Have the victors of WWII become what they fought a war over?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Nazi Germany invaded its neighbors and went to war with those that resisted. In response, the UK, USA, and others went to war to fight back. Germany of course lost, and the US and allies won. But now it seems the US and other WWII victor-nations are doing the exact same thing invading and warring with smaller countries in the middle east.

Have we become exactly what we fought WWII over? Would we better off if we'd lost WWII? Germany, Japan, Italy are all doing great and none is warring with anyone else. Whereas those that won WWII are.
and here, I hadn't even realized we were in the business of exterminating an entire ethnicity in very systematic fashion.

The things you learn from the internet these days!
Nazi Germany invaded its neighbors and went to war with those that resisted. In response, the UK, USA, and others went to war to fight back. Germany of course lost, and the US and allies won. But now it seems the US and other WWII victor-nations are doing the exact same thing invading and warring with smaller countries in the middle east.

Have we become exactly what we fought WWII over? Would we better off if we'd lost WWII? Germany, Japan, Italy are all doing great and none is warring with anyone else. Whereas those that won WWII are.

No- as someone else put- stupid premise- you are either trolling or totally ignorant about the history of WW2
Nazi Germany invaded its neighbors and went to war with those that resisted. In response, the UK, USA, and others went to war to fight back. Germany of course lost, and the US and allies won. But now it seems the US and other WWII victor-nations are doing the exact same thing invading and warring with smaller countries in the middle east.

Have we become exactly what we fought WWII over? Would we better off if we'd lost WWII? Germany, Japan, Italy are all doing great and none is warring with anyone else. Whereas those that won WWII are.

No- as someone else put- stupid premise- you are either trolling or totally ignorant about the history of WW2

Oh ya? Well you eat the grisle and fat but not the meat. But don't ask to prove it, I'll simply make the assertion...
and here, I hadn't even realized we were in the business of exterminating an entire ethnicity in very systematic fashion.

The things you learn from the internet these days!

The Germans rounded up, imprisoned, and murdered some 11 million people. The result? Invasion, war, and eventual defeat. Learning fromt his the US has murdered hundreds of thousands through sanctions in Iraq including women and children by the most conservative estimates without the hassle of going to war. The result, few but those who care even know about it. What will theButcher's Bill be in 10 years? When will what we're doing to the arab and Muslim world surpass what the Germans did?

Isn't claimed ignorance of our sins and evil exactly what the average German claimed about the Holocaust? They didn't know it was happening.
and here, I hadn't even realized we were in the business of exterminating an entire ethnicity in very systematic fashion.

The things you learn from the internet these days!

The Germans rounded up, imprisoned, and murdered some 11 million people. The result? Invasion, war, and eventual defeat. Learning fromt his the US has murdered hundreds of thousands through sanctions in Iraq including women and children by the most conservative estimates without the hassle of going to war. The result, few but those who care even know about it. What will theButcher's Bill be in 10 years? When will what we're doing to the arab and Muslim world surpass what the Germans did?

Isn't claimed ignorance of our sins and evil exactly what the average German claimed about the Holocaust? They didn't know it was happening.

Learning fromt his the US

Bzzztttt......sorry, your stupidity has caused the judges to disqualify you.
Feel free to come back, if you ever extricate your head from your ass.
and here, I hadn't even realized we were in the business of exterminating an entire ethnicity in very systematic fashion.

The things you learn from the internet these days!

The Germans rounded up, imprisoned, and murdered some 11 million people. The result? Invasion, war, and eventual defeat. Learning fromt his the US has murdered hundreds of thousands through sanctions in Iraq including women and children by the most conservative estimates without the hassle of going to war. The result, few but those who care even know about it. What will theButcher's Bill be in 10 years? When will what we're doing to the arab and Muslim world surpass what the Germans did?

Isn't claimed ignorance of our sins and evil exactly what the average German claimed about the Holocaust? They didn't know it was happening.

Learning fromt his the US

Bzzztttt......sorry, your stupidity has caused the judges to disqualify you.
Feel free to come back, if you ever extricate your head from your ass.

Feel free to attempt countering my positions instead of only ever confirming that futility hurling insults. When we can't counter we try making it personal. But it almost never works.
and here, I hadn't even realized we were in the business of exterminating an entire ethnicity in very systematic fashion.

The things you learn from the internet these days!

The Germans rounded up, imprisoned, and murdered some 11 million people. The result? Invasion, war, and eventual defeat. Learning fromt his the US has murdered hundreds of thousands through sanctions in Iraq including women and children by the most conservative estimates without the hassle of going to war. The result, few but those who care even know about it. What will theButcher's Bill be in 10 years? When will what we're doing to the arab and Muslim world surpass what the Germans did?

