad mini

§ An Oct. 13, 2012, email on Egypt with Clinton pal Sidney Blumenthal

§ Jacob Sullivan using personal email

§ State Department protocol for confirming classified information in media reports

§ Every briefing she received after suffering concussions

§ Being notified of a FOIA request on Dec. 11, 2012

§ Being read out of her clearance

§ Any further access to her private email account from her State Department tenure after switching to her HRC office.com account.

FBI Releases Secretary Clinton Email Investigation Files – Clinton: “I Can’t Remember”, “I Don’t Recall”…

I'm afraid (and I will be happy if I'm mistaken!) while Deep State remains as powerful as it is now, its puppets won't be ever jailed. Just because when they start talking, the thread will surely lead to their Deep State bosses.
It won't matter none. A continuance beyond election day will be issued and all will be forgotten.
It won't matter none. A continuance beyond election day will be issued and all will be forgotten.

Hearing in Judicial Watch Lawsuit Set for October 11

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced a federal court ordered a hearing for Thursday, October 11, 2018, on a motion to compel testimony about the email practices of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The order was issued by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.

The development comes in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the clintonemail.com system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was required to submit, under oath, written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails. Judge Sullivan is considering Judicial Watch’s motion to compel answers to these questions.

In her responses sent to Judicial Watch and the court on October 13, 2016, Clinton refused to answer three questions and responded that she “does not recall” 20 times concerning her non-government clintonemail.com email system. She preceded her responses by eight “general objections” and two “objections to definitions.” The words “object” or “objection” appear 84 times throughout the 23-page document submitted to the court and Judicial Watch.

Judge Sullivan will also hear arguments on Judicial Watch’s motion to compel testimony from former State Department Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat John Bentel (who asserted his Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer 87 questions at his deposition) and Judicial Watch’s motion to unseal the audiovisual recordings of all depositions. Judicial Watch took the testimony of key Clinton aides and State Department senior officials, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, but the videotapes of the depositions are currently under seal.

“The Clinton email scandal isn’t going away especially as Mrs. Clinton refuses to answer key questions about her conduct,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch uncovered the Clinton email scandal, and since the DOJ and FBI have dropped the ball, is the last best hope for accountability and justice.”

Do you know that Comey who accused HRC of using a private e-mail for government business did himself use a private e-mail for FBI business?

This sort of behavior is mindful of what a banana republic will do, go after former officials for wrong doing or corruption with no evidence.

That is a Witch Hunt, and HRC has been the victim of several of these hunts over the years. Poor Donald, he's going to be dragged through the same mud as HRC has several times, with one difference, she has never been indicted, and he will be.
Hearing in Judicial Watch Lawsuit Set for October 11

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced a federal court ordered a hearing for Thursday, October 11, 2018, on a motion to compel testimony about the email practices of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The order was issued by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.

The development comes in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the clintonemail.com system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was required to submit, under oath, written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails. Judge Sullivan is considering Judicial Watch’s motion to compel answers to these questions.

In her responses sent to Judicial Watch and the court on October 13, 2016, Clinton refused to answer three questions and responded that she “does not recall” 20 times concerning her non-government clintonemail.com email system. She preceded her responses by eight “general objections” and two “objections to definitions.” The words “object” or “objection” appear 84 times throughout the 23-page document submitted to the court and Judicial Watch.

Judge Sullivan will also hear arguments on Judicial Watch’s motion to compel testimony from former State Department Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat John Bentel (who asserted his Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer 87 questions at his deposition) and Judicial Watch’s motion to unseal the audiovisual recordings of all depositions. Judicial Watch took the testimony of key Clinton aides and State Department senior officials, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, but the videotapes of the depositions are currently under seal.

“The Clinton email scandal isn’t going away especially as Mrs. Clinton refuses to answer key questions about her conduct,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch uncovered the Clinton email scandal, and since the DOJ and FBI have dropped the ball, is the last best hope for accountability and justice.”

