Have You Been Watching The Vietnam War Documentary on PBS?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
If so, what do you think about it?

If not, why not?

Last week I traveled to Florida on business, and happened to come across not one, but two veterans that mentioned it and told me that it's accurate and that it was worse than it actually was.

Another Vietnam veteran at my church this weekend shared the same sentiments.

What are your thoughts?
I watched it next to a box of tissues which was almost gone by the time it was over. It was excruciating and informative but I wondered about the authenticity of it all and so contacted a friend in another state who served for 30 years as a colonel and a helicopter pilot which was shot down during the Vietnam War and his pilot did not survive but he did with many future operations to come.

My friend, the colonel, said he had watched Ken Burns documentary and it was excellent and completely accurate.
So no one is watching or has watched it on USMB huh?


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