Isn't claimed ignorance of our sins and evil exactly what the average German claimed about the Holocaust? They didn't know it was happening.

Learning fromt his the US

Bzzztttt......sorry, your stupidity has caused the judges to disqualify you.
Feel free to come back, if you ever extricate your head from your ass.

Feel free to attempt countering my positions instead of only ever confirming that futility hurling insults. When we can't counter we try making it personal. But it almost never works.

Your "positions" are idiotic.
Nazi Germany invaded its neighbors and went to war with those that resisted. In response, the UK, USA, and others went to war to fight back. Germany of course lost, and the US and allies won. But now it seems the US and other WWII victor-nations are doing the exact same thing invading and warring with smaller countries in the middle east.

Have we become exactly what we fought WWII over? Would we better off if we'd lost WWII? Germany, Japan, Italy are all doing great and none is warring with anyone else. Whereas those that won WWII are.
You act like we wanted to have anything to do with that toilet.

Remember, pay attention........911 happened first. Islamists have been attacking us since the 70s.
and here, I hadn't even realized we were in the business of exterminating an entire ethnicity in very systematic fashion.

The things you learn from the internet these days!

The Germans rounded up, imprisoned, and murdered some 11 million people. The result? Invasion, war, and eventual defeat. Learning fromt his the US has murdered hundreds of thousands through sanctions in Iraq including women and children by the most conservative estimates without the hassle of going to war. The result, few but those who care even know about it. What will theButcher's Bill be in 10 years? When will what we're doing to the arab and Muslim world surpass what the Germans did?

Isn't claimed ignorance of our sins and evil exactly what the average German claimed about the Holocaust? They didn't know it was happening.

Learning fromt his the US

Bzzztttt......sorry, your stupidity has caused the judges to disqualify you.
Feel free to come back, if you ever extricate your head from your ass.

Feel free to attempt countering my positions instead of only ever confirming that futility hurling insults. When we can't counter we try making it personal. But it almost never works.

Your "positions" are idiotic.

Whatever. Next poor sucker wishing to confirm to the internet how hapless they are.
Nazi Germany invaded its neighbors and went to war with those that resisted. In response, the UK, USA, and others went to war to fight back. Germany of course lost, and the US and allies won. But now it seems the US and other WWII victor-nations are doing the exact same thing invading and warring with smaller countries in the middle east.

Have we become exactly what we fought WWII over? Would we better off if we'd lost WWII? Germany, Japan, Italy are all doing great and none is warring with anyone else. Whereas those that won WWII are.
You act like we wanted to have anything to do with that toilet.

Remember, pay attention........911 happened first. Islamists have been attacking us since the 70s.

9/11 didn't happen first until we say our involvement with the middle easy began then. It's like saying the Bible's true and the world's only 6000 years old because history only begins from that point onwards. Our involvement in the middle east began a long time before 9/11, and the reason they're pissed with us and not some tiny Pacific island nation is we've been over there manipulating things for some time now. They didn't close their eyes and throw a dart at a world map to decide who to attack.
Feel free to attempt countering my positions instead of only ever confirming that futility hurling insults. When we can't counter we try making it personal. But it almost never works.

You don't have an actual position. You are simply throwing shit in every possible direction in order to make dishonest comparisons between two things that are not even remotely similar.

Why should anybody really need to detail their opposition to what amounts as nothing more than a hyperbolic tantrum by a political toddler?
and here, I hadn't even realized we were in the business of exterminating an entire ethnicity in very systematic fashion.

The things you learn from the internet these days!

The Germans rounded up, imprisoned, and murdered some 11 million people. The result? Invasion, war, and eventual defeat. Learning fromt his the US has murdered hundreds of thousands through sanctions in Iraq including women and children by the most conservative estimates without the hassle of going to war. The result, few but those who care even know about it. What will theButcher's Bill be in 10 years? When will what we're doing to the arab and Muslim world surpass what the Germans did?

Isn't claimed ignorance of our sins and evil exactly what the average German claimed about the Holocaust? They didn't know it was happening.

Learning fromt his the US

Bzzztttt......sorry, your stupidity has caused the judges to disqualify you.
Feel free to come back, if you ever extricate your head from your ass.

Feel free to attempt countering my positions instead of only ever confirming that futility hurling insults. When we can't counter we try making it personal. But it almost never works.

Your "positions" are idiotic.

Whatever. Next poor sucker wishing to confirm to the internet how hapless they are.