Do you know that Comey who accused HRC of using a private e-mail for government business did himself use a private e-mail for FBI business?

This sort of behavior is mindful of what a banana republic will do, go after former officials for wrong doing or corruption with no evidence.

That is a Witch Hunt, and HRC has been the victim of several of these hunts over the years. Poor Donald, he's going to be dragged through the same mud as HRC has several times, with one difference, she has never been indicted, and he will be.
There's another difference. She will never be President and he is.
Hearing in Judicial Watch Lawsuit Set for October 11

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced a federal court ordered a hearing for Thursday, October 11, 2018, on a motion to compel testimony about the email practices of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The order was issued by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.

The development comes in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the clintonemail.com system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was required to submit, under oath, written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails. Judge Sullivan is considering Judicial Watch’s motion to compel answers to these questions.

In her responses sent to Judicial Watch and the court on October 13, 2016, Clinton refused to answer three questions and responded that she “does not recall” 20 times concerning her non-government clintonemail.com email system. She preceded her responses by eight “general objections” and two “objections to definitions.” The words “object” or “objection” appear 84 times throughout the 23-page document submitted to the court and Judicial Watch.

Judge Sullivan will also hear arguments on Judicial Watch’s motion to compel testimony from former State Department Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat John Bentel (who asserted his Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer 87 questions at his deposition) and Judicial Watch’s motion to unseal the audiovisual recordings of all depositions. Judicial Watch took the testimony of key Clinton aides and State Department senior officials, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, but the videotapes of the depositions are currently under seal.

“The Clinton email scandal isn’t going away especially as Mrs. Clinton refuses to answer key questions about her conduct,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch uncovered the Clinton email scandal, and since the DOJ and FBI have dropped the ball, is the last best hope for accountability and justice.”

Do you know that Comey who accused HRC of using a private e-mail for government business did himself use a private e-mail for FBI business?

This sort of behavior is mindful of what a banana republic will do, go after former officials for wrong doing or corruption with no evidence.

That is a Witch Hunt, and HRC has been the victim of several of these hunts over the years. Poor Donald, he's going to be dragged through the same mud as HRC has several times, with one difference, she has never been indicted, and he will be.
There's another difference. She will never be President and he is.

Trump will never be a leader, for no matter the issue he does the one thing a non leader does, and that is too question how his decision effects him, and not its cost-benefits or cost-deficits.
Hearing in Judicial Watch Lawsuit Set for October 11

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced a federal court ordered a hearing for Thursday, October 11, 2018, on a motion to compel testimony about the email practices of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The order was issued by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.

The development comes in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the clintonemail.com system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was required to submit, under oath, written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails. Judge Sullivan is considering Judicial Watch’s motion to compel answers to these questions.

In her responses sent to Judicial Watch and the court on October 13, 2016, Clinton refused to answer three questions and responded that she “does not recall” 20 times concerning her non-government clintonemail.com email system. She preceded her responses by eight “general objections” and two “objections to definitions.” The words “object” or “objection” appear 84 times throughout the 23-page document submitted to the court and Judicial Watch.

Judge Sullivan will also hear arguments on Judicial Watch’s motion to compel testimony from former State Department Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat John Bentel (who asserted his Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer 87 questions at his deposition) and Judicial Watch’s motion to unseal the audiovisual recordings of all depositions. Judicial Watch took the testimony of key Clinton aides and State Department senior officials, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, but the videotapes of the depositions are currently under seal.

“The Clinton email scandal isn’t going away especially as Mrs. Clinton refuses to answer key questions about her conduct,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch uncovered the Clinton email scandal, and since the DOJ and FBI have dropped the ball, is the last best hope for accountability and justice.”

Do you know that Comey who accused HRC of using a private e-mail for government business did himself use a private e-mail for FBI business?

This sort of behavior is mindful of what a banana republic will do, go after former officials for wrong doing or corruption with no evidence.

