CDZ Have you noticed...


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
...that the posts in this forum are becoming increasingly antagonistic? It seems that even benign topics are being hijacked by political diatribes and personal insults. I would like to think that this merely reflects poor manners and upbringing, but I am beginning to believe that a majority of posters have not developed the mental capacity to engage in a serious discussion of any kind.

Is this due to drugs, video games or public education?
...that the posts in this forum are becoming increasingly antagonistic? It seems that even benign topics are being hijacked by political diatribes and personal insults. I would like to think that this merely reflects poor manners and upbringing, but I am beginning to believe that a majority of posters have not developed the mental capacity to engage in a serious discussion of any kind.

Is this due to drugs, video games or public education?
Have been involved in many of the type of arguments you describe. I think it comes from a combination of things. One being the fact that there is unanimity on the Internet. The next is the belief that emotion trumps everything, facts or reason. Last is that since the last three years it is completely acceptable to use foul language, hatred and even violence to not only get their point across but to highlight just how far they will go to defend it.
What I find bizarre is how seemingly moderate Ds defend human trafficking on the border. That they are handing Trump the moral high ground doesn't seem to occur to them. Why would anyone in their right mind do that?
...that the posts in this forum are becoming increasingly antagonistic? It seems that even benign topics are being hijacked by political diatribes and personal insults. I would like to think that this merely reflects poor manners and upbringing, but I am beginning to believe that a majority of posters have not developed the mental capacity to engage in a serious discussion of any kind.

Is this due to drugs, video games or public education?
I think it has to do more with the food coloring in the kool ade, that and the large amounts of sugar it takes to make it palatable,,
Too many people are more interested in having a joust than a discussion. It’s too easy to default to insults and personalization. Instead of finding areas of agreement, most of us dig our heels in.
The Leffest in this country are starting to smell blood to advance their agenda to make this country a Socialist shithole.

Because they feel empowered with the their voter ranks being swelled with Illegals and block ghetto minority voting they have become very combative. We use to not have that.
...that the posts in this forum are becoming increasingly antagonistic? It seems that even benign topics are being hijacked by political diatribes and personal insults. I would like to think that this merely reflects poor manners and upbringing, but I am beginning to believe that a majority of posters have not developed the mental capacity to engage in a serious discussion of any kind.

Is this due to drugs, video games or public education?
External factors-I am getting triggered with less and less provocation. If someone swears at me, its war! I like a good deep discussion, but you are right, they get blown up.
When you think of someone that disagrees with you as 'evil' this is what you get. It is asinine but unfortunately politicians are becoming more and more successful at convincing the core of their constituents that the other guy is pure evil.
It's a few (IMO) extreme leftists who seem to have an agenda to denigrate anyone supporting their arch enemy...Trump. As soon as a pro Trumper posts something positive about the economy, etc. They are always met with nasty comments and anti-Trump Democrat talking points and very little actual rebuttal to the facts of the post. I think a lot of these are paid Democrat shills.
When you think of someone that disagrees with you as 'evil' this is what you get. It is asinine but unfortunately politicians are becoming more and more successful at convincing the core of their constituents that the other guy is pure evil.

The only ones doing that here are anti-Trump TDSers.
When you think of someone that disagrees with you as 'evil' this is what you get. It is asinine but unfortunately politicians are becoming more and more successful at convincing the core of their constituents that the other guy is pure evil.

The only ones doing that here are anti-Trump TDSers.
Bull. There are plenty of right wingers here that do the same and call all leftists or democrats evil. To pretend it is a single political party issue is being blind on purpose to the hate coming from the right as well.

Both sides have retreated under this caricature of the opposite side that has nothing to do with reality and they see as utterly reprehensible.
...that the posts in this forum are becoming increasingly antagonistic? It seems that even benign topics are being hijacked by political diatribes and personal insults. I would like to think that this merely reflects poor manners and upbringing, but I am beginning to believe that a majority of posters have not developed the mental capacity to engage in a serious discussion of any kind.

Is this due to drugs, video games or public education?

A literal friggin overflowing basket of socks.
When you think of someone that disagrees with you as 'evil' this is what you get. It is asinine but unfortunately politicians are becoming more and more successful at convincing the core of their constituents that the other guy is pure evil.

The only ones doing that here are anti-Trump TDSers.

Wow, you mean there is going to be yet another cabinet position come open that needs to be filled? We know that every time you say the word TDS, another Demon gets it's horns and is required to do penance as a cabinet member for rump.
When you think of someone that disagrees with you as 'evil' this is what you get. It is asinine but unfortunately politicians are becoming more and more successful at convincing the core of their constituents that the other guy is pure evil.

The only ones doing that here are anti-Trump TDSers.

Trump has definitely raised the bar for trolling, for both sides.
There are plenty of right wingers here that do the same and call all leftists or democrats evil. To pretend it is a single political party issue is being blind on purpose to the hate coming from the right as well.

No one is pretending that the vitriol only comes from the left. But your moral equivalency argument does not wash, either. The hateful words and actions coming from the Left are exponentially greater than those coming coming from the Right. How many people on the right were calling for Obama's assassination or promoting knowingly false sexual allegations against his appointees?
There are plenty of right wingers here that do the same and call all leftists or democrats evil. To pretend it is a single political party issue is being blind on purpose to the hate coming from the right as well.

No one is pretending that the vitriol only comes from the left. But your moral equivalency argument does not wash, either. The hateful words and actions coming from the Left are exponentially greater than those coming coming from the Right. How many people on the right were calling for Obama's assassination or promoting knowingly false sexual allegations against his appointees?
This is a lie.

The hateful bigotry, racism, and misogyny is the sole purview of the right.
Debate is dead and gone. You can affix blame wherever you want. It's dead.

Unfortunate, but accurate. The Age of Reason has been replaced by the Age of Emotion. Most people prefer to choose their own "truth" over facts.

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