Have you changed the way you spend your money ....

ok, gimme the skinny on the Laundry detergent!

Okay, 1 bar of Fels Naptha Soap <you can find it at Winco in the laundry aisle, not all grocery stores carry it> 1 cup of Armour Hammer Washing Soda <not baking soda>

grate the soap, put it and the washing soda into a big pan and fill with water, cook over stove until the soap disolves. Mix with cool water to make 2.5 gals. It kind of looks like snot..but it works. Remember to pre-treat.

If you want to add some umph, you can put in some Borax, I've found it works find without it.
I do hope you don't spend that much time changing yours, poor dear.

Matty, I've been ignoring you for a week now. I think I'll just continue to do that. With the amount of reps you have acquired, I can see I'm not the only one. Condesention is not funny.

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