That is a Witch Hunt, and HRC has been the victim of several of these hunts over the years. Poor Donald, he's going to be dragged through the same mud as HRC has several times, with one difference, she has never been indicted, and he will be.
There's another difference. She will never be President and he is.

Trump will never be a leader, for no matter the issue he does the one thing a non leader does, and that is too question how his decision effects him, and not its cost-benefits or cost-deficits.
Hillary has never been and will never be POTUS. Obama mic drop.
Hearing in Judicial Watch Lawsuit Set for October 11

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced a federal court ordered a hearing for Thursday, October 11, 2018, on a motion to compel testimony about the email practices of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The order was issued by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.

The development comes in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the clintonemail.com system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was required to submit, under oath, written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails. Judge Sullivan is considering Judicial Watch’s motion to compel answers to these questions.

In her responses sent to Judicial Watch and the court on October 13, 2016, Clinton refused to answer three questions and responded that she “does not recall” 20 times concerning her non-government clintonemail.com email system. She preceded her responses by eight “general objections” and two “objections to definitions.” The words “object” or “objection” appear 84 times throughout the 23-page document submitted to the court and Judicial Watch.

Judge Sullivan will also hear arguments on Judicial Watch’s motion to compel testimony from former State Department Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat John Bentel (who asserted his Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer 87 questions at his deposition) and Judicial Watch’s motion to unseal the audiovisual recordings of all depositions. Judicial Watch took the testimony of key Clinton aides and State Department senior officials, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, but the videotapes of the depositions are currently under seal.

“The Clinton email scandal isn’t going away especially as Mrs. Clinton refuses to answer key questions about her conduct,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch uncovered the Clinton email scandal, and since the DOJ and FBI have dropped the ball, is the last best hope for accountability and justice.”

Do you know that Comey who accused HRC of using a private e-mail for government business did himself use a private e-mail for FBI business?

This sort of behavior is mindful of what a banana republic will do, go after former officials for wrong doing or corruption with no evidence.

That is a Witch Hunt, and HRC has been the victim of several of these hunts over the years. Poor Donald, he's going to be dragged through the same mud as HRC has several times, with one difference, she has never been indicted, and he will be.
There's another difference. She will never be President and he is.

Trump will never be a leader, for no matter the issue he does the one thing a non leader does, and that is too question how his decision effects him, and not its cost-benefits or cost-deficits.

Hillary has never been and will never be POTUS. Obama mic drop.

Have you a JD, a bar card, or served in the US Senate, or as Sect. of State? Do you find pleasure in the misfortune of others? It seems so.
Hearing in Judicial Watch Lawsuit Set for October 11

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced a federal court ordered a hearing for Thursday, October 11, 2018, on a motion to compel testimony about the email practices of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The order was issued by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.

The development comes in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the clintonemail.com system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was required to submit, under oath, written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails. Judge Sullivan is considering Judicial Watch’s motion to compel answers to these questions.

In her responses sent to Judicial Watch and the court on October 13, 2016, Clinton refused to answer three questions and responded that she “does not recall” 20 times concerning her non-government clintonemail.com email system. She preceded her responses by eight “general objections” and two “objections to definitions.” The words “object” or “objection” appear 84 times throughout the 23-page document submitted to the court and Judicial Watch.

Judge Sullivan will also hear arguments on Judicial Watch’s motion to compel testimony from former State Department Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat John Bentel (who asserted his Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer 87 questions at his deposition) and Judicial Watch’s motion to unseal the audiovisual recordings of all depositions. Judicial Watch took the testimony of key Clinton aides and State Department senior officials, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, but the videotapes of the depositions are currently under seal.

“The Clinton email scandal isn’t going away especially as Mrs. Clinton refuses to answer key questions about her conduct,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch uncovered the Clinton email scandal, and since the DOJ and FBI have dropped the ball, is the last best hope for accountability and justice.”

Do you know that Comey who accused HRC of using a private e-mail for government business did himself use a private e-mail for FBI business?

This sort of behavior is mindful of what a banana republic will do, go after former officials for wrong doing or corruption with no evidence.

