Have you ever conjured up the Devil?

The Devil didn't exist until Catholicism did. Now I'm not one to make baseless allegations, and I'm not saying Catholicism IS the Devil, but they didn't get it from us Jews. Seem to have conjured it out of thin air.
The Devil didn't exist until Catholicism did. Now I'm not one to make baseless allegations, and I'm not saying Catholicism IS the Devil, but they didn't get it from us Jews. Seem to have conjured it out of thin air.

You are wrong as usual. While the terms 'Satan' and 'Hell' may have been fairly recently coined, there are other religions which believe in a state of being in an afterlife which is similar to or the same as what Christians call Hell. Even the ancient Egyptians and their cult of Osiris:

Ancient Egypt

With the rise of the cult of Osiris during the Middle Kingdom the "democratization of religion" offered to even his humblest followers the prospect of eternal life, with moral fitness becoming the dominant factor in determining a person's suitability. At death a person faced judgment by a tribunal of forty-two divine judges. If they had led a life in conformance with the precepts of the Goddess Maat, who represented truth and right living, the person was welcomed into the Two Fields. If found guilty the person was thrown to a "devourer" and would be condemned to the lake of fire.[10] The person taken by the devourer is subject first to terrifying punishment and then annihilated. These depictions of punishment may have influenced medieval perceptions of the inferno in hell via early Christian and Coptic texts.[11] Purification for those considered justified appears in the descriptions of "Flame Island", where humans experience the triumph over evil and rebirth. For the damned complete destruction into a state of non-being awaits but there is no suggestion of eternal torture; the weighing of the heart in Egyptian Mythology can lead to annihilation.[12][13] The Tale of Khaemwese describes the torment of a rich man, who lacked charity, when he dies and compares it to the blessed state of a poor man who has also died.[14] Divine pardon at judgement always remained a central concern for the Ancient Egyptians.[15]

Modern understanding of Egyptian notions of hell relies on six ancient texts:[16]
1.The Book of Two Ways (Book of the Ways of Rosetau)
2.The Book of Amduat (Book of the Hidden Room, Book of That Which Is in the Underworld)
3.The Book of Gates
4.The Book of the Dead (Book of Going Forth by Day)
5.The Book of the Earth
6.The Book of Caverns

Hell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is a really good documentary on H2, I believe about Hell. It is pretty interesting and shows that people have believed in an afterlife which could entail Hell for about as long as there have been people on earth.

I do not argue whether those states of being in an afterlife are an invention of man or not. However, if they are, then they certainly bespeak an innate human desire for justice.
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Fuck. I clicked on the last page and saw masquerade at the top and got all excited.:doubt:
Now back to the other. There is a draw for true from evil to wish so many to follow. When I was getting into Crowley, I could feel the power and the draw.

And there was a radiance around us that attracted others. Now looking back, what horror but that was what was foisted on us at the time. Truly strange times.

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