He Had His Chance To Be Our President And Instead He Chose To Be Black


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama's speech yesterday about Trayvan Martin was basically another present vote.

Nothing he said was wrong. It seemed well intentioned. He showed empathy, and he used imagery to relate himself or insert himself into the situation.

The problem I have with it wasn't what he said, but what he didn't say. What he should have said.

Obama should know better than anyone how blacks are. He should know the way they believe in gathering in large groups for protection. Over a hundred years ago the church was where they knew they could gather in safety and not be accused by racist whites of conspiring against their masters, or their plantation owner. This is something they've learned to do. Stick together and you can find protection from oppressors.

Anyone who has had to deal with a large group of blacks knows that they really can't be reasoned with or talked to....IF YOU'RE NOT BLACK. You're not one of them so they don't want to hear anything you have to say. Once they get all riled up they just start passing angry words around and before you know it you have a riot on your hands. This is the way it is.

Obama has the opportunity to be an example. Tell everyone to calm down and don't cause trouble. He did say let the authorities find out what happened, but to a blacks authority is corrupt and racist. They know they're gonna get screwed. Somebody has to tell them to quite raising hell in school or everywhere they are and just wait for the facts to come out. What Obama instead did was try to become one of them, identify with them, and empathize with them instead of tell them what they should do. ......

........and what they should do is stop doing what they always do.......gather in large groups and demand punishment regardless of the facts. Essentially, become a lynch-mob.

So right now Obama's favorability-rating is slightly up and his leadership potential is way down. The only folks Obama is leading in this is blacks, and he's leading them from behind as usual.

There are three different ways people respond to violence.

1. Those who instigate it like Al Sharpton

2. Those who try to stop it, your typical Good Samaritan

3. And those who sit back and do nothing

Obama is sitting back and doing nothing. He was like this with the OWS and he's doing it again. If it's what he wants he simply relates to it while not actually appearing to want it.

He can't bring himself to call for calm. He wants turmoil. He want's race-riots. If and when they erupt he may say something or he may not. However, the right knows that his organization wants an upheaval this Summer. They want demonstrations. What better way to get them than by taking advantage of a real situation.
what a bunch of clap trap.

zimmerman out weighed the teenager by 100lbs and didnt need a gun to save him from a pack of skittles.
what a bunch of clap trap.

zimmerman out weighed the teenager by 100lbs and didnt need a gun to save him from a pack of skittles.

I started this thread to focus on Obama's speech and how little effect it has on what is happening.

I didn't start it to talk about a bunch of gossup.

What is happening right now around this issue is what I'm trying to focus on....not the facts of the case.

In little or no time the facts of the case will be secondary to the turmoil that is brewing out there.

My nephew, who is black, lives in Florida. He just got out of jail because his Brazilian GF made a false claim and accused him of molesting his own son. I'm worried about him. I don't want to have to worry about all of the shit that is about to go down down there.
Time for mudwhistle to be honest; put on his flour sack hood, white cape and burn a cross or two.

Why hide what you are mudwhitle? Are you too scared to admit even to yourself what a bigot your are?
what you posted in the OP is nothing but fucking right wing clap trap and if you dont know that then you are brain dead
Time for mudwhistle to be honest; put on his flour sack hood, white cape and burn a cross or two.

Why hide what you are mudwhitle? Are you too scared to admit even to yourself what a bigot your are?

A bigot is someone who assumes that all people of a race or class or political party are the same and hates them for it.

So what's your excuse????
"Tell everyone to calm down and don't cause trouble"

You get your little panties in a twisty knot when black people gather together dont you?
Here is a clue for you racists in this story.

Black people dont like their children killed because you are full of fear.

The really cool thing about this one is the numbers of people of all color who are pissed about it too.

Only right wing cons are backing the killer
"Tell everyone to calm down and don't cause trouble"

You get your little panties in a twisty knot when black people gather together dont you?

Ask anyone. Ask any black.

Oh, I'm sorry, you don't know any.......any that trust you enough to be totally honest.

I've been living with one for over 35 years. I've been to their funerals and their chicken-fries.

I've been with them but I never will be one of them.
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I see once again the leftist fruit bin has shown up and is spreading their usual load of CRAP in response to the TRUTH in the op, instead of offering ONE TINY BIT of discussion or intelligent rebuttal.

You leftists are and always will be... PART OF THE FUCKING PROBLEM.

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