That is a Witch Hunt, and HRC has been the victim of several of these hunts over the years. Poor Donald, he's going to be dragged through the same mud as HRC has several times, with one difference, she has never been indicted, and he will be.
There's another difference. She will never be President and he is.

Trump will never be a leader, for no matter the issue he does the one thing a non leader does, and that is too question how his decision effects him, and not its cost-benefits or cost-deficits.

Hillary has never been and will never be POTUS. Obama mic drop.

Have you a JD, a bar card, or served in the US Senate, or as Sect. of State? Do you find pleasure in the misfortune of others? It seems so.
I'm down with justice. You?

Foreign actors' accessed Hillary Clinton emails, documents show

“Foreign actors” obtained access to some of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails -- including at least one email classified as “secret” -- according to a new memo from two GOP-led House committees and an internal FBI email.

Fox News obtained the memo prepared by the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, which lays out key interim findings ahead of next week’s hearing with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. The IG, separately, is expected to release his highly anticipated report on the Clinton email case later Thursday.

The House committees, which conducted a joint probe into decisions made by the DOJ in 2016 and 2017, addressed a range of issues in their memo including Clinton's email security.

“Documents provided to the Committees show foreign actors obtained access to some of Mrs. Clinton’s emails -- including at least one email classified 'Secret,'" the memo says, adding that foreign actors also accessed the private accounts of some Clinton staffers.

Hearing in Judicial Watch Lawsuit Set for October 11

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced a federal court ordered a hearing for Thursday, October 11, 2018, on a motion to compel testimony about the email practices of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The order was issued by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.

The development comes in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the clintonemail.com system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was required to submit, under oath, written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails. Judge Sullivan is considering Judicial Watch’s motion to compel answers to these questions.

In her responses sent to Judicial Watch and the court on October 13, 2016, Clinton refused to answer three questions and responded that she “does not recall” 20 times concerning her non-government clintonemail.com email system. She preceded her responses by eight “general objections” and two “objections to definitions.” The words “object” or “objection” appear 84 times throughout the 23-page document submitted to the court and Judicial Watch.

Judge Sullivan will also hear arguments on Judicial Watch’s motion to compel testimony from former State Department Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat John Bentel (who asserted his Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer 87 questions at his deposition) and Judicial Watch’s motion to unseal the audiovisual recordings of all depositions. Judicial Watch took the testimony of key Clinton aides and State Department senior officials, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, but the videotapes of the depositions are currently under seal.

“The Clinton email scandal isn’t going away especially as Mrs. Clinton refuses to answer key questions about her conduct,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch uncovered the Clinton email scandal, and since the DOJ and FBI have dropped the ball, is the last best hope for accountability and justice.”

Do you know that Comey who accused HRC of using a private e-mail for government business did himself use a private e-mail for FBI business?

This sort of behavior is mindful of what a banana republic will do, go after former officials for wrong doing or corruption with no evidence.

That is a Witch Hunt, and HRC has been the victim of several of these hunts over the years. Poor Donald, he's going to be dragged through the same mud as HRC has several times, with one difference, she has never been indicted, and he will be.
There's another difference. She will never be President and he is.

Trump will never be a leader, for no matter the issue he does the one thing a non leader does, and that is too question how his decision effects him, and not its cost-benefits or cost-deficits.

Hillary has never been and will never be POTUS. Obama mic drop.

Have you a JD, a bar card, or served in the US Senate, or as Sect. of State? Do you find pleasure in the misfortune of others? It seems so.

Hearing in Judicial Watch Lawsuit Set for October 11

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced a federal court ordered a hearing for Thursday, October 11, 2018, on a motion to compel testimony about the email practices of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The order was issued by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.

The development comes in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the clintonemail.com system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was required to submit, under oath, written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails. Judge Sullivan is considering Judicial Watch’s motion to compel answers to these questions.