Next poor sucker wishing to confirm to the internet how hapless they are.

But enough about you, idjit.
Nazi Germany invaded its neighbors and went to war with those that resisted. In response, the UK, USA, and others went to war to fight back. Germany of course lost, and the US and allies won. But now it seems the US and other WWII victor-nations are doing the exact same thing invading and warring with smaller countries in the middle east.

Have we become exactly what we fought WWII over? Would we better off if we'd lost WWII? Germany, Japan, Italy are all doing great and none is warring with anyone else. Whereas those that won WWII are.
You act like we wanted to have anything to do with that toilet.

Remember, pay attention........911 happened first. Islamists have been attacking us since the 70s.

9/11 didn't happen first until we say our involvement with the middle easy began then. It's like saying the Bible's true and the world's only 6000 years old because history only begins from that point onwards. Our involvement in the middle east began a long time before 9/11, and the reason they're pissed with us and not some tiny Pacific island nation is we've been over there manipulating things for some time now. They didn't close their eyes and throw a dart at a world map to decide who to attack.
Muslims are attacking us because one of the only Democratic allies we have in the ME is Israel.
Now they attack us because we're the big fish they want to take down. They never do it straight up. They attack us at our weak points and through politics. Currently through the UN.

I think you need to focus on something you really have some expertise in.
Nazi Germany invaded its neighbors and went to war with those that resisted. In response, the UK, USA, and others went to war to fight back. Germany of course lost, and the US and allies won. But now it seems the US and other WWII victor-nations are doing the exact same thing invading and warring with smaller countries in the middle east.

Have we become exactly what we fought WWII over? Would we better off if we'd lost WWII? Germany, Japan, Italy are all doing great and none is warring with anyone else. Whereas those that won WWII are.
You act like we wanted to have anything to do with that toilet.

Remember, pay attention........911 happened first. Islamists have been attacking us since the 70s.

9/11 didn't happen first until we say our involvement with the middle easy began then. It's like saying the Bible's true and the world's only 6000 years old because history only begins from that point onwards. Our involvement in the middle east began a long time before 9/11, and the reason they're pissed with us and not some tiny Pacific island nation is we've been over there manipulating things for some time now. They didn't close their eyes and throw a dart at a world map to decide who to attack.
Muslims are attacking us because one of the only Democratic allies we have in the ME is Israel.
Now they attack us because we're the big fish they want to take down. They never do it straight up. They attack us at our weak points and through politics. Currently through the UN.

I think you need to focus on something you really have some expertise in.

Ya, as a Jew I have no experience with Islam or middle east affairs. :)

We prop up their leaders who in turn treat their citizens like crap. We oppress them through proxies. Then we act all surprised they're anti-American. Maybe they're anti-American because being anti-KSA royal family is suicidal, but dissing us is PC there? Hey there's a thought.
Muslims are attacking us because one of the only allies we have in the ME is Israel.
Now they attack us because we're the big fish they want to take down. They never do it straight up. They attack us at our weak points and through politics. Currently through the UN.

I think you need to focus on something you really have some expertise in.

It tends to bother people when D4A focuses on that particular subject that most interests him.

That aside, I would say that his drivel is only one more attempt at conforming to the simple-minded paradigm much embraced by the non liberal portion of the left called "blowback".

Have you ever read Bin Laden's letters to America? If not, he details within them all the hackneyed laundry lists of grievances that assail western civilization, assail us for supporting Jews against the aggression of Islamists, and offers all the "blowback" rationalizations. Interestingly enough, prominent members of the extreme left like Noam Chomsky agreed, and so simply took all the various themes, dressed them up in florid language to appeal to lefties, and ignored all language about opposing our entire civilization in order to cherrypick the blowback justifications. Much of the left, in turn, has now embraced this rationalization, as the mindless drones now treat it as gospel. D4A may be doing so in an especially clumsy fashion, but he, like most other lock step leftists, has no freaking clue where the originating ideas arose in the first place.

We are hated for who we are. Since we are hated for who we are, then everything we do is wrong. Now, we often do, indeed, indulge in some actions that are wrong (some of the stuff at Gitmo and whathaveyou) ., but this is magnified and treated as the cause rather than the opposition to our way of life being the cause. The truth of the matter is that we can't do anything RIGHT, and so in the long run, what we actually do makes little difference.

The right can produce Jingoists -- "America, love it or leave it", "Kill em all and let God sort it out". The left can produce these reverse jingoists "They wouldn't hate us if we weren't always wrong". Neither has much inclination towards wanting to understand much of anything at all. THeir world is too simple to allow for anything but their narrow little box.

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