In her responses sent to Judicial Watch and the court on October 13, 2016, Clinton refused to answer three questions and responded that she “does not recall” 20 times concerning her non-government clintonemail.com email system. She preceded her responses by eight “general objections” and two “objections to definitions.” The words “object” or “objection” appear 84 times throughout the 23-page document submitted to the court and Judicial Watch.

Judge Sullivan will also hear arguments on Judicial Watch’s motion to compel testimony from former State Department Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat John Bentel (who asserted his Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer 87 questions at his deposition) and Judicial Watch’s motion to unseal the audiovisual recordings of all depositions. Judicial Watch took the testimony of key Clinton aides and State Department senior officials, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, but the videotapes of the depositions are currently under seal.

“The Clinton email scandal isn’t going away especially as Mrs. Clinton refuses to answer key questions about her conduct,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch uncovered the Clinton email scandal, and since the DOJ and FBI have dropped the ball, is the last best hope for accountability and justice.”

Do you know that Comey who accused HRC of using a private e-mail for government business did himself use a private e-mail for FBI business?

This sort of behavior is mindful of what a banana republic will do, go after former officials for wrong doing or corruption with no evidence.

That is a Witch Hunt, and HRC has been the victim of several of these hunts over the years. Poor Donald, he's going to be dragged through the same mud as HRC has several times, with one difference, she has never been indicted, and he will be.

Oh, come on, poor Mrs. Clinton so badly wanted to answer the questions, but her memory suddenly let her down.

Below is the list of things Clinton could not recall in the FBI interview, as compiled by Lifezette:
§ When she received security clearance

§ Being briefed on how to handle classified material

§ How many times she used her authority to designate items classified

§ Any briefing on how to handle very top-secret “Special Access Program” material

§ How to select a target for a drone strike

§ How the data from her mobile devices was destroyed when she switched devices

§ The number of times her staff was given a secure phone

§ Why she didn’t get a secure Blackberry

§ Receiving any emails she thought should not be on the private system

§ Did not remember giving staff direction to create private email account

§ Getting guidance from state on email policy

§ Who had access to her Blackberry account

§ The process for deleting her emails

§ Ever getting a message that her storage was almost full

§ Anyone besides Huma Abedin being offered an account on the private server

§ Being sent information on state government private emails being hacked

§ Receiving cable on State Dept personnel securing personal email accounts

§ Receiving cable on Bryan Pagliano upgrading her server

§ Using an iPad mini

§ An Oct. 13, 2012, email on Egypt with Clinton pal Sidney Blumenthal

§ Jacob Sullivan using personal email

§ State Department protocol for confirming classified information in media reports

§ Every briefing she received after suffering concussions

§ Being notified of a FOIA request on Dec. 11, 2012

§ Being read out of her clearance

§ Any further access to her private email account from her State Department tenure after switching to her HRC office.com account.

FBI Releases Secretary Clinton Email Investigation Files – Clinton: “I Can’t Remember”, “I Don’t Recall”…

I'm afraid (and I will be happy if I'm mistaken!) while Deep State remains as powerful as it is now, its puppets won't be ever jailed. Just because when they start talking, the thread will surely lead to their Deep State bosses.
Funny how things never change with this woman

Do you know that Comey who accused HRC of using a private e-mail for government business did himself use a private e-mail for FBI business?

This sort of behavior is mindful of what a banana republic will do, go after former officials for wrong doing or corruption with no evidence.

That is a Witch Hunt, and HRC has been the victim of several of these hunts over the years. Poor Donald, he's going to be dragged through the same mud as HRC has several times, with one difference, she has never been indicted, and he will be.
There's another difference. She will never be President and he is.

Trump will never be a leader, for no matter the issue he does the one thing a non leader does, and that is too question how his decision effects him, and not its cost-benefits or cost-deficits.

Hillary has never been and will never be POTUS. Obama mic drop.

Have you a JD, a bar card, or served in the US Senate, or as Sect. of State? Do you find pleasure in the misfortune of others? It seems